Hey, faggot!

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A dark-haired young man looks at me. He stands there naked and I slowly look at him from top to bottom. He is far away, he doesn't seem to be a bodybuilder, but you can definitely say that he is well built with his wide shoulders and his narrow waist. His brown complexion shimmers in the light and his dark, slightly trimmed chest hair contrasts and accentuates the curves of his well-shaped and trained chest.

He runs his hand across his chest, the hair glides through his fingers and he plays around the left nipple with his middle finger until his nipple gets hard. Then the hand slowly moves further down and follows the hair trail, which widens at the lower abdomen and ends at a thick black bush. His cock hangs limp, nestled against his low-slung scrotum and the pink glans looks mischievously out from the slightly retracted foreskin.

He turns slightly to the side and bends his arm to tighten his biceps, checking with his other hand the hard bump that has formed. His gaze goes down his wide and slightly hairy thighs and stops at the prominent calves to look up again and direct his gaze directly at me. I look deep into his green eyes and they tell me that he is quite satisfied with his inspection.

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