Name of the Devil

(Jessica Blackwood 2)
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West Virginia: A church congregation vanishes in mysterious circumstances, only to be found dead some miles away. The evidence on the ground appears to indicate a ritual killing and the work of demonic forces. Enter Jessica Blackwood, the FBI's specialist in all things unusual. A former illusionist, Jessica's talent and experience enable her to see what others cannot, as she proved in the infamous 'Warlock' case. Maybe now, once again, the devil will be in the details. Following the trail from West Virginia to Mexico and Miami, Jessica uncovers a deadly conspiracy that might lead all the way to the Vatican itself. Only with her unique understanding of the powers of deception can they hope to stop a ruthless killer from exacting a revenge that's been thirty years in the planning . . .

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Ograniczenie wiekowe:
Faber & Faber
Andrew Mayne "Name of the Devil" – pobierz epub, mobi, pdf lub przeczytaj online. Zamieszczaj komentarze, recenzje i głosuj na swoje ulubione.


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