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Czytaj książkę: «King Solomon's Goat»


The Divine Moloch

The genial gentleman with horns, shown on the cover hereof, is christ.1 The hybrid Christian-Egyptian religion was stolen from the sun-worship of Egypt and India and other religious impositions. When the sun, called Ra and Osiris in Egypt, identical with Jehovah, at the end of each cycle of about 2155 years, entered a new sign of the zodiac, it was said to be reborn, or the son of god came in a character to correspond with the astronomical sign. – Gerald Massey.

When the sun entered the sign of Taurus, the bull, god was reborn, or christ came as the bull, called Apis in Egypt and Moloch in Syria. It is the latter beauty whose entrancing charms are the subject of this panegyric. When Jacob wrestled with the lord, the bout was with Moloch Iho, as will be seen by reading the original Hebrew text. This is lord I O, the supreme, the hermaphrodite god or idol of the pagans. Read the Blessing that the Hebrews say before eating: “Blessed art thou Io Elohanu Melech … who bringeth forth bread from the earth.” – Krinsky’s First Lessons in Hebrew, 84.

The pagans claimed that their god Moloch “had his castle of fire in the seventh heaven.” And “Jehovah had his castle of fire over the seventh heaven.” – Book of Enoch, 14:7. The identity of Moloch and the Hindu god Siva is indicated by the bull Nardi, the sacred emblem of the latter. The Persian bull christ, the son of Ormazd, killed by Ahriman, the Lord of Darkness, and all the other christs that sport horns must share the infamy of the great god Moloch, alias Saturn, alias Israel, alias Ilda Baoth or Devil. The heaven of Moloch is in the Northeast, and it is paved with gold, and his throne is made of lapis lazuli.

You will notice that the priest is offering up a child to the great god who so loved human flesh and blood that he caused his own son to be slaughtered. There was also another reason for the human sacrifices by the priests and sorcerers and secret societies, that is, the desire to evoke the dead and summon up phantoms for consultation. These ghosts are very fond of blood, in fact it is difficult for them to materialize unless they can absorb the steam arising from human blood. It is true that some sorcerers have evoked the dead with the blood of kids or lambs, but the goat and lamb christs are ancient redeemers, whose efficacy is not to be compared with the man christ. Elephas Levi says that a phantom will attract the vapor of blood and human corpuscles in the air as a magnet attracts iron filings.

“They have built the high places of Tophet in the Valley of Hinnom to burn their sons and daughters in the fire.” They made their children pass through the fire to Moloch, forsooth, because young children, like young pigs, are tender and easy to chew. They cooked their own flesh and blood on the reeking altar of the Devil, even as the great and good Ahaz served up his son for the delectation of the mob, and sitting down to the delicious feast, ate up the heir and hope of Israel. Then, chopping up the remnants into sausages, he exposed and hawked them in the market place, crying: “It is true they come high, but see what they are made of. Each sausage is stamped with the Tetragrammaton and stuffed with the royal house of Israel. If you plebeians, decorated with dirt and adorned with bugs, wish to get some blue blood into your clotted veins, now is the time. Avail yourselves of this opportunity to eat a prince of the royal blood, an imperial descendant of our Mother in Israel, Tamar, the daughter and wife of Judah and ancestor of David and the messiah.”

The fact that the Jews worshipped on Saturn-day would indicate that they were worshippers of Saturn or Moloch. The sacrifice of the first-born unto the Lord was required by the Old Testament. Human sacrifices by proxy still survive in parts of England, where at Christmas time the goodman goes forth to hunt for an old wife to sacrifice, and returns with an old log, which he plays is his wife, and puts her on the fire. This takes the place of the human being his ancestors formerly offered up. In Hertfordshire, an ox, representing Moloch, is killed every Christmas, and the church bell tolls at its death in imitation of the crucifixion of the bull christ or sun at the winter solstice. At the orgies of Orpheus they originally sacrificed a man and tore his flesh from his body with their teeth and ate it raw, but in later times substituted a bull representing Orpheus or Christ. – “Orgies” and “Orpheus”, Ency. Brit. All religion originated in human sacrifices and cannibalism.

The wife of god is a cow, called Hathor in Egypt, also named Isis and Meri, which goddess we have stolen and worship under the name of Mary. When the sun entered the stable or sign of Taurus, a christ was produced, or god was reborn as a bull. That is why Christ was born in a stable.

When the sun entered the sign of Aries or the Ram, God was reborn, or Christ came as the Lamb of God, the son of the Ram, identical with Rama, the seventh incarnation of the god Vishnu. – Gerald Massey. In Thebes the principal object worshipped by the pagan ancestors of Christianity was the Ram.

At the eighth incarnation of God, when the sun entered the sign of Fishes, about the beginning of the Christian Era, God was reborn as the Great Fish or Fisher of Men, and was slain on Friday for the redemption of the world. That is why the Christians killed and ate their fish Jesus every Friday to save their craven souls from Hell. That is why the priests of Dagon, the fish god of the Philistines, wore fish skins on their backs and the head of a fish for a miter. The miter of the church dignitaries was the gaping mouth of their fish god. That is why Christ had such phenomenal piscatorial luck and why his disciples were fishermen. That is why he came up out of the waters of Jordan. – See Ancient Pagan & Modern Christian Symbolism.

We are baptized that we may typically become fish or Christlike, but complete immersion is indispensable to save our wicked souls. A few drops of water on the forehead do not make a fish. Jesus came out of the stellar pool in the sign of Fishes, and we have seen superstitious and benighted fishes, who have been born again, come up out of the pool beneath the church altar in the Hub of Universal Culture. The basin at the church door or piscina, containing alleged holy water, is but a type of that celestial pool in which the stellar fishes swim, and into which the sun plunged and washed away the sins of the world. The Egyptian Madonna, Isis, is represented as holding in her arms the christ Horus, and on her head is a fish. The Hindus worship the fish-god at the temple of the Golden Dagon near Rangoon, India.

The Jews sacrificed the fish-christ at each of the three meals of the Sabbath. “One should eat fish for into them the souls of the righteous are transmigrated.” – Talmud. The Buddhist cross, from which the Christian cross was taken, is called Swastika (fishes) and consists of the two fishes of the zodiac crossed. “Maya or Mary, the Virgin of the skies, at the moment of the birth of her son Buddha on Dec. 25, was just rising above the horizon.”

“The sun’s present position is in Aquarius. Our Lord’s advent was in the previous sign of Pisces, but the sign which he declared should precede his next coming was that of Aquarius. ‘When ye see a man bearing a pitcher of water follow ye him.’” – Daughter of the Druids, 101.

When the sun entered the sign of Cancer, the sun god, or the son of god came as the Crab or the Good Scarabaeus, the lucky bug of Egypt, and was born in the nebula of the Manger in the sign of Cancer. Still there is no law against believing in the story of the Jew Christ born in the Manger of Bethlehem. Even the Church Fathers claimed that Christ was the Good Scarabaeus.

In the Catacombs of Rome is a picture of a supper at which seven persons sit down to eat seven loaves and two small fishes. Some writers have failed to grasp the significance of this picture. They are assembled there to eat their Christ, as we do now at every Communion Service. Christ is the bread of life, born in the astronomical house of Breadcorn. He came seven times in the ancient division of the heavens, and in his eighth avatar he came as the two fishes in the sign of Pisces.

Our Christmas is a new name for the old Roman Saturnalia, a festival celebrating the birth of the sun-god Saturn or Moloch at the winter solstice, at which time they feasted, exchanged presents, got drunk and played craps. The Christians, in celebrating the 25th of December, admit that their Christ is a sun-god. – See “Saturn,” Ency. Brit.

The Queen of Heaven

The Hebrews in the wilderness indulged in this pagan idolatry and sacrificed bullocks and lambs on the altar for the remission of their sins, and erected a golden calf. The golden calf was christ, and his mother was the sacred cow Hathor or Mary. This Meri or Mary was an astral goddess, the moon goddess, the Queen of Heaven, represented as standing in the crescent moon. She is identical with the foul goddesses Astarte, Venus, Ishtar, Asherah and Ashtoreth, the abomination of the Sidonians. Ishtar is the same as Easter, and we celebrate Easter because the sun-god arose at the full moon of Easter. The Sacred Cow of India is worshipped as the Mother of the Gods. – Book of all Religions, 224.

You will see in the idol stores the graven image of Mary, the Queen of Heaven, standing in the crescent moon, and a dog crouching before her offering her a cake with a hole in it. This cake is the Mark of the Beast, the female symbol of the cow Hathor, the Assyrian Grove, the sacred Eye, which was worn by the Christian and pagan priests in their foreheads and on their hands. It is the Sacti of the goddess Maha Deva, called Sacti because it is sacred and is offered up as a sacrifice, closely related to sacrum and the caudal appendage.

The three links are the symbol of the hermaphrodite godhead. The link is the female emblem and three is the sign of the male. The Eye within the tent or triangle or compasses is an object of worship and adoration. The three-cornered triangle is the emblem of the male. In Ency. Brit., 6: 462, a bishop is represented with the Eye on his left hand, and he holds up three fingers of his right hand, the sign of the male. This is just as efficacious as the three links, as it presents to the audience the male and female emblems together, formerly the only objects of worship in all religions. They are the emblems of life, and must be held up together to insure the worshippers eternal life. It will be seen in this investigation that in every religious assembly, from the Witches’ Sabbath to the Elevation of the Host, the male and female emblems were displayed together for the salvation of the world. Without these emblems the devotees cannot be born again. The image of the Hindu Madonna and Christna shows the Virgin holding up three fingers, and with the thumb and forefinger she makes the circle of Ashtoreth to save the souls of her devotees. – Plate 14, A. P. & M. C. Symbolism.

The high altars of most of the churches were rank Assyrian Groves, to which the devotees bowed low in holy reverence. See “Altar”, Stand. Dic. and Ency. Brit. 16:75. The deity emerging from the female symbol of the high Christian altar of Pistoia holds in his hand a book on which is written: “I A O, the Sun, the Light of the World.” When we take off our hats to the church, we are not doing obeisance to the pile of brick and stone but to this symbol above the altar. The Dabistan says that Siva has a spouse called Maya, as Jehovah had Mary, and the high altar in a mosque of the Mussulmans is an emblem of the Bhaga or the Grove or Royal Arch. The ancient Knights of the Royal Bhaga were also Knights of the Cave, the Gate, the Fornix (tent of a Kadish) to the defense of which they pledged their lives, their property and their sacred honors, and each brave knight wore emblazoned on his forehead or on his stomach the emblem of his goddess, the open Eye.

Venus, called C U in Celtic, was the moon goddess of the round towers of Ireland. The priests of the goddess called themselves C U R, and a cur offers a sacrifice to the Virgin. From C U R we derive the word curate. – Stinson Jarvis. The Druid priests always wore the crescent moon on their robes. Osiris is identical with the Egyptian god Anubis, the dog, and their symbol is the open Eye. They both worship at the shrine of Hathor or the Virgin holding the sacred Eye in their hands. That is why in Christianity, we see the dog offering to Mary the sacred perforated wafer.

Refer to “Enthronization,” Stand. Dic., and you will see the Mark of the Beast on the bishop’s hand, and look at the pagan god Siva, and you will find the same mark on his forehead. See “Freemason,” and you find that Washington wears the same symbol on his stomach. Look at Brahma, who carries the rosary in his hand, a symbol of identical significance. Refer to “Glory,” and you see Christ standing in the Mark of the Beast. Turn to Vesica Piscis, where the Virgin stands in her symbol, the symbol of the hideous faith of the Witches’ Sabbath, a faith coeval with the dawn of time, spawned in the slums of chaos. Astarte or Ashtoreth was the moon goddess and Queen of Heaven and patron of immorality. – Ency. Brit. 2:735. Mary is the same as Venus and Diana, the moon goddess. – Elephas Levi, the priest.

The Hindu Litany of Our Lady Nari, the Virgin, says: “Holy Nari. Mariama, Mother of an Incarnate God, Mother of Christna, Virgin Most Chaste, Queen of Heaven.” The Egyptian Litany of Our Lady Isis says: “Holy Isis, Mother of Gods, Mother of Horus, Virgin Sacred Earth, Isis, Queen of Heaven.” The Christian Litany says: “Holy Mary, Mother of God, Mother of Christ, Virgin Most Chaste, Queen of Heaven.” – Isis Unveiled, 209.

Why does St. Peter (Petra, the Rock God) as shown by his statue in Rome, hold up three fingers and make the circle or Eye with the other two fingers? Why is the Christian Benedictional, like the Totem Pole of the Indians, covered with the so-called All-Seeing Eye? Why is the Eye on the stomach of the Bishop, where he does not need it? This is a very occult matter that can be disclosed only to the initiates of the foul religions. – See Book of All Religions, 467.

“Religion is a monstrous fraud and delusion that has desolated the earth and filled the spirit world with demons.” – Antiquity Unveiled, 58.

The Gnostics claimed that it was Ilda Baoth, the Devil, that overshadowed Mary, instead of Gabriel. “The female Serpent of the Sky, the Mother, is imaged in Buddhism by the lotus, the water, the female fish. Her mansion is in Virgo. By Manu she is called the Spirit of God (the Holy Ghost) but she represents matter as well as spirit.” – Buddha & Early Buddhism, 20. Mare and Mary mean the sea, and the fish god Jesus, of course, came out of the sea.

“The bells used by the Christians came to them directly from the Buddhists, Thibetans and Chinese, who used them to attract the gods. The beads and rosary have the same origin, and have been used by Buddhist monks for over 2300 years.” – Isis Unveiled, 95. The Jews used bells to warn their god that some dupe was about to adore him, so that he would have a chance to change his character and not appear as the ass-headed god. – Epiphanius, Gospel of Mary. In China and India they ring the church bell to call god and the other ghosts to dinner, and after the spirits have eaten, the remnants of the sacrifices are thrown by the priests to the dogs of worshippers, the scum of the earth, who furnished the offerings. The church bell in Japan is called “Call God,” and we, having copied our religion from the Buddhist, ring our church bells to call God to listen to our fool prayers, and every Sunday he walks a leg off hustling around to the millions of places of superstition.

A statue of the cow Hathor, with the moon between her horns, was unearthed in a temple of Egypt. This is the mother of Horus, also called Ies and Iesu and Jesu in Egypt. And to further fix her catholicity beyond question she is covered with Christian crosses. If you refer to “Isis,” Stand. Dic., you will see that the Egyptian Madonna wears horns and the full moon on her head. The moon goddess of Peru was called Mamma Quilka, or Mother Moon, the mother of all the Incas, and the real pious devotees got soused on corn whiskey in her holy worship.

The Christians sacrificed cakes with holes in them to Mary, Queen of Heaven. – Ency. Brit. 15:391. This is the very idolatry for which Jehovah drove the Jewish nation out of Palestine. In Jeremiah, 44:19, the Jews say: “We burned incense to the Queen of Heaven and poured out drink offerings unto her and made cakes to worship her.” And Jeremiah says in verse 22: “Because of these abominations which you have committed, therefore is your land a desolation and a curse, without an inhabitant as at this day.”

The Buddhists say: “Upon a lotus of precious stones sustaining a moon crescent sits Buddha Matra” (the Mother of God). The Chinese invocation says: “Hail Matra”, and they call her “Our Lady, the Queen of Heaven, the Mother of Buddha.” – Buddha & Early Buddhism, 22. The fact that the Queen of Heaven existed as a goddess in the time of Jeremiah, before Christianity was spawned, shows that the Buddhists did not steal their Queen of Heaven from the Christians as charged.

In Josephus, Book 8, ch. 11, it is seen that Shishac subdued Israel and erected some charming pillars on which were carved captivating female symbols, which they worshipped. Jereboam erected two aesthetic heifers, images of Hathor for the worship and spiritual edification of the Jews. In Judges, 3:7, it is asserted that Israel served Baalim and the Grove. Baalim are images of Baal, male emblems, corresponding to the candles and manikins (sons of man) of the Witches’ Sabbath, called images of men in Ezek. 16:17. I think that the christ of the Hebrews was the candle, and that they sacrificed him every Friday, the same as the Christians do their fish god. The candle is the appropriate offering to a goddess, and it may have been Ashtoreth.

The Mezuzah, which is nailed on the door post, corresponds with the pillars erected by Shishac, for it is a miniature pillar with an oval hole on the side, which hole it is necessary to kiss, as we kiss the male and female emblems on the Pax to secure eternal life. In the hole is one of the names of god, Shaday, one of the female Sephiroth or persons of the godhead. If you refer to “Altar,” Stand. Dic., you will see the people worshipping the hole in the Mezuzah, or the Virgin standing in her symbol above the altar, which is all the same.

The phylactery, worn on the forehead and on the left arm, contains passages of Scripture, which must be printed on the skin of the cow, the mother of christ, and the phylactery itself, must be made of the skin of christ, the calf. God himself wore phylacteries according to the Talmud.

Dianus, or the sun, or god, had twelve wives, capturing a new one whenever he entered a new sign of the zodiac. It was Rhea in the sign of the Twins, and Hathor in the sign of Taurus, and Mary in the sign of Pisces. One of his wives was Diana of the Ephesians, the object of a foul worship in Asia Minor. She wears upon her head the crescent moon, and she is Mary, the Queen of Heaven. She bears six lions in her arms, because she is the mother of all the gods. Six christs have been born since she ruled the heavens in the sign of Virgo. The christ who came in the sign immediately following Virgo was Leo. It is one and the same god, the sun, that comes in every sign, consequently they are all lions.

Religious Symbolism

This is the Egyptian Tau Cross, the symbol of Apis, the bull, and other male gods: . Here is the male emblem shown as the Masonic square, as found in the ruins of Gaza: . This is the Egyptian K. Ka is the Egyptian name of the male emblem. See “Hieroglyphics”, Ency. Brit. This holy god, in the form of a stone, is stuck in the wall of the Kaaba, the shrine at Mecca, which shrine was built by Abraham, who was fond of chasing after gods with tarnished reputations. This god in Mecca is a meteorite seven inches long, brought down from Heaven by Gabriel, and about 300,000 pilgrims annually kiss this foul, germ-laden god to save their tarnal souls.

And this is the cross ansata of Egypt, , or cross of anx (life), a combination of the cross of the bull and the sacred symbol of Isis. The High Priest of Egypt wore three cross ansatas and three links on his breast-plate, symbols of the trinity. Many of the pagan religions, from which ours descended, used only the main portion of the cross, the shaft or upright, the symbol of Siva, Baal Poer and Jehovah. It is called phalatz in Hebrew, meaning broken. See the broken column of the Masons – A. P. & M. C. Symbolism.

You place the three balls of the pawnbroker or the shamrock of Ireland on top of the shaft, and you have the most archaic form of the cross, before which the devils tremble and fall in a fit. Christian crosses, wreaths, bells, squares, eyes, Asherim and Baalim have been discovered in the ruins of Gaza, in the fourth city that was destroyed about 1600 B. C. The original text of Ezek. 9:4 shows that the sign of Jehovah was the Signa Tau, or the cross of Taurus, the bull, with which the elect were sealed in their foreheads. In the Enchiridion, a prayer book and book of magic credited to Pope Leo III, he says: “By this sign Lord Tau, deliver me.”

The male emblem, or triangle, placed in the circle of Asherah makes the Three in One, the profound and esoteric mystery forever hidden from the profane and vulgar. That is the sacred quartet, those are the idols we worship.

Turn to Siva, Stand. Dic., and you will see that he has stolen all the pious Christian symbols, although he existed for ages before the Christians. In one hand is the circle and in another hand a trident or fleur de lys, a male emblem. Around his neck is a large rosary or stole. Thrusting his male head through this female emblem is a symbol of life and a saving rite. Putting his hand through a rosary is just as effective. We can trace the spotless lineage of our beloved religion back through the dim vistas of time to a very archaic and rotten ancestry.

In both the Christian and pagan symbolism the oval in which the saints and gods do stand is often represented as composed of roses and constitutes a rosary. The horseshoe brings good luck because it is identical with the cave, the arch and the grove and is the sacred emblem of the goddess Mary or Astarte. Both Buddha and Christ are represented as standing in the horseshoe or Royal Arch. I conclude that the Masonic Holy Royal Arch and the oval above the church altar, in which the Virgin stands, represent the Grove that Manasseh set up in the House of the Lord, 2 Kings, 21, and that Josiah burnt at the brook Kidron, 2 Kings, 23:6. The stole, worn by the priests, is equivalent to, and has all the mystic powers of, the cross ansata. It is well named “stole”, as the early Christians stole it from the pagan worship.

Serapis, the Egyptian god, is bedecked and bedizened with all the Christian emblems. He holds the crook of the Good Shepherd in one hand and the cross ansata in the other. He has the head and horns of a bull, showing that he is the son of the cow Hathor or Mary. And over his head are the Masons’ marks, the square and the eye, showing that he is in good standing in his lodge in Hell, for he, like christ, is Lord of the Underworld.

Refer to Vishnu, Stand. Dic., and you will see that pagan god wearing all the above emblems. He is christ and came as Rama in the sign of the Ram and as Krishna in the sign of Pisces. Turn to Krishna, and you will see the Hindu Madonna and christ that we kidnapped.

In the Sun. Am. Magazine, Aug. 29, 1910, we see a picture of Isis mourning at the bier of Osiris. At Egyptian funerals they assured the dead of eternal life by raising the symbol of Isis, the circle or rosary above the body. You will see that the head of the deceased at the wake is surrounded by male emblems, which gross symbols are now replaced in the present civilization by candles. You will see that Isis is bowing down before the Tree of Life, and that she has at hand a basket of perforated cakes, which she is about to offer to the Tree of Life, which tree is called Osiris or Baal or Moloch or Buddha or Yahveh or Iao or Siva or Jove according to the country in which the religion is perpetrated. If you place a wreath on a dead man’s stomach and seven candles around his head, he is no longer a meet candidate for Hell, but an heir of eternal glory. If you stick a cross through the wreath, it is a through ticket to the seventh heaven, and you may be assured that he will go through purgatory a-humping.

1.Where in this book the words God, Lord, Christ, Messiah and Lamb are capitalized they refer to Christian deities, otherwise to pagan gods.