Czytaj książkę: «The Eternal Plan»
The Eternal Plan - RevealedContact DetailsTable of ContentsForewordColin JonesThe BerniceAdvice on Healing from MumTonightDevelopment GroupThe Open RoadBread AloneIf Ever…The Glories of the Ages PastThe Green HillThe Eternal PlanThe Calm of GraceOver the Earth the Mantle of God LiesThe Boy Is WellThe Light That Is In the Air AroundThe Mother of LoveThe Love of God is but a DreamUnpretentious, Calm and CoolYet Further Still We Have To GoThere Is a Time...The Spirit-Human RelationshipThe Tide of LifeO Lord Who Has Glorified My SoulMan’s PurposeDestinyDesire and NeedConscienceArtBasic FactIf All the People of the EarthIf I Could Only Show YouIf Ever it Seems that Sorrow’s NearLet’s Breach the Walls of DarknessLustrous LightKnowledge, Truth, Understanding, WisdomJusticeIn Peace the Gentle Flowers GrowInspiration, Transmigration, ConfrontationA Golden Orb Surrounds the HeadAll Spirit is Endowed with LightThere Is No Place to HideThe Road to God Has Many PathsThere Is No Way That Man Can HideAll Creation Is SpiritThe Imperfections of HumanityTo Him Who Gives of HimselfThe Search for TruthBelovedMythical Power of Fallen Angels, Satan and LuciferWhenever the Body Lies in Sweet ReposeIf All the Atonement...More Return to the Land of Their BirthWe Are to Say to YouIt Is My Intention to ProceedInevitably We Two Must Come TogetherGailYou Have Asked For GuidanceGod is PurposefulGo Forward and UpwardPeople are PeopleThe Sun’s RaysThe LadyThis LadyPeace Unto YouWork for the SpiritThe Finger of ScornCircumstancesLlawrennySallyThe One QuestionInter-Galactic TravellerA Prayer For StrengthVisitation of Terrestrial PersonagesAtonementIn PeacePolynesianDescendantsLook for GodThe Fulfilment of the PlanWorld Without EndDo Not Contemplate FailureA Few DrawingsGlossary
1 The Eternal Plan - Revealed
Dictated by Spirit Guides to
The Happy Medium
Colin Jones
Compiled by
Owen Jones
Copyright © Owen Jones 2021 7th Edition
Published by Megan Publishing Services
The right of Colin and Owen Jones to be identified as the author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright Designs and Patents Act 1988. The moral right of the author has been asserted.
Conditions of Sale
This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated in any form of binding or cover other than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser.
1 Contact Details
Please take a look at this series of short books inspired by Colin Jones when he was still with us, but perhaps afterwards too, who knows?
A Spirit Guide, A Ghost Tiger and One Scary Mother!
The story of a teenage girl’s psychic development
1 Table of Contents
Colin Jones
The Bernice
Advice on Healing from Mum
Development Group
The Open Road
Bread Alone
If Ever…
The Glories Of The Ages Past
The Green Hill
The Eternal Plan
The Calm Of Grace
Over The Earth The Mantle Of God Lies
The Boy Is Well
The Light That Is In The Air Around
The Mother Of Love
The Love Of God Is But A Dream
Unpretentious Calm And Cool
Yet Further Still We Have To Go
There Is A Time
The Spirit-human Relationship
The Tide Of Life
O Lord Who Has Glorified My Soul
Man’s Purpose
Desire And Need
Basic Fact
If All The People Of The Earth
If I Could Only Show You
If Ever It Seems That Sorrow's Near
Let’s Breach The Walls Of Darkness
Lustrous Light
Knowledge Truth Understanding Wisdom
In Peace The Gentle Flowers Grow
Inspiration, Transmigration, Confrontation
A Golden Orb Surrounds The Head
All Spirit Is Endowed With Light
There Is No Place To Hide
The Road to God Has Many Paths
There Is No Way That Man To Hide
All Creation Is Spirit
The Imperfections of Humanity
To Him Who Gives of Himself
The Search for Truth
Mythical Power of Fallen Angels
Whenever The Body Lies in Sweet Repose
If All The Atonement
More Return to The Land of Their Birth
We Are To Say To You
It Is My Intention To Proceed
Inevitably We Two Must Come Together
You Have Asked For Guidance
Inter-Galactic Traveller
A Prayer For Strength
A Few Drawings
The Polynesian
Modern Technology
God is Purposeful
Go Forward and Upward
People are People
The Sun’s Rays
The Lady
This Lady
Peace Unto You
Work for the Spirit
The Finger of Scorn
The One Question
Visitation of Terrestrial Personages
In Peace
Look for God
The Fulfilment of the Plan
World Without End
Do Not Contemplate Failure
1 Foreword
The man, the entity, as I have learned to describe him, whom I have known as my father for all of my life, is Colin Jones.
He gave me a few carrier bags in 1999 and asked me to read the contents and to write a book on it, if I could.
At that time, I could not and time did not seem pressing so I put the bags in my safe at home.
He passed away a few years later on his 72 birthday, the 21st February.
I, and all of our family were devastated, but I did nothing about ‘his papers’. I had no idea what to do.
I moved abroad and wrote a novel - that took five years, although it remained unpublished. In 2011, I started a new venture publishing ebooks that I had written myself.
The courage to write these ebooks had come from writing the first book. I looked for ways to circumvent traditional publishing and came across Amazon’s Kindle.
I learned how to publish my ebooks through them and realised how to publish Dad’s book and then my own.
It took me a long time, but I think that I was guided by Spirit, although I was a slow learner.
My Dad, Colin Jones, would never have said that these writings are his own. Rather he would say that he was inspired, in the true sense of the word.
People told him what to write.
All of our family witnessed this over five or six decades. Sometimes, Dad would be sitting with us watching TV, but his eyes would be closed and he would be writing the pieces that you see in this ebook.
He did automatic drawings too.
My brothers and I are very privileged to have been born with such a person, but as with most instances with parents, we realised it too late.
I hope that you enjoy this book. I will expand it in later editions.
One last point, my father’s mother, Lavinia Jones, founded a spiritualist church in Barry, South Wales, where we lived and that church on Butrill’s Road is still running to this day.
All the best,
PS: ‘The Lady’ in this book (usually capital ‘L’) refers to my mother, Marion Rose.
21st February, 2016
PPS: Most, about 75% of the headings are mine, not Colin's, who always wrote as if only for himself. If you could examine the documents, you would see that they are in a variety of handscripts with varying degrees of literacy – not my father's handwriting at all.
6th March, 2018
1 Colin Jones
Romanoff would say to you that we are perfectly aware of your thoughts, that have been given to our world. Particularly the two ladies (Note: Dad’s first wife, my mother, and his own mother, have both passed away - OCJ) have been very, very close around you and the elder of the two ladies taking quite a good deal and quite a great interest in the elder child (Note: eldest=me, OCJ). The younger lady has been within the home (I was living away at the time - OCJ). The Christmas festivities have been carried out and she is perfectly aware of all the circumstances and efforts that you yourself have put forward and she does wish you to know that she is forgetting the inconvenience and the pain of the physical body and presently she will be able to return.
She is talking of dogs here.
She is very pleased that you have taken the action you have done, but you will find that the third youngest boy will become very interested. Let them take all the interest and all the care they can with regard to whatever animal they desire to succour or to speak of to help. When they speak to you just answer them as best as you can physically and she will still be endeavouring to guide them from her sphere of thought.
Just look forward, my friend. There is quite a good deal of activity in front of you here, but there will be plenty of time for you to carry out all that has to be done for us, and for the material.
You will find that although the material will overlap the Spirit, and we shall at times have to take second place in this, we fully understand.
Just see to the material and we shall attend to the Spirit.
6th Jan. 1976
1 The Bernice
(Note: Bernice is Dad’s sister, my Godmother, the only survivor on Earth of that generation).
The Bernice will fulfil all the predictions made for her future. Such is her Spiritual potential that it defies description here, for great indeed is the time to come when she will need all the support that the band can give.
Glenys (Note: elder sister, OCJ) is the rock that she will build her development upon. This will be done without interfering with her own development, which is specialist in its form and will be used to prove beyond any argument or shadow of a doubt, the re-appearance and identification of the Spirit entities that wish to contact loved ones on Earth.
Your own development is principally on the healing front and this will be prodigious. Many people, some not yet born, will be thankful to the healing bond and praise God for its presence and capabilities.
Thousands will come to this area to see and hear the members of this band working in flesh and Spirit. All this is part of a Divine Plan that is unalterable and irrevocable.
Go forward, place your trust in God and His blessing will be upon you all and through you, upon us also..
Our prayers go with you all, always
1 Advice on Healing from Mum
The lady that has sought help is to be treated very tenderly. She is extra-sensitive to touch and would have been an extremely shy person.
Go to her, and for the time being, merely place the hands over the temples and again around the lower skull.
There will be some antagonism from the husband, who has had a tough life because of the crosses he bears. Do not create a worsening situation by word and deed.
Go slowly, go carefully, you will be good and lighten their burdens.
In time, you will earn their confidence and the work will then be right for the real work to begin.
Her future is for some time yet, she will survive to go into service for the Lord.
God bless,
1 Tonight
Tonight, I beat the call of the physical body for the company of others!
It is a long way from the condition required for much Spiritual progression, but at least it is a step in the right direction.
Colin Jones
1 Development Group
5 August 1975
Dr. Romanoff speaking to Colin Jones through the mediumship of Mrs. Rosa Griffiths.
First of all, Romanoff would say to you ‘Welcome’, although we are perfectly aware of you and those of your loved ones who are with us.
The first instruction I would ask you to obey, is to meditate for a while, continue your healing as you are doing. Do not overreach, do not endeavour to lay your hands on too many. See to it that there is sufficient time for all to be accomplished. Those whom you are unable to reach, just heal with our mentality, the mentality of the Spirit. You will find that by sitting in meditation, you will be able to open out the intellect of the Spirit, the physical mind will have become subdued and you will be able to heal with your thoughts. The distance does not matter, just embrace them in your thoughts and leave them in the care of the healers. The healing will commence as soon as your thought has been given. Oh, yes, the healing in our world... as soon as the thought reaches us, then we commence the healing. This will be done at times before the patient is aware that you have linked in thought, and a betterment will have commenced from that period of time.
With regard to general mediumship, Romanoff would say to you, just rest, just rest, and we would ask of you that you do not use the power that you are accumulating by the sitting for a greater development as a speaker and demonstrator, that you would rest for a period of twelve months. No, the time is not a long time. You will find that the time will pass quickly. There will be so much done that has to be done in the meantime. A closer association with your helper, closer association with our world that you will be able to present the philosophy clearly and understandably, that you will not be raising so many questions in your mind. The development will come laterly, but this will come the you will be able to use the time of the service, and that you will be able to use the fullness of time yourself. Otherwise, you will find in a very short while, that you have a very great burden that you are carrying on your shoulders. This we do not wish to happen, otherwise it will mean the cessation of your general mediumship for quite a long while.
Have this period of rest from services, use your time here for your development and there will be no regrets. As we have already said, the development of clairaudience particularly and clear-seeing, this will be developed secondly, but you will be able to use and plend (Note: blend? OCJ) the two. There is in front of you quite a busy time, but this will come later on. There is a quite a good deal to be done around and about you, and we are aware of your Lady, of course.
She has been with you during the day. The children take up quite a good deal of her thoughts, but now that the commencement has taken place, she will be waiting, watching and she will be learning here too how to impress and how to guide the children’s footsteps later on. Not just yet, because she has not learned how to do this, but she is learning quite quickly because this is her desire. And Romanoff would say to you, look forward to a very good life before you, with patience, with diligence, you will find that your material duties and your tasks you will be able to link in, never put aside your physical tasks. We are fully aware that at times we have to take second or third place, but we link, we shall be linking with you and the gifts will work, and will be used wheel within wheel and each one creating a pattern as your mediumship progresses.
By general mediumship, I mean the healing, the speaking, the demonstrating, this is related to the religious side. We are fully aware that in the years ahead, you will become associated with physical phenomena. You have already been associated with it in a small part upon the Earth and you already have a little understanding of the physical gifts and the physical phenomena, but in the future, you will be more closely linked. The healing is being well done. We have already instructed you concerning this.
The speaking, the phenomena, the demonstrations coming and following one after the other, and you will find that at times you will speak of a loved one and it will be on an impression, a deep impression. Do not hesitate about this, do not question it, do not endeavour to explain how or why, just speak to the recipient and you will find that it is for them to understand not for you. You will hear the Spirit voices and this will be given to you. And we blend for the moment the three in general development. Later on you will be associated with the physical phenomena, but by that time, and when that time arrives, you yourself will have conquered in a very great measure the healing, the speaking and the demonstrating that will be concerned with the religious part. The physical phenomena can be used with great holiness and a great deal of Spiritual power, but that will come later.
1 The Open Road
All your life is clearly before you like an open road. Take one step at the time and do not hurry, time will tell that your progress is slow but sure and this way things come to stay. ... ... ... lose your way, the way of God, and in a short while, you will begin to see the picture before you.
Work hard in all things will be good on earth and in Heaven. Be not down-hearted and heavy laden. You are not alone, as you know, we who love you are all around at all times. This again, you are aware of and have confidence in.
Do not make the mistake of hasty decisions. Your material life will go well and we will attend to the Spiritual side.
Rest more, work hard and praise God for all his gifts. Many years of work lay ahead, you are only on the threshold of your real life.
Go with God,
14 Feb 1976
1 Bread Alone
That man should live by bread alone is an impossibility and does not bear consideration or serious thought, even children need love and a sense of comfort outside their immediate circle and usually find this in animals or relatives. Developed man needs an ever increasing realisation that there is a number of comforts available to him on demand and the excellent service that is given in answer to the sincere thought you already know of. We can, if you wish, give all that is asked for, but the time is not yet and the presence of forethought and patience must be adhered to for your sake.
Do not despair. Our plan is laid in God’s name and in the fullness of time it will be implemented on your behalf. Go on as you are for a little while prospering steadily and opening the intellect. You are making good progress and we are pleased. Keep your head on your shoulders and take things in your stride.
All things will be revealed when the time is right and God’s plan is ready to be operated. You have been told that. That which moves slowly will be sure. The Lady will die very soon and she will be sadly missed by all in her church for she is a steadfast worker.
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