Czytaj książkę: «The Turning Point», strona 2



Think about accomplishing only the goals you have set. If you focus on more than one goal at once, your chances of success are slim.

When you set only one goal, then your brain tries to fulfill that goal in every way. In this state your mind becomes focused on a single goal.

Now imagine that you are standing in a floating boat. You see two islands simultaneously. Someone tells you that on one island there is a box full of gold and on another island there is a silver box. So what will you do?

Will you pick up those boxes from both islands simultaneously?


You will pick one box first and then the second one.

That is, you cannot accomplish two goals simultaneously. First you have to complete one goal, then the other goal.

So keep one goal at a time. Focus your attention on only one goal at a time.

If you want to be successful, you have to remain focused.

Is there any method by which you can increase your concentration/ focus?


I will tell you how you will do it.

Move to any room in your house where no one is there other than you. The atmosphere in your room should be relaxed. There should be no sound. Lay a simple carpet on the floor of the room. Turn off the lights in your room and sit on the same carpet. Now close your eyes. Start feeling your breath. When the breath comes in and when it goes out – just feel it carefully.

That’s all.

You have to do this 5 minutes in the beginning but gradually increase this duration.

You will start getting amazing results. By doing this, your concentration power will increase greatly.


Without will power, no task can ever be completed. The person who has more willpower to do some work, the chances of that person being successful in accomplishing that work is more.

But why is willpower so important?

Let me give you an example. My friend! Have you ever seen a small ant carrying a grain of wheat several times larger than its own size? How can that small ant carry a particle larger than its own weight?

This is the power of will power. If you understand this, then you can easily do even the biggest work.

Will power = will + power

This means that you have a chance of getting success on the basis of how much strength is there in your desire.

But how to increase the will power?

It is very simple – whatever you want to get… strengthen that desire more. Believe me friend! You can do this.

Split your day Task

When do you do your important work during the day? Do you do this morning Do you do it during the day? Do you do it in the evening

Tell me when are you most active all day?

When you wake up from your sleep, that is, in the morning.

Therefore, you should do all your important work in the morning. In the morning your brain is very active. At this time, whatever you want to learn, you can easily teach.

When you wake up from sleep you feel very fresh. At this time, waste thoughts do not come to mind. Therefore, choose this time to do your most important work.

Divide your work into 3 parts of your day –

(1). Most important work

(2). Some less important work

(3). Less important work

(4). Entertainment functions

(1). Do the most important work in the first part of the day. At this time think nothing but that work.

(2). After the most important work is done, rest for a while. Refresh your mind. Now, complete the less important task.

If it is complete, you must rest for a while. If you want to do entertainment for a while.

(3). Do very less important work in the end.

Chapter 8
Wake up early in the morning

What time do you get up? After the sun rises??

There are many benefits of getting up early in the morning. Let me explain you how?

(a). When you wake up early in the morning, the atmosphere around you remains calm at this time.

(b). At this time there is no negative energy in the atmosphere.

(c). If you do your important work at this time, no one will disturb you.

(d). At this time your mood is very fresh. Vain thoughts do not come to your mind.

(e). Waking up early in the morning eliminates your negative energy.

Strength of mind

Mind is the most powerful part of our body. Our mind can reach any corner of the world in an instant. Has that ever happened to you?

“Yes” |

Your mind is your greatest strength. If you ask your mind to complete a task, it tries to complete it in every possible way. But what if you don’t command your mind to do something? In this state, you get waste thoughts that create disturbances. You cannot find your destination at this stage.

So, if you want to be successful in your life, first of all you have to control your mind.

Why does your brain bring disturbing thoughts to you?

Before this, you have to know where your brain receives information from. Seeing through the eyes, hearing through the ears, touching with the skin, sniffing through the nose, tasting with the tongue – in these five ways the brain receives information.

(1). Seeing with the eye: When the mind sees something beautiful with its eyes, it saves that information inside itself. This information brings your mind to you again and again. This will disturb you. This is the first reason for thinking of disturbing you.

(2). Listening with ears: When you listen to a good music, your brain saves it inside you. This information (music) repeatedly brings your mind to you, which causes you to disturb. This is another reason to think of disturbing you.

(3). Taste with tongue: When you eat something tasty you enjoy it. Your mind wants you to have this joy again and again. Therefore, your brain saves this information inside you, which causes you to disturb.

(4). Smelling through the nose: If you go to a flower garden and you get a good smell of flowers, then you get pleasure from the fragrance of the flowers. Your mind wants that joy to be found in future also. Therefore, your brain saves this information within itself. And repeatedly brings the same thoughts in you, which causes you to disturb.

(5). From touching skin: The above-mentioned disturbing thoughts occur even after touching the skin.

Now you know why the disturbing thoughts come inside you. If you want to get rid of these disturbing thoughts, then you have to be detached from them.

You do not have to be completely detained, but to a minimum extent you will have to be detached from them so that the disturbing thoughts in vain will not enter you.

Chapter 10
Worries about the Past and the Future

Do you always get worried about your past? Do you always worry about your future?

If this happens to you, first of all it has to be stopped. When you are thinking about your past or future, then there are good and bad thoughts in you constantly. If you do not stop these thoughts, then your present time will be destroyed. If the present time is lost, you will not get the destination.

If these thoughts will not be stopped, then in no time these thoughts will become your habit. And once it becomes a habit, it will be difficult to stop it.

If you want to succeed, then immediately you have to divert your attention from thoughts of past and future.

How would you do this?

By focusing on the goal of the present. The more time you stay in the present, the more you will stay away from the thoughts of the past and the future.

If you have a long-awaited future, then keep yourself busy in the present. Never sit alone. Talk to the people around you. Go hang out with your friends. Watch a movie with your friends.

In a nutshell, I would say that keep yourself busy all the time.

Once you learn to live in the present, then the chances of getting a destination will increase a lot.


Have you figured out that it is wrong to think?


It is not wrong to think. But it is wrong to think excessively, worry excessively past and future.

If you do not think how will you decide for the future?

If you think about your past then only you will find the right path for the future. It is mandatory to learn from the mistakes made in the past. The mistakes made in the past should not be repeated.

If you do not think about the future completely, you will still fail. If you want to be successful, it is essential to think about the future. What will your future be like, what decision do you have to take to be successful in the future – such thoughts must come to your mind.

So, understand one thing that only one should think about the past and future, which helps you in achieving your goals. Stay away from waste thoughts.

Chapter 11
Perception about Yourself

What do you believe about yourself?

If you think of yourself as a person who is always successful – then you will always be successful.

If you think of yourself as a person who always fails – then you will always fail.

But why does this happen?

There is a logic behind it.

Suppose you consider yourself as a successful person. Then your mind will assume that you are a successful person. After this, your brain will make every effort that you always succeed. Because of such efforts of the mind, you will always be successful.

Now suppose that you consider yourself as a failed person. Then your mind will assume that you are a failed person. After this, your brain will not try to succeed. Because of such efforts of mind you will always fail.

This is true. Try to experience it once in your personal life. Let me give you an example –

When you were a student, some of the students in your class were intelligent from lower class, and the same students are also intelligent in higher classes. And on the other hand, some students were not intelligent in lower class and the same students do not remain intelligent in higher class also.

Why does this happen?

The intelligent student has assumed that he is intelligent and always brings good numbers in the exam. His belief in being intelligent always made him successful.

On the other hand, a student who has accepted that he is not intelligent, then he never brings good numbers in the examination. His belief never lets him succeed.

Now you know clearly how important your perception is in your life. So immediately you eliminate the misconceptions and make correct assumptions.

There is power in your belief that can make you successful or fail.

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Data wydania na Litres:
04 lipca 2021
50 str. 1 ilustracja
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