Drink: The Deadly Relationship Between Women and Alcohol

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The new face of risky drinking is female. The problem: a global epidemic of bingeing. The solution: a brave new approach to female recovery.This is my story, and it's particular. But I am not alone. Drinking problems challenge a growing number of women.The new reality: binge drinking is increasing among young adults – and women are largely responsible for this trend. Women’s buying power has been growing for decades, and their decision-making authority has grown as well. The alcohol industry, well aware of this reality, is now battling for women’s downtime – and their brand loyalty.Our relationship with alcohol is complex, and growing more so. This book will be essential reading for a huge number of women, a book that's breaks a major taboo. This will be a book for best friends to give one another, mothers to give daughters, sisters to give to each other – a book to read in hiding, when you know you're in trouble. This book will offer companionship for women of every age. It will answer a myriad tough questions.Intimate and startlingly honest, ‘Drink’ will be a book to change the lives of women of all ages – and those who love them. A book for anyone who thinks they have a problem, or knows someone who may have a problem, and wants to know more. Which means: just about everyone.

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Data dodania do LitRes:
28 grudnia 2018
340 str. 1 ilustracja
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