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The Fourth Round of the Spiral of Development and Rapid Sleep with Elements of Absurdity and Paradox, the 7th Component of the Tree of Life, Gathering and Awakening. Novaya Zemlya (New Earth)

As far as I understand, on the fourth round of development, all the previous three turns are lived in accelerated mode with a lot of tips that attract attention, as in the REM sleep phase14. In 2014, in Sochi, Russia, at the closing ceremony of the XXII15 Winter Olympic Games, the "Olympic Waltz" was played with the words: "Goodbye, Winter Dream".

It looked like a hint that the current world is moving into the REM sleep phase, a time of absurdity and paradoxes of the seventh component of the structure of the Tree of the "Body, Mind" stage. A quick dream with bright, often ridiculous events-hints for the realization of the past and awakening.

Probably, the awakening is connected with the next stage of "Soul, Spirit" and a new Tree of Life, shown in the form of the Baiterek monument in Kazakhstan, leading to a new land under a new sky. It is impossible not to notice that Baiterek uses a hyperboloid Shukhov construction.

"And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea." (Revelation 21:1)

"On that day, the earth will be replaced by another, as well as the heavens, and they will appear before Allah, the Only One, the Mighty." (Surah 14 Ibrahim (Abraham), verse 48)

The preparation of new earth was carried out in the Soviet Union on the Novaya Zemlya (New Eath) archipelago of the Arkhangelsk region of Russia, where the world's most powerful thermonuclear "Tsar Bomb" was detonated. The archipelago is divided into two parts. They probably correspond to two transitions associated with the Christian (see in the second part about the "Christian Cross") and Muslim religions.

Postmitochondrial. From Nuclear Pseudogenes to Nuclear Genes

About the Shukhov-Bari tandem on the page about Shukhov in the Russian version of Wikipedia: "V. G. Shukhov worked in the Bari firm until 1915, for almost 40 years, and recalled: 'They say that Bari exploited me. That's right. But I also exploited him, forcing him to fulfill even my wildest assumptions.'"

Currently, there are hyperboloid towers of the Shukhov design in different cities of the world. They are wind-resistant, the structural elements are easy to manufacture and economical. Construction does not require labor-intensive technologies. And, importantly, the height of the tower can be increased. We can say that the "found solution" (nuclear pseudogenes) of the postmitochondria has passed to nuclear genes.

Scientists came to the conclusion that, in the process of evolution, mitochondrial genes were gradually transferred to the cell nucleus. The genome of the human nucleus now amounts to more than 3 billion nucleotide pairs. That is, a huge amount of joint work has been done, and a huge number of options have already been found that can diversify life16. This bank of many ready-made solutions, assembled in the form of double helical strands of DNA forming 23 chromosomes17 of variants of individual parameters and motor pattern, was created by joint efforts.

Mitochondria and Titan-Swans, Transport RNAs. Non-Dividing Cells and Protomitochondria from Postmitochondria

The mitochondrial genome contains 2 genes of ribosomal RNA (rRNA) to create a small translation apparatus of RNA and proteins, 22 genes of transport RNA (tRNA, "swans") and 13 genes of redox proteins of the respiratory chain of the cell (electron transport chain – ETC). The DNA of the cell nucleus encodes a more powerful translation apparatus, 32 transport RNAs18, other varieties of RNA and significantly more proteins. The mitochondria synthesizes only part of the proteins that it needs, and the rest is provided by the cell19.

Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) can independently divide by replication, forming two identical copies. Mammalian mitochondria usually contain from two to ten identical copies of circular DNA molecules. In addition, the mitochondria as a whole, if necessary, divides by replication within the cell. It can fuse with other mitochondria. Mitochondria also divide with the cell when it doubles.

Scientists have not yet found out exactly how, but the mitochondrial genome under certain conditions enters the cytoplasm of the cell, adapting to the new environment.

The matrix (Latin "matrix" from "mater" – "basis", literally – "mother", pink substance, gel-like "mother" medium) inside the mitochondria is denser and more elastic than the cytoplasm of the cell, also called the matrix. From the cytoplasm, mtDNA genes are already moving into the nucleus, getting a chance, passing through a dead loop, to go to the "Kingdom of Heaven"20.

The video clip for the song "Love of Tired Swans" (Composed by I. Krutoy, Lyrics by M. Gutseriev) performed by Kazakh singer, multi-instrumentalist and composer Dimash Kudaibergenov showed a destroyed old image and a cage with swans on the lower ground to create a new image.

One of the swans, apparently created on the basis of mtDNA genes, finds its mate. In the second part of the book, we will also talk about a long tRNA and swans from the perspective of a Christian cross with a "dead loop" (Ankh among the gods of Ancient Egypt).

The mitochondria embedded in the cell nucleus was named NUMT ("nuclear mitochondrial DNA" – "new nuclear mitochondrial DNA", "new power", "nuclear copies of mitochondrial genes" – "nuclear copies of mitochondrial genes", also called nuclear pseudogenes).

According to the information on the NUMT page in the English version of Wikipedia, NUMT is inserted into nuclear DNA using double-stranded break repair processes. As far as can be judged, after the transfer of all NUMT genes, a project is being prepared to create the basis for a new world and rebirth.

Mitochondria form huge networks inside cells, and they have a complex life path. The number of mitochondria in a cell can vary greatly depending on the organism, tissue, and cell type.

A mature red blood cell, an erythrocyte, does not have mitochondria, whereas there may be more than 2000 of them in a liver cell (see about the liver as a receptacle of Ka21 – double on the lower earth created by the god Khnum ("Divine Potter", "Lord of created things from himself", "Father of Fathers", about him and Ka more in the second part of the book).

Mitochondria are constantly in cycles of division and fusion. Inside the cell, their number may vary at different time periods. Mitochondria can divide and separate the "black sheep" for removal – mitocytosis. Networks of these small organelles control both their own life and the life of the whole organism.

For example, mitochondria in the hypothalamus function as a nutrient sensor. Based on their dynamics, there is either an increase in the activity of neuronal cells with these mitochondria, or a decrease. And as a result , the hypothalamus as a whole awakens or does not awaken a feeling of hunger in the body22.

Mitochondria do not sit in the same place in the cell all their lives, moving along the tubulin microtubules with the help of kinesin and dynein proteins. Some other organelles (cell components), for example, endosomes, are also capable of this.

An example of intracellular mitochondrial movement is along an axon inside a nerve cell. Mitochondria are initially contained only in the soma of the cell, near the nucleus, but many energy-consuming processes in the neuron occur precisely in the synapse, where the release and capture of mediators occurs. Therefore, mitochondria from the soma are forced to travel through microtubules to the synapse23.

But, moreover, mitochondria can move from cell to cell like spaceships-strangers traveling through the universe of the organism. They pass through nanotubes, through intercellular contacts or in extracellular vesicles.

There is an experience of using this property of mitochondria during heart surgery of a newborn child with a heart muscle defect. Doctors injected a suspension of mitochondria from a healthy muscle into the affected area. Healthy mitochondria restored the function of the baby 's damaged heart muscle24.

On the page about mitochondria in Wikipedia (Russian version): "In specialized (non-dividing) cells, mitochondria usually do not divide. Renewal of the mitochondrial pool in this case occurs by maturation of mitochondria from protomitochondria having an initial diameter of 0.1-0.2 microns. Where protomitochondria come from is unknown, but it is assumed that the seed for them is the DNA of postmitochondria released into the cytoplasm."

It is also worth mentioning that mitochondrial DNA is inherited almost exclusively through the maternal line. Despite this, they may be different due to permanent mutations that are also inherited. But each mitochondria has several sections of nucleotides in DNA that are identical in all mitochondria (there are many copies of mitochondrial DNA in the cell), which is very important for cases when mtDNA cannot be restored from damage25. Mutations in mitochondrial DNA are the cause of a number of hereditary human diseases.

Since all mitochondrial DNA is inherited as a single unit, or haplotype, the relationship between the mitochondrial DNA of different people can be represented in the form of a genetic mtDNA tree on the maternal side.

Autogenic Hypothesis of the Creation of Mitochondria

Autogenic hypothesis: Mitochondria were born by splitting off a portion of DNA from the nucleus of the eukaryotic cell at the time of divergence with the prokaryotes; this DNA portion would have been enclosed by membranes, which could not be crossed by proteins.

Scientists are more inclined to accept the endosymbiotic hypothesis, but probably both versions are correct. The first is for "silver" variants that "fade" and need to be reborn into "gold", the second is for "gold" ones that are reborn (in protomitochondria?).

The mitochondria is a spherical or ellipsoid organelle (cell component), the size of which can be different – from 0.75 to 3 microns. Mitochondria use aerobic respiration, carrying out the oxidation of organic compounds and producing adenosine triphosphate (ATP)26, which is used as a universal source of chemical energy in the cells of all organs of the body and brain, the "universal currency" of the body.

Because of this, the mitochondria is known as the "powerhouse of the cell." Violation of this important function of the mitochondria leads to a huge number of diseases of the body, primarily to pathologies of the brain, heart, and kidneys.

Apparently, the motto "Future Energy" of the EXPO 2017 exhibition held in Kazakhstan had to do with the type of autogenic mitochondria of the new stage "Soul, Spirit", capable of generating the energy of life. The new Tree of Life of the next stage "Soul, Spirit" presented in Kazakhstan belongs to the golden variant.

It was repeatedly emphasized by the song "Golden" (Composed and Lyrics by A. Wrethov, M. Videsater, D. Streaf) performed by the Kazakh singer, multi-instrumentalist and composer Dimash Kudaibergen, reborn in a new image of the winner of silver projects, who received the right to separate from the main core to create a new golden world from which a new one can be deployed the metaverse, and where eternity is transferred with the new possibilities laid down (like a fork of bitcoin).

And someone will remain in the Matrix of the cycle of renewal and reproduction of the old golden variant, and someone will move to the new golden world. It was shown in the video clip for the song "Requiem. The Story of One Sky" (Composed by D. Kudaibergen, Lyrics by L. Vinogradov), performed by Dimash (author), that you look in one breath. You don't notice at all how the 13 minutes and 40 seconds that it lasts fly by. Incredibly beautiful performance, unexpected presentation and memorable, bright and at the same time natural images that convey the idea.

The new split in the Matrix of the renewal and reproduction cycle was clearly shown at the presentation of the 2026 Olympics at the closing ceremony of the 2022 Winter Olympics in Beijing. So there is very little time left. And the song "Fly Away" (Composed by E. Gabbasov, Lyrics by J. Arakelyan), first performed by Dimash at the international competition of young performers of popular music "New Wave" 2021 in Sochi (Russia), to which he was invited as a member of the jury, is not just a song.

The separation of a part of the world is related to the theme of the story "Highlander" by American writer/screenwriter Gregory Wyden about two immortal Scottish highlanders-winners from the same clan (silver and copper/bronze – remind of Olympic medals), around which the plot is played out, filled with battles with other immortal "princes of the universe" and people. This story was filmed in the form of the 5 films, a separate series about the second highlander, an animated series, etc.

Films with vivid human images depict the processes associated with mitochondria. The first film "Highlander" is related with a pseudomonade – Heather and mentor-The Collective Mind of the First Elders – Juan Sanchez-Villalobos Ramírez (Juan – "Yahweh (God) had mercy", Sanchez – "Saint", Villalobos – "town of wolves" Ramirez – "son of Ramiro" in a cloak of peacock tail feathers displaying many eyes), formed with the highlander Connor ("Wolf Lover" or "Hound Lover", sometimes "Hunter") an indissoluble bond that is stronger than death27, as will be shown in the flashback from the second film.

The first film ends with the victory of the First Highlander Connor in the final duel of the "first stage" of the Big Game of the "Immortals" on the roof literally between the letters of the glowing sign "Silver Cup Studios" – a hint of the silver version of the new image (with a pseudomonade) chosen among others.

The second film "Highlander II: The Quickening" plays on the theme of the "sealed heaven" of the Tree of Life, the scientist as the guardian-archangel – iRNA, the hero-winner – mtDNA-cherub (about the cherub placed at the gates of paradise, and the archangel who replaced him, according to the representation in Christianity, in the second part of the book).

The third film "Highlander III: The Sorcerer (Highlander: The Final Dimension)" is dedicated to an alternative scenario after the victory. It begins with learning from a Master of Illusions (Proteus-Nakato, living in a cave underground, a family of proteobacteria?), a friend of the first mentor (Juan Sanchez Villalobos Ramirez – Collective Mind) Connor, and ends with the victory of the First Highlander over the one who killed the Master.

In the fourth movie "Highlander: Endgame", the first highlander-winner Connor gives his life force and skills to the second highlander Duncan ("A man, a leader with brown hair", one might say, "The Bronze Horseman"), his disciple from his own clan, so that he defeats the immortal, who killed loved ones of the first.

After a while, in the fifth movie "Highlander: The Source", the second highlander gets access to the source of immortality (probably the cell nucleus with its DNA instructions in different versions) along with one of its three Keepers, a reborn woman. These two become the parents of a child, about whom the Second says: "He is the One".

"He is the One" is the first winner, united with the Collective Mind of the First Elders, and reborn from the Source of Immortality without the memory of pain and regret from what he had to do, without the bitterness of the losses that he had to experience over the many years that would have deprived him of wings, but possessing all the acquired knowledge and skills during this time.

14.Modern man's sleep has two phases – slow and rapid, NREM and REM. Slow sleep has 4 stages. Western scientists have identified three stages. But, the natural cycle is a kind of unconscious dream and has 4 stages – spring, summer, autumn, winter. From this angle, it would be logical to divide the sleep phase into 4 parts:
  1.1 NREM – Slow sleep, "dream time" and drowsiness (alpha rhythm (8-13Hz) decreases, theta rhythm appears (4-8 Hz)).
  1.2 NREM – Slow sleep, shallow sleep (theta waves dominate, sleepy spindles appear, 2-5 times/min – sigma rhythm as rapid alpha (12-14–20 Hz) with the disconnection of human consciousness)
  1.3 NREM – Slow sleep, deep sleep when it is difficult to wake a person (delta oscillations of 2 Hz <50%).
  1.4 NREM – Slow sleep, deep sleep when it is difficult to wake a person (delta oscillations of 2 Hz >50%).
  Rapid sleep (REM) does not occur immediately after slow sleep (NREM). After the last, 4th stage of slow sleep (NREM), there is a return to its 2nd stage, and then rapid sleep (REM) with elements of absurdity and paradox comes (see Wikipedia).
  These elements draw our attention to the most important points, the key ones in the fractal formula for the unfolding of the scenario of the world.
  1.5 Repeat NREM – Slow sleep, shallow sleep (theta waves dominate, sleepy spindles appear, 2-5 times/min – sigma rhythm as a rapid alpha (12-14–20 Hz) with the disconnection of human consciousness).
  1.6 REM – REM sleep, the first stage, which is divided into two parts, corresponding to the "dream time" and the "drowsiness" NREM.
  The second phase, REM – rapid sleep, consists of the same stages as slow sleep. But they proceed very quickly and are accompanied by rapid eye movements under closed eyelids. Therefore, the second phase is briefly called REM (Rapid Eye Movement), and the slow phase is called NREM (Not REM).
  1.7-1.9 – REM – Rapid sleep, stages 2-4, corresponding to the same stages of slow sleep and the worlds of Assiya (performing actions), Yetzira (formation, formation of individuals), Briya (creation of personalities) in Kabbalah.
  Apparently, the second part of the first stage of REM and its next three stages are directly related to the three and a half turns of consciousness development (see also the section "The Mobius loop, the fractal formula of the unfolding of the world and the structure of sleep" of the article "Behind the mirror – 3 …" and the post "Sleep, structure – phases, stages" in in the forum section "Collect meanings: Sleep, memory")
  The REM phase correlates with the third Great Pyramid on the Giza plateau in Egypt – the pyramid of Menkaur (Mikerin) through… Hetaera Rhodopis, the prototype of Cinderella from a fairy tale (see the post "2 is NOT an endless story. All coincidences are thought out…" in the forum section "Collect meanings: Behind the mirror" on the website / project "Levels of Reality (Levels of Reality, LofR)
15.The XXII Summer Olympic Games were also held on the territory of Russia, in Moscow, then the capital of the USSR, and Russia was one of the 15 union republics of this country, displaying a pseudo-cell that existed until 1992.
  The 22nd chemical element in the periodic table is titanium, named after the Titans, deities of ancient Greek mythology, having an earthly and heavenly nature, who were replaced in power by the Olympian gods. In this context, 22 is the number of Titans dropped into Tartarus after the "Titanomachy" and taking revenge. This is also the number of tRNA ("swans") that mitochondrial DNA encodes.
  And it turns out that 22 is the number of titan-swans who descended to the lower world of the Earth as the team of Lucifer with mitochondrial DNA. By transferring their genes and embedding into the nucleus, mtDNA becomes NUMT (pseudogenes of the nucleus), preparing a model of the pseudo-cell.
  The number of encoded tRNAs in nuclear DNA is 32. It reminds of the 5th generation 32-bit microprocessors for electronic computing machines (computers).
  From Wikipedia: "The microprocessor consists of: an arithmetic logic unit, a control and synchronization unit, a storage device, registers, data and command buses."
  From the "History of the development of computer technology" on the website /?ysclid=lbqg5ps5e7661032051:
  "The history of the development of computer technology is conditionally divided into 5 generations.
  – The 1st generation (1945-1954) was the time of the formation of machines with the von Neumann architecture (John von Neumann), based on writing a program and its data into the memory of a computer. During this period, a typical set of structural elements that make up the computer is formed…"
  (John (Johann) von Neumann (1903-1957) was a Hungarian–American mathematician, physicist and educator of Jewish origin, who made important contributions to quantum physics, quantum logic, functional analysis, set theory, computer science, economics and other branches of science. He is best known as the person whose name is associated with the architecture of most modern computers (the so-called von Neumann architecture), the application of operator theory to quantum mechanics (von Neumann algebra), as well as as a participant in the Manhattan Project (the US program for the development of nuclear weapons) and as the creator of game theory and the concept of cellular automata. Source Wikipedia.
  John – Ivan –Johann – "Yahweh (God) had mercy."
  Neumann – "The New Man")
  "– The 2nd generation (1955-1964). The change of generations was determined by the appearance of a new element base: instead of a bulky lamp, miniature transistors were used in computers, delay lines as elements of RAM were replaced by memory on magnetic cores…
  – The 3rd generation (1965-1970). The change of generations was again due to the renewal of the element base: instead of transistors in various computer nodes, integrated circuits of various degrees of integration began to be used… Application software packages are being created for a wide variety of areas of human activity. There is a tendency to create computer families, that is, machines become bottom-up at the hardware and software level. Examples of such families were the IBM System 360 series and our domestic counterpart – the ES EVM.
  – The 4th generation (1970-1984). The next change of the element base led to a change of generations. In the 70s, work was actively underway to create large and ultra-large integrated circuits (LSI and VLSI), which allowed tens of thousands of elements to be placed on one chip. This led to a further significant reduction in the size and cost of the computer. In the early 70s, Intel released the i4004 microprocessor (MP). And if before that there were only three directions in the world of computing (supercomputers, large E.VMs (mainframes) and minicomputers), now another one has been added to them – microprocessor. …
  According to the hardware implementation, processors can be divided into microprocessors (fully integrating all processor functions) and processors with small and medium integration. Structurally, this is expressed in the fact that microprocessors implement all processor functions on a single chip, and processors of other types implement them by connecting a large number of chips.
  – The 5th generation can be called microprocessor. In 1976, Intel completed the development of the 16-bit i8086 microprocessor. It had a sufficiently large bit depth of registers (16 bits) and a system address bus (20 bits), due to which it could address up to 1 MB of RAM. In 1982, the i80286 was created. This microprocessor was an improved version of the i8086. It already supported several modes of operation: real, when the address was formed according to the rules of i8086, and protected, which hardware implemented multitasking and virtual memory management, i80286 also had a large address bus bit – 24 bits versus 20 for i8086, and therefore it could address up to 16 MB of RAM. The first computers based on this microprocessor appeared in 1984. In 1985, Intel introduced the first 32-bit i80386 microprocessor, hardware compatible from the bottom up with all previous microprocessors of this company. It was much more powerful than its predecessors, had a 32-bit architecture and could directly address up to 4 GB of RAM. The i386 microprocessor began to support a new mode of operation – the virtual i8086 mode, which provided not only greater efficiency of the programs developed for the i8086, but also allowed the parallel operation of several such programs."
  At the beginning of the XXI century, the massively parallel architecture of Blue Gene supercomputers began to be used in the Blue Bain Project to create a working brain model for modeling a rat neocortex column similar to a human one in structure, but containing 10,000 neurons, not 60,000.
  At the opening ceremony of the XXII Winter Olympics 2014, a film with shots of ships was shown (a hint of mitochondria?) from ancient Greece, moored to the Slavic land. Then there were shots from the history of Russia, Russia, the Russian Empire, the USSR and again Russia for the XXI century. The construction of the Olympic Stadium "Fisht" ("White Head") was shown as a reflection of the creation by 2014 of a new functioning structure of the mind with a new worldview as… neocortex.
16.From Wikipedia on the page about DNA in the Russian version: "DNA is often compared with drawings – and, at the same time, instructions – for the manufacture of proteins. Developing this engineering-production analogy, we can say that if DNA is "a complete set of drawings—instructions for the manufacture of proteins, stored in the safe of the plant director," then mRNA is "a temporary working copy of the drawing-instructions for a separate part, issued to the assembly shop." It should be noted that DNA does not contain a detailed image of an adult organism, but is more like a "recipe" for its manufacture, which is used depending on the prevailing current conditions during gene expression – some of the full set of instructions are used, and some are not."
17.The eukaryotic chromosome is formed from a single and extremely long DNA molecule that contains a linear group of many genes. There are from 50 to 245 million pairs of nitrogenous bases in the DNA molecules of human chromosomes. The total length of all DNA molecules from the nucleus of a human cell is about two meters. At the same time, a typical human cell nucleus, which can only be seen with a microscope, occupies a volume of about 110 micron3, and the human mitotic chromosome does not exceed 5-6 micrometers on average. Such compaction of genetic material is possible due to the presence of a highly organized DNA molecule stacking system in eukaryotes…
  Packing DNA into chromatin (the nucleoprotein that forms the basis of chromosomes) provides a multiple reduction in the linear size of DNA necessary to place it in the nucleus. According to classical concepts, packaging has a hierarchical character. The first three levels of packaging are the most studied: (1) twisting DNA onto nucleosomes to form a nucleosomal filament with a diameter of 10 nm, (2) compaction of the nucleosomal filament to form a so-called 30—nm fibrill and (3) folding the latter into giant (50 – 200 thousand pp. n.) loops attached to the protein skeletal structure of the nucleus – the nuclear matrix. Source Wikipedia.
18.32 tRNA encoded DNA cores and 32-bit, and then 64-bit, etc. computers. 22 tRNAs of mitochondrial DNA and Titans, deposed "former (pre-Olympic) gods", having an earthly and heavenly nature.
19.From Wikipedia on the page about mitochondria in the Russian version: "The number of proteins translated from mitochondrial mRNA forming subunits of large enzyme complexes is limited. A significant part of proteins is encoded in the nucleus and synthesized on cytoplasmic 80S ribosomes. In particular, this is how some electron—carrying proteins, mitochondrial translocases, components of protein transport in mitochondria, as well as factors necessary for transcription, translation and replication of mitochondrial DNA are formed.
  At the same time, such proteins have special signal peptides at their N-terminus, the size of which varies from 12 to 80 amino acid residues. These sites form amphiphilic whorls, provide specific contact of proteins with binding domains of mitochondrial recognition receptors localized on the outer membrane. These proteins are transported to the outer membrane of the mitochondria in a partially unfolded state in association with chaperone proteins (in particular, with hsp70).
  After transfer through the outer and inner membranes at the places of their contacts, the proteins entering the mitochondria bind again to chaperones, but of their own mitochondrial origin, which pick up the protein crossing the membranes, contribute to its retraction into the mitochondria, and also control the process of proper folding of the polypeptide chain. Most chaperones have ATPase activity, as a result of which both the transport of proteins into the mitochondria and the formation of their functionally active forms are energy-dependent processes."
20.mtDNA, which transferred its genes to the cell nucleus, was originally called NUMT ("nuclear mitochondrial DNA" – "new nuclear mitochondrial DNA", "new power", "nuclear copies of mitochondrial genes" – "nuclear copies of mitochondrial genes", also called nuclear pseudogenes – see the English version of Wikipedia), and tests of mtDNA does not end there.
21.Part of the soul in the concept of the soul of ancient Egypt. From Wikipedia: "To denote Ka (ka), it is difficult to find an equivalent in modern languages. Maspero suggested the translation ‘double, doppelganger'. … Ka is a person's life force, character traits, or destiny. After the death of a person, the Ka leaves his body, wanders the earth and returns again, but lives in a sculptural image in the tomb and feeds on offerings, passing through the "false door" to the serdab. … The gods also had "Ka", but unlike humans – several. With the help of the god of magic Hack, the Egyptians could influence the Ka of gods, thereby seeking healing and protection from them. Similarly, the Pharaohs had several Ka."
  In the English version of Wikipedia: "The Ka (ka) was the Egyptian concept of vital essence, which distinguishes the difference between a living and a dead person, with death occurring when the ka left the body. … In the Old Kingdom private tombs, artwork depicted a "doubleworld" with essential people and objects for the owner of the ka".
  The false door reminds of the door left over from the Gottorp globe-planetarium, the copying by the Russian Empire of technologies and lifestyle of Western countries with a double-headed black eagle in the context of the introduction of NUMT ("nuclear mitochondrial DNA" – "new nuclear mitochondrial DNA", "new power", "nuclear copies of mitochondrial genes" – "nuclear copies mitochondrial genes", also called nuclear pseudogenes).
22.From the article "The Secret Life of Mitochondria" by Evelina Nickelshparg on the website ?ysclid=laz9wizgyx848395994.
23.From the article "The Secret Life of Mitochondria" by Evelina Nickelshparg on the website ?ysclid=laz9wizgyx848395994.
24.From the article "The Secret Life of Mitochondria" by Evelina Nickelshparg on the website ?ysclid=laz9wizgyx848395994.
25.Mitochondria can repair oxidative DNA damage using mechanisms similar to those that occur in the cell nucleus. Proteins used in mtDNA repair are encoded by nuclear genes and transferred to mitochondria.
26.ATP synthesis occurs on ATP synthases, special structures of the inner membrane of the mitochondria – the respiratory (electron transport) chain (ETC), which uses the oxidation products of fats, proteins and carbohydrates in the presence of oxygen.
  The mitochondria has a double shell. The outer membrane is permeable to small molecules. And the second, inner shell is denser and has outgrowths – crystals. The crystals form folds and increase the surface area of the inner mitochondrial membrane, increasing its ability to produce ATP.
27.Two legends on the subject of "heather":
  1. The Lord, having created Scotland, was looking for a plant that would agree to live on its hill, where there was nothing yet. And only heather agreed to revive the creation of God, settling in the original harsh conditions. God, for it courage, gave heather: the power of oak – the bark of heather is stronger than the bark of any other shrub or tree; the delicate aroma of flowering honeysuckle, the flexibility of willow. Now heather lives where other vegetation is not able to survive.
  2. Britain is proud of its historic alcohol – ale made on the basis of heather. The recipe was mentioned in the 2nd century BC as a secret recipe for "heather honey" of the Picts who lived in the territory of modern Scotland. According to legend, it was a folk recipe for a drink that gives strength and youth for many years, which the ruler tried to find out. But its keepers, father and son, sacrificed their lives and did not reveal the secrets of making ale.
  In the Japanese ranobe series "Sword Art Online" (SAO) and "Sword Art Online Alternative: Spell Blade Online" (SBO), written for children about the Existence structure (Universe), the hero Akihiko Kayaba, the leading game designer of the Argus company (Argus is a character of ancient Greek mythology – "All–seeing", "Many–eyed", whose eyes the goddess Hera placed on the tail peacock), launches a new virtual world – a hundred-level flying fortress Aincrad (A Incarnation Radius).
  On the one hand, in this hundred-level Kayaba Akihiko fortress, organizes tests on each floor for those who "entered" Aincrad without the opportunity to exit until at least one becomes the winner. And on the other hand, he organizes the guild "Knights of the Blood" and heads it under the nickname Heathcliff – "Heather Hill". In the future, the story has two alternative versions, "Sword Art Online" (SAO) and "Sword Art Online Alternative: Spell Blade Online" (SBO), having a pair of Akihiko Kayaba – Kirito (Black Swordsman).
  (see also the post "Meanings of Some Concepts and Names of Heroes SAO and SBO" in the forum section "Different Things" on the website project "Levels of Reality" (LofR).)
  In fact, the pair Akihiko Kayaba – Kirito (Black Swordsman) corresponds to the pair Juan Sanchez Villalobos Ramirez – Connor in the story "Highlander" and Batyrkhan Shukenov – Dimash in our manifested world.