Czytaj książkę: «The Books of the Prophets Ezekiel and Daniel. Scientific line-by-line explanation of the Bible», strona 3


13 And I will spread my net over him, and he will be caught in my snare, and I will take him to Babylon, to the land of the Chaldeans, but he will not see it, and there he will die. (The Assyrians called the province of Babylonia «the land of the Chaldeans»).

14 But I will scatter all those around him, his companions, and all his army to all winds, and I will draw their sword after them. (Spobornik (slav.) – assistant).

15 And they will know that I am the LORD when I have scattered them among the nations and scattered them over the lands. (Everything is supposedly done by Mr. God).

16 But I will keep a small number of them from the sword, famine, and pestilence, so that they will tell the nations to which they will go about all their abominations; and they will know that I am the LORD. (Everything is supposedly done by Mr. God).

17 And the word of the LORD came to me: (Hypnotist’s voice).

18 son of man! eat your bread with trembling, and drink your water with trembling and sadness. (Suggestion is beneficial to the hypnotist, so that a person is always his slave).

19 And tell the people of the earth: Thus saith the LORD God concerning the inhabitants of Jerusalem, concerning the land of Israel: they shall eat their bread with sorrow, and drink their water in despondency, because his land shall be deprived of all its abundance because of the iniquities of all who dwell therein. (Clever manipulative priests «broadcast» through their prophets, afraid to appear in front of their own eyes, so that they would not be exposed).

20 And the inhabited cities will be destroyed, and the land will become desolate, and you will know that I am the LORD. (Everything is supposedly done by Mr. God).

21 And the word of the LORD came to me: (Suggestion by words).

22 Son of man! What is the saying you have in the land of Israel: «many days will pass, and every prophetic vision will disappear»? («Vision» – hypnotic influence passes over time).

23 Therefore say to them, Thus saith the LORD God, I will destroy this saying, and they will no longer use such a saying in Israel; but tell them, The days are near, and the fulfillment of every prophetic vision. (The Lord God, that is, the Jewish priests, do not benefit from such sayings, therefore they must be destroyed).

24 For no prophetic vision will remain in vain, and no foreshadowing will be false in the house of Israel. («Visions» are hypnotic influences).

25 For I am the LORD, I speak; and the word that I speak will be fulfilled, and will not be delayed; in your days, rebellious house, I have spoken the word, and I will fulfill it, says the LORD God. (The suggestion of what God has once said, he will fulfill!).

26 And the word of the LORD came to me: (Hypnotist’s voice).

27 Son of man! Behold, the house of Israel says, «The prophetic vision that he saw will come true after many days, and he prophesies of distant times.» («Visions» are hypnotic influences).

28 Therefore say to them, Thus saith the LORD God: None of my words will be delayed any more, but the word that I will speak will come to pass, saith the LORD God. (Apparently, even those Jews who trusted the prophet’s stories about his «visions» and «revelations», at the same time said about Ezekiel that, they say, it will inevitably come true, but in distant times).

Chapter 13

1 And the word of the LORD came to me: (Hypnotist’s voice).

2 son of man! prophesy against the prophets of Israel prophesying, and tell the prophets from your own heart: listen to the word of the Lord! (The prophecies influenced the flock, exerting an influence beneficial to the priesthood).

3 Thus saith the LORD God: Woe to the mad prophets who are led by their own spirit and have seen nothing! (There were also prophets who did not obey the Jewish elite).

4 Your prophets, Israel, are like foxes in ruins. (Comparison with animals).

5 You do not enter into the breaches, and you do not fence the house of Israel with a wall, so that you can stand firm in the battle in the day of the LORD. (Condemnation of the «wrong» prophets).

6 They see nothing and foreshadow a lie, saying: «The Lord said»; but the Lord did not send them; and they are hopeful that the word will come true. (Condemnation of the «wrong» prophets).

7 Have you not seen an empty vision? and are you not uttering a false foreshadowing, saying: «The Lord said,» and I didn’t say? («Visions» are hypnotic influences, generalized Jewish priests act under the name of the lord God).

8 Therefore thus saith the LORD God: Since you speak empty words and see lies in your visions, therefore, behold, I am against you, saith the LORD God. («Visions» are hypnotic influences).

9 And my hand will be against these prophets who see nothing and foretell lies; they will not be in the council of my people, and they will not be included in the list of the house of Israel, and they will not enter the land of Israel; and you will know that I am the Lord God. (Condemnation of «wrong» prophets).

10 Because they mislead my people by saying, «Peace,» when there is no peace; and when they build a wall, they smear it with mud, (Condemnation of the «wrong» prophets).

11 tell those who smear the wall with mud that it will fall. A torrential rain will fall, and you, stone hailstones, will fall, and a stormy wind will tear it apart. (Comparison with the construction of walls).

12 And behold, the wall will fall; then will they not say to you, «Where is the coating with which you smeared?» (Comparison with the construction of walls).

13 Therefore thus saith the LORD God: I will send a tempestuous wind in my anger, and it will rain in my fury, and hail stones in my indignation, to destroy. (Expressing the anger of the Jewish elite through the «right» prophet).

14 And I will break down the wall that you have smeared with mud, and I will throw it to the ground, and its foundation will be opened, and it will fall, and you will perish with it; and you will know that I am the LORD. (Expressing the anger of the Jewish elite through the «right» prophet).

15 And I will exhaust my rage on the wall and on those who smear it with dirt, and I will tell you: there is no wall, and there are no those who smeared it, (The utterance of the anger of the Jewish elite through the «right» prophet).

16 The prophets of Israel, who prophesied to Jerusalem and proclaimed visions of peace to it, while there is no peace, says the LORD God. («Visions» are hypnotic influences).

17 But you, son of man, turn your face to the daughters of your people, prophesying from your own heart, and prophesy against them, (The prophecy meant supposedly the inevitability of fulfillment in the future, in fact it was a simple suggestion of what is beneficial to the Jewish priesthood).

18 And say, Thus saith the LORD God: Woe to them that sew magic pouches under their armpits, and make veils for the head of every height, to catch souls! Will you really save your souls by catching the souls of My people? (Expressing the anger of the Jewish elite through the «right» prophet).

19 And dishonor me before my people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, killing souls who should not die, and giving life to souls who should not live, deceiving the people who listen to lies. (Expressing the anger of the Jewish elite through the «right» prophet).

20 Therefore thus saith the LORD God: Behold, I am on your magic bags, with which you catch souls there, so that they may come, and I will tear them out from under your muscles, and I will set free the souls that you catch, so that they may come to you. (Sorcerers-sorcerers wore some kind of magic pouches under their muscles).

21 And I will tear your veils, and I will deliver my people from your hands, and they will no longer be a prey in your hands, and you will know that I am the LORD. (Condemnation of the «wrong» prophets).

22 Because by lying you grieve the heart of the righteous, which I did not want to grieve, and you support the hands of the wrongdoer, so that he does not turn from his evil way and does not save his life – (Condemnation of the «wrong» prophets).

23 For this you will no longer have empty visions, and you will no longer foresee; and I will deliver my people from your hands, and you will know that I am the LORD. («Visions» are hypnotic influences).

Chapter 14

1 And some of the elders of Israel came to me and sat down before me. (Several elders came to Ezekiel).

2 And the word of the LORD came to me: (Hypnotist’s voice).

3 son of man! These people have allowed their idols into their hearts and have set the temptation of their wickedness before their face: can I answer them? (Secret Jewish priests «broadcast» through their prophet against the elders of Israel).

4 Therefore speak to them, and say to them, Thus saith the LORD God: If any man of the house of Israel puts his idols in his heart, and sets the temptation of his wickedness before his face, and comes to the prophet, can I, the LORD, with his many idols, give him an answer? (It is advantageous for the Jewish priesthood to remove the elders from power and lead the Israelites themselves).

5 Let the house of Israel understand in its heart that they have all become strangers to me through their idols. (Other people’s idols are the main obstacle for the Jewish priesthood to control the Israelites).

6 Therefore tell the house of Israel: Thus saith the LORD God: Turn and turn away from your idols, and turn away your face from all your abominations. (Other people’s idols are the main obstacle for the Jewish priesthood to control the Israelites).

7 For if any one of the house of Israel and of the strangers who dwell with Israel turns away from me, and lets his idols into his heart, and sets the temptation of his wickedness before his face, and comes to the prophet to inquire of me through him, then I, the LORD, will I give him an answer from myself? (Other people’s idols are the main obstacle for the Jewish priesthood to control the Israelites).

8 I will turn my face against that man, and I will break him into a sign and a parable, and I will destroy him from among my people, and you will know that I am the LORD. (The Jewish priests threaten the wicked through their prophet).

9 But if the prophet allows himself to be deceived and speaks the word as I, the LORD, would teach this prophet, then I will stretch out my hand against him and destroy him from my people Israel. (The Jewish priests threaten the wicked through their prophet).

10 And they will bear the guilt of their iniquity: what is the fault of the questioner, so will be the fault of the prophet, (The Jewish priests threaten the wicked through their prophet).

11 That the house of Israel may no longer turn away from me, and that they may no longer defile themselves with all their iniquities, but that they may be my people, and I will be their God, says the LORD God. (The Jewish priests threaten the wicked through their prophet).

12 And the word of the LORD came to me: (Hypnotist’s voice).

13 Son of man! if any land had sinned against Me, treacherously retreating from Me, and I stretched out My hand on it, and destroyed the grain support in it, and sent famine on it, and began to destroy people and cattle on it; (The Jewish priests threaten the wicked through their prophet).

14 And if these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, had been found in her, they would have saved only their own souls by their righteousness, says the Lord God. (In the book of Ezekiel, Job is mentioned along with Noah and Daniel. Daniel (the judge of God, that is, who reveals His will on behalf of God) is the fourth of the great prophets; according to some, he was a descendant of David, or at least descended from a royal family. He was at the court of the Babylonian kings Nebuchadnezzar and Belshazzar).

15 Or if I had sent fierce beasts to this land, who would have orphaned it, and it became empty and impassable because of the beasts: (The Jewish priests threaten the wicked through their prophet).

16 Then these three men in her midst, as I live, saith the LORD God, would not have saved either sons or daughters, but they, only they, would have been saved, and the land would have become a desert. (The Jewish priests threaten the wicked through their prophet).

17 Or if I had brought a sword to that land and said, «Sword, pass through the land!» and began to destroy people and cattle on it, (The Jewish priests threaten the wicked through their prophet).

18 These three men in her midst, as I live, saith the LORD God, would not have saved either sons or daughters, but they would only have been saved. (The Jewish priests threaten the wicked through their prophet).

19 Or if I had sent a pestilence to that land and poured out my fury on it in bloodshed to destroy people and cattle on it: (The Jewish priests threaten the wicked through their prophet).

20 Then Noah, Daniel, and Job in her midst, as I live, saith the LORD God, would have saved neither sons nor daughters; by their righteousness they would have saved only their own souls. (In the book of Ezekiel, Job is mentioned along with Noah and Daniel).

21 For thus saith the LORD God: If I also send my four grievous plagues: the sword, and famine, and fierce beasts, and pestilence to Jerusalem to destroy people and cattle in it, (the Jewish priests threaten the wicked through their prophet).

22 And then there will remain in it a remnant, sons and daughters, who will be brought out from there; behold, they will come out to you, and you will see their conduct and their deeds, and you will be comforted for the evil that I have brought upon Jerusalem, for all that I have brought upon it. (The Jewish priests threaten the wicked through their prophet).

23 They will comfort you when you see their conduct and their deeds; and you will know that I have not done in vain all that I have done in him, says the Lord God. (The Jewish priests threaten the wicked through their prophet).

Chapter 15

1 And the word of the LORD came to me: (Hypnotist’s voice).

2 son of man! what advantage does the vine tree have over any other tree and the branches of the vine – between the trees in the forest? (Comparison with plants and trees).

3 Do they take a piece from him for any product? Do they take at least a nail from him to hang any thing on it? (Comparison with plants and trees).

4 Behold, it is given to the fire to be eaten; the fire has eaten both ends of it, and the middle of it is burnt: is it fit for any article? (Comparison with plants and trees).

5 And then, as it was whole, it was not suitable for any product; moreover, when the fire ate it, and it was burned, is it suitable for any product? (Comparison with plants and trees).

6 Therefore thus saith the LORD God: As the tree of the vine among the trees of the forest I have given to the fire to be eaten, so will I give to it the inhabitants of Jerusalem. (Comparison with plants and trees).

7 And I will turn my face against them; they will come out of one fire, and another fire will devour them, and you will know that I am the LORD when I turn my face against them. (The Jewish priests threaten the wicked through their prophet).

8 And I will make this land desolate because they have treacherously acted, says the LORD God. (The Jewish priests threaten the wicked through their prophet).

Chapter 16

1 And the word of the LORD came to me: (Hypnotist’s voice).

2 son of man! express its abominations to Jerusalem (the Jewish priests threaten the wicked through their prophet).

3 And say: Thus saith the LORD God of Jerusalem: your root and your homeland are in the land of Canaan; your father is an Amorite, and your mother is a Hittite; (The Amorites are one of the groups of nomadic Semitic tribes that invaded Mesopotamia and Canaan around 2000 BC. They conquered Sumer (Sennaar), Akkad and Assyria and founded their dynasties in the city-states of Canaan. In 1792 BC, Hammurabi ascended the throne in the small Amorite state of Babylon, who later conquered all of Sumer and Akkad. Under the rule of the dynasty of kings founded by the Amorites, a powerful empire of antiquity was created – the Assyrian power. The Hittites (or Hittites) are ancient tribes belonging to the Indo-European group of peoples; according to Biblical history, the Hittites descend from Heth, the son of Canaan (Gen. 15:20; 23:3, etc.). The Hittites appeared on the territory of modern Turkey in the 2nd millennium BC. Their unification into a single kingdom occurred ca. 1740 BC. The highest heyday of the Hittite empire occurred in the XV – XIV centuries BC. The Hittites occupied Syria and conquered Babylon (c. 1595 BC). During the period of the New Hittite Kingdom (1450—1200 BC) there were clashes with the Egyptians. After the battle of Kadesh in 1286, a peace treaty was concluded between the two empires, establishing the southern border of the Hittite empire approximately along the northern border of Palestine. Around 1200 BC, the Hittite empire collapsed under the blows of the «peoples of the sea» (see: Philistines), but the Hittite culture survived in certain areas, including in Northern Syria. The Hittites are mentioned in the time of Solomon, and later, in the time of the prophet Elisha (3 Kings 10.29; 11:1; 4 Kings 7:6).).

4 at your birth, on the day you were born, your navel was not cut off, and you were not washed with water for purification, and you were not salted with salt, and you were not wrapped in swaddling clothes. (Comparison with the birth of a child with bad parents).

5 No one’s eye took pity on you to do any of these things out of mercy for you; but you were thrown out into the field, out of contempt for your life, on the day of your birth. (Comparison with the birth of a child with bad parents).

6 And I was passing by you, and I saw you being trampled on in your blood, and I said to you, «Live in your blood!» So I said to you, «live in your blood!» (Comparison with the birth of a child with bad parents).

7 He multiplied you like the plants of the field; you grew up and became large, and achieved excellent beauty: your breasts were lifted up, and your hair grew; but you were naked and uncovered. (Comparison with field plants).

8 And I passed by you, and saw you, and, behold, it was your time, the time of love; and I stretched out the resurrection And he swore to you and made a covenant with you, says the LORD God, and you became mine. (Comparison with the birth of a child with good parents).

9 I have washed you with water, and washed your blood from you, and anointed you with oil. (Comparison with the birth of a child with good parents).

10 And he put a patterned dress on you, and shod you in morocco sandals, and girded you with linen, and covered you with a silk veil. (Comparison with the birth of a child with good parents).

11 And he dressed you in finery, and put your wrists on your hands and a necklace on your neck. (Wrists or bracelets are jewelry in the form of rings or ribbons worn on the hand by both women and men).

12 And he gave you a ring on your nose, and earrings for your ears, and a beautiful crown on your head. (Comparison with the birth of a child with good parents).

13 So you were adorned with gold and silver, and your clothes were fine linen and silk and patterned fabrics; you ate bread made of the best wheat flour, honey and oil, and you were extremely beautiful, and achieved royal greatness. (Comparison with the birth of a child with good parents).

14 And your glory spread among the nations for the sake of your beauty, because it was completely perfect with the magnificent outfit that I put on you, says the Lord God. (Comparison with the birth of a child with good parents).

15 But you trusted in your beauty, and taking advantage of your glory, you began to fornicate and lavished your fornication on everyone passing by, giving yourself to him. (Comparison with a wayward daughter-daughter).

16 And she took out of your garments, and made for herself many-colored heights, and committed fornication on them, as it will never happen and will never happen. (Comparison with a wayward daughter-daughter).

17 And she took your fine things of my gold and of my silver, which I had given you, and made for herself male images, and fornicated with them. (Comparison with a wayward daughter-daughter).

18 And she took your patterned dresses, and clothed them with them, and set my oil and my incense before them, (A comparison with a wayward daughter-daughter).

19 And my bread, which I gave you, wheat flour, and oil, and honey, with which I fed you, you set before them in a pleasant fragrance; and it was, says the LORD God. (Comparison with a wayward daughter-daughter).

20 And she took your sons and your daughters, whom you bore to me, and sacrificed them for food. Was it not enough for you to commit fornication? (Comparison with a wayward daughter-daughter).

21 But you also killed my sons and gave them to them, leading them through [fire]. (Comparison with a wayward daughter-daughter).

22 And with all your abominations and your fornications, you have not remembered the days of your youth, when you were naked and uncovered, and cast in your blood to be trampled on. (Comparison with a wayward daughter-daughter).

23 And after all your evil deeds, woe, woe to you! says the Lord God, – (The promise of all kinds of troubles and misfortunes).

24 you have built fornications for yourself and made yourself high places in every square; (Comparison with a wayward daughter-daughter).

25 at the beginning of every road, she made herself exalted, disgraced your beauty, and spread out your feet for everyone passing by, and multiplied your fornications. (Comparison with a wayward daughter-daughter).

26 You have fornicated with the sons of Egypt, your neighbors, men of great stature, and you have multiplied your fornications, angering me. (Comparison with a wayward daughter-daughter).

27 And, behold, I have stretched out my hand against you, and have reduced what was appointed for you, and have given you to the mercy of the daughters of the Philistines who hate you, who are ashamed of your shameful behavior. (God allegedly punished the wayward daughter by giving her to various foreign peoples).

28 And you fornicated with the sons of Assyria and were not satisfied; you fornicated with them, but you were not satisfied; (God allegedly punished the wayward daughter by giving her to various foreign peoples).

29 And she multiplied your fornications in the land of Canaan to Chaldea, but she was not satisfied with that either. (God allegedly punished the wayward daughter by giving her to various foreign peoples).

30 How weary your heart must be, says the LORD God, when you did all these things like an unbridled harlot! (God allegedly punished the wayward daughter by giving her to various foreign peoples).

31 When you built fornications for yourself at the beginning of every road and made elevations for yourself in every square, you were not like a harlot, because you rejected gifts (Elevations, a wire through fire was considered a sin by the Jews, as it reminded of the most ancient pagan customs that were previously among the Jews).

32 but like an adulterous wife who accepts strangers instead of her husband. (Comparison with a harlot).

33 They give gifts to all harlots, but you yourself gave gifts to all your lovers and bribed them so that they would come to you from all sides to fornicate with you. (Comparison with a harlot).

34 Your fornications were contrary to what happens to women: they did not chase you, but you gave gifts, and they did not give you gifts; therefore, you acted contrary to others. (Comparison with a harlot).

35 Therefore, harlot, hear the word of the LORD! (Suggestion with words).

36 Thus saith the LORD God: because you poured out your money in this way, and in your fornications your nakedness was revealed before your lovers and before all your vile idols, and for the blood of your sons whom you gave to them – (Comparison with a harlot).

37 Therefore, behold, I will gather all your lovers, whom you have enjoyed and whom you have loved, with all those whom you have hated, and I will gather them from everywhere against you, and I will uncover your nakedness before them, and they will see all your shame. (Punishment of the harlot).

38 I will judge you by the judgment of adulterers and those who shed blood, and I will betray you to bloody rage and jealousy; (The punishment of the harlot).

39 I will deliver you into their hands, and they will destroy your fornications, and scatter your high places, and tear off your clothes, and take your garments, and leave you naked and uncovered. (Punishment of the harlot).

40 And they will call an assembly upon you, and stone you, and cut you with their swords. (Punishment of the harlot).

41 They will burn your houses with fire and execute judgment on you before the eyes of many wives; and I will put an end to your fornication, and you will no longer give gifts. (Punishment of the harlot).

42 And I will quench my anger against you, and my indignation will depart from you, and I will be at peace, and I will no longer be angry. (Punishment of the harlot).

43 Because you did not remember the days of your youth and irritated me with all these things, behold, I will turn your behavior on your head, says the LORD God, so that you will no longer indulge in debauchery after all your abominations. (Punishment of the harlot).

44 Behold, anyone who speaks in parables can say of you, «Like the mother, so is the daughter.» (The use of parables-fables).

45 You are a daughter like your mother, who abandoned her husband and her children, and you are a sister like your sisters, who abandoned their husbands and their children. Your mother is a Hittite, and your father is an Amorite. (Comparison with a harlot).

46 But your big sister is Samaria, who lives on your left with her daughters; and your little sister, who lives on your right, is Sodom with her daughters. (Sodom and Gomorrah: In many places of the Bible, the names of these cities are mentioned as a terrible lesson to all who lead an ungodly life).

47 But you did not walk in their ways, nor did you walk in their abominations; that was not enough: you have acted more depraved than them in all your ways. (Comparison with a harlot).

48 As I live, saith the LORD God, Sodom, thy sister, hath not done that which thou and thy daughters have done. (Sodom and Gomorrah: In many places of the Bible, the names of these cities are mentioned as a terrible lesson to all who lead an ungodly life).

49 This was the iniquity of your sister Sodom and her daughters: in pride, satiety, and idleness, and she did not support the hands of the poor and the needy. (Sodom and Gomorrah: In many places of the Bible, the names of these cities are mentioned as a terrible lesson to all who lead an ungodly life).

50 And they were proud, and did abominations before me, and when I saw it, I rejected them. (Ezekiel, like the ancient prophets, examines in detail the past of his people and shows all their ingratitude and grave sins before God. Jerusalem was worse than Sodom).

51 And Samaria has not sinned half of your sins; you have surpassed them with your abominations, and through your abominations, which you have done, your sisters have been more right than you. (Following the example of Hosea, Ezekiel personifies Samaria and Jerusalem in the form of two harlots, constantly cheating on their lawful spouse, Yahweh, with lovers Assyrian, Egyptian, Babylonian).

52 Bear your shame, and you, who have condemned your sisters; according to your sins, by which you have disgraced yourself more than them, they are more right than you. Blush with shame and you, and bear your shame, thus justifying your sisters. (Ezekiel personifies Samaria and Jerusalem in the form of two harlots, constantly cheating on their lawful spouse, Yahweh, with lovers Assyrian, Egyptian, Babylonian).

53 But I will bring back their captivity, the captivity of Sodom and her daughters, the captivity of Samaria and her daughters, and between them the captivity of your captives (Sodom and Gomorrah: in many places of the Bible, the names of these cities are mentioned as a terrible lesson to all who lead an ungodly life).

54 That you may bear your shame and be ashamed of all that you have done, serving as a consolation for them. (Samaria, that is, the kingdom of Israel, justly suffered for its crimes before God, and Jerusalem – Judah – turned out to be twice as sinful).

55 And your sisters, Sodom and her daughters, will return to their former state; and Samaria and her daughters will return to their former state, and you and your daughters will return to your former state. (Sodom and Gomorrah: In many places of the Bible, the names of these cities are mentioned as a terrible lesson to all who lead an ungodly life).

56 There was no mention of your sister Sodom in your mouth in the days of your pride (Sodom and Gomorrah: in many places of the Bible, the names of these cities are mentioned as a terrible lesson to all who lead an ungodly life).

57 Until your wickedness was revealed, as at the time of the disgrace from the daughters of Syria and all those around her, from the daughters of the Philistines, who looked at you with contempt from all sides. (Comparison with a harlot).

58 Because of your debauchery and because of your abominations, you suffer, says the LORD. (Comparison with a harlot).

59 For thus saith the LORD God, I will do unto thee as thou hast done, despising the oath of breaking the covenant. (The promise of all sorts of troubles).

60 But I will remember my union with you in the days of your youth, and I will restore an everlasting union with you. (But, having shamed the traitor, Yahweh, that is, manipulative priests, just like Hosea, promises her forgiveness).

61 And you will remember your ways, and you will be ashamed when you receive your sisters, your big ones, as well as your little ones, and when I give them to you as daughters, but not from your union. (Priests need constant offerings and sacrifices, and this is possible only from people who are besotted with religious nonsense).