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Chapter 4

I’ll tell you the truth about you… which is worse than a lie

Youth is not an eternal thing. The reflection in the mirror will always tell even bachelors about old age, about physical old age. But there is also mental old age. By tradition, every young person is obliged to start a family. Point. No more questions. And then all the rosy dreams of the happiness of all mankind will come to an end. Even the very idea that it takes some junk, clothes, food, and all the suffering, hungry humanity to maintain the heart will take a back seat. Hungry children nearby are not an abstraction. “Do you love me?” your wife will ask. Maybe there will be some idiot with the answer: “No, I love all of humanity.” This man is definitely an idiot; any female will understand even before marriage.

Therefore, females prefer people who are down-to-earth and cunning, and females dislike idealists at all times. Idealists themselves are contrary to nature. Although it sometimes seems that nature itself loves such infantile. Life glows on such idiocy. To make the creature grow old, any wife and family, not only the usual female minnow, will help. This is certainly not a topic for the study of female psychology. Let’s make a reservation about children: for a woman, all of humanity, all the world is not her children. And no more. If women start dreaming of scale, all of humanity will end. And the idealistic revolutionaries will have nothing to dream about. It turns out that for old age, thoughts need very little, but for physical and even final age, it still takes a period of, well, about 25 years. Just the term of one generation. How long is it necessary for the party of Revolutionaries, let us note that they are de facto almost all young and are the youngest sons, to turn into a party of conservatives with the thoughts, then the words “we do not want a world revolution”, we want socialism at home, in our the state, as if on our table. Immediately, a large group of innate homebuilders will stand out from the crowd. All of them, as a selection, will be with village faces. So far, no one has specifically selected them but they will definitely have special faces. The selection of personnel or the business of stamping such persons for senior personnel will begin with a little delay.

The punching machine is not ready yet. There had to be a break for such a group to separate from the restless and loud people. Some respite for everyone to think about this is for me, and this is for you. And, in general, what did you fight for? Any smoke break causes pernicious laziness. Thoughts fly very far away, to the homeland, home. An idea is not just a motive for extreme marginals. Smoke break over; get up! – a non-marginal commander gives the command to rise. If the rank and file have no reason for their personal campaign, no Lenin, and even more so Marx, will help. The idea itself is a huge hole.

The idea itself is a huge hole. Imagine the future as a large hole in a solid, dark obstacle background. This solid, dark obstacle is a tradition. Few people represent the common future. And hardly any people think about it. Do not think about anything in traditional communities; authoritative people decide for everyone. Everyone knew that it was just necessary to observe the rites. And then everything will be like everyone else. But everyone saw their perspective, even with the general similarity of such destinies. Even with the standard set built, a house, starting a family, and raising children, there is a small difference between the Zeref twins. Each of them still thinks about private joy. These separate plans of each Zeref have small holes in the same background of the future.

The intellectual prophets have cut a huge new hole in the tradition. At once, great happiness became apparent. Moreover, around the hole is written – “this is your paradise”. The idea gathers all the small egoists and private owners into one group, into one army. This is its strength. There will be no army until a window, or intellectuals and then leaders cut through a conditional hole still everyone will stay at home. I won’t trivialize the socialist idea if we call this hole, for example, socialism. I show you how to get to the next stage – by mice through the small holes of tradition or by people passing into socialism in full growth. Holes always live in the backward mind. Everyone sees personal happiness through a narrow spiritual corridor. This does not mean passing through a common ideological hole and everyone has forgotten their name and nation. Everyone can pass through the window cut through by idealistic intellectuals. But no one knows what they are thinking about when they pass into socialism and look at the arches of the tunnel.

The revolution is the very hole where all the conditional mice saw the passage to the room with the grain. One can imagine or assume that the counter-revolution penetrated not one by one but in a herd of mice. And the same mouse herd ate the collective stocks. The rest of the grain became unusable. The window to a bright future with the name “Socialism” at the entrance was covered with mouse shit. Well, who is to blame for this? When the building collapses, eaten by mice, there will naturally be accusers. Naturally, they will blame everything not on mice but on temptations. Why cut such a hole? Who cut through it? Why was this socialism necessary at all? It only shattered such a beautiful palace where everyone lived well. There was a lot of grain. And they would have spiked it. There are mice everywhere. It would be better for them to chew through small holes in their biographies, as is the case throughout the civilized world.

There is corruption everywhere. But not like ours. And in general, if there were no socialism, maybe there would be no oligarchy. Everything written on top is just the beginning of explaining how the nation is aging, how the younger sons of tradition turn into the older ones, not men, but mice into the conditional mice. After all, socialism in the form that took place still took place, but it was chewed through. Who? Why? The answers to these questions are possible only under one condition. They provided that the tradition and its tasks are considered. The only tradition wins because tradition relies on a physical majority. So far, this physical majority represents a minority of intellectuals. Then, this minority becomes the majority thanks to the younger sons, who are disinherited under normal conditions. The younger sons will see their happiness in the happiness of all mankind and will turn into revolutionaries and Red Army soldiers. Everything is consistent. The enemies will be defeated. All paths will open (the window of a bright future will yawn with the alluring light for everyone, absolutely everyone because everyone sees their private future in a general light). In theory, it should take only 25 years for the window to socialism to seem too large. That’s enough! There are few places, but everyone wants to.

The aging of the revolution is generally instantaneous. And it does not take some 25 years and another 50 years for everyone to understand how a socialist internationalist brother turns into a nationalist brother. The nation of internationalists is turning into chauvinists. And there is no doubt that it takes two generations for a country nation to turn into radical egoist democrats. The evolutionary path in Europe and America has shown how high reflection is achieved. Only through the market does this transformation into National Socialists take place much faster (than through the hole of socialism in the wall of tradition).

The idea has great power! Therefore, do not touch the idealists. And even all the wives of the world should be forbidden to nag the brains of men. If you really still want to get into socialism. If you prefer not to get into socialism anymore, another option exists. But you probably won’t like it.

Chapter 5

Empire or death

After the defeat of the Spanish Revolution in 1939, then after the victory over fascism and Japanese militarism in 1945, the Russian version of communism was imposed on the world. Russian communism, or Moscow communism, was actually a new Russian community. Despite the declared internationalism, everyone knew, the Russians themselves knew, that they were the fathers or older brothers of the new system. This sense of superiority persisted at the very bottom – in the Russian people until the collapse of the USSR. However, the top of the overripe Politburo and the Central Committee tried in every possible way to appease the republics with spiritual internationalism and, most importantly, ideological materialism in the form of subsidies. Karl Marx could not have taken root in the Russian world, rather than in the form of a Russian “big brother”, which in fact was a rural kinship modified into an urban appearance. The former “rural” or national cadres of provincials, nurtured by the regime, also pretended for the time being. Then they suddenly remembered who they were. And so, it turned out that communism was liked precisely by its totality to the peoples – large communities. And it happened on the site of two empires – the former Mongol ulus, which turned from a horde to an empire thanks to hired cultural trappers, and the Qing Empire of the Middle Kingdom.

And in Asia, communism in the form of a community of younger brothers could not establish itself. The most obvious example is the flight exit from Afghanistan of a limited contingent of the Soviet Army. Islam opposes communism as a denomination everywhere globally, even in hierarchical Iran, where it might have a chance. On the territory of the former Arab Caliphate of the Ottoman Empire, such “rural communism” had no chance. All the younger brothers in Arab families found their socialism in the Muslim Ummah. If there is a chance of a revival of communism in another environment other than Russia and China, although it seems that Marxism is supposedly triumphant in the PRC, (Nothing like that. In China, a modernized Confucian community under the guise of communism leads the people into the future. Although the people also agree to call their system communist), then Arab communism will be exclusively Muslim. And the Arabs will never agree to call their state communist. The Libyan Jamahiriya collapsed just from tribal squabbles of semi-nomadic elites. The former nomads settled in cities like Benghazi, but that didn’t make them Democrats or socialists. Such elites are generally difficult to define in a civilizational manner. But the imperial idea of dictatorship is constantly being replaced, first by the Russian idea and now by the Chinese version of communism. Communism marches around the world in the form of national-cultural dictatorships. This should already be clear to everyone. Are there any other questions? To put it simply, The majority of the population is used to collective life and dictatorship. If Marxists call these worlds communism, such Marxists will push their people to tragedy in advance. Fidel and Raul Castro (by the way, both younger sons in the Castro clan, that is, innate socialists) proved it. To them, you can add Ernesto Guevara, an Argentine revolutionist. He also denied the dictates of the Moscow bureaucracy. (Che Guevara was his father’s eldest son, as was Mao) That’s why Che and Mao became friends in absentia. Nowhere in Marx is it written that the peasantry can be progressive. But the Chinese leader wrote that the peasantry could “encircle the cities,” and the Argentine thought that a handful of fighters would stir up a revolution in Bolivia. There is one but. If Che had won, he would have revolutionized Argentina, and the Castro brothers would have been his comrades. Then, by analogy with the tragedy of Bolshevism in Russia, he would have had to repress his brothers. He was the eldest son. Fighting against the Peron regime, he fled to Mexico, then ended up in Cuba, in a foreign land. He no longer wanted to grow old in Cuba and turn into a pot-bellied bureaucrat. So, he went away young and holy. This saved him from a showdown with the Castro brothers.

So, the imperial totality cannot live in a small republic or on an island except as an idea. Ideologically, in the same Cuba, they could recognize the communist idea, but they could not translate it into a harsh dictatorship. There are enough showdowns of warring factions to call for discipline in a small country: enough authority and charisma of one man. When Castro went to the Camaguey barracks unguarded against the Catholics of Comandante Matos (Trotsky also took the Peter and Paul Fortress garrison without firing near the time of the October Revolution. Stalin’s police officers could not bring him to Alma – Ata in January 1928 because of his great authority. Stalin went to the deception. They announced the postponement of the time of the train departure).

A large territory requires tough power all the time. Otherwise, the empire will fall apart. But this rigidity constantly grows when the idea is insufficient, and all the older sons inevitably grow old and become executive bureaucrats. The socialism of the younger sons is always inferior to the traditional discipline of the empire. Socialism is actually a convention of each historical case. There are different names for the emerging new dictatorship. It will be there again, or the empire will break into small islands.

Chapter 6

Natural and unnatural aging

Why do political activists and the people choose different versions of the tradition? Some activists select the collective path-socialist ideology; others demand democracy, and then nationalism and fascism replace anarchy. That is why one brother selects socialism; as we found out, the younger brother breaks the queue, while the other, older one always supports evolution and observes the order.

No people can support democracy if there is no reason to do so. People who have lived in harsh conditions have always preached the principle of collectivism. One of these folks is the Russians. The same people live all over Eurasia. They didn’t create empires, but they tried. Before the Russian Empire, which became the USSR after the revolution, there was a Mongolian Golden Horde. It cannot be said that the Mongolian Genghis Khan was a socialist or a collectivist. He united the scattered nomadic tribes into one union. His soldiers and bureaucracy maintained a brutal order and discipline. In the Mongolian steppe, it was difficult for one person to survive. And all the Turks could not do without the help of their relatives. There was no socialism in the Horde, but the tasks of the state, the fate of the military empire, depended on general discipline. Here, the state and the empire are represented as one collective.

Ordinary people never know where prosperity comes from. With the general wildness, this is not allowed. Any head of a patriarchal family or a simple family finds it impossible to relax. Therefore, any empire is supported against disintegration by a cruel tyranny. The central government is the same patriarchal family but a large one. If there is no respect for the power of all members, the family empire disintegrates. The Horde, the empire, is a large patriarchal corporation. What problems each family had, and the tasks of each family in such unfavorable climatic conditions are always the same, the same tasks of the tyrant. If any tyrant decided to distribute a part of his wealth not to his children but to all the Horde people, all of them a little, someone would probably think of calling him a socialist. He would dismiss the thought immediately. And would have done the right thing. The Zerefs would have eaten this gift. Thanks. They wouldn’t have understood. And the Khan’s entourage would think that the ruler was mad.

But this is all a preface.

We must understand that socialism or the collective system is caused exclusively by collective values from common tasks. Many may not know where these national riches come from in living conditions. They don’t need to because knowing and reasoning are the traditional elite’s prerogatives. By the way, the presence of hierarchy and traditional discipline, caused, as described above, by the severity of the climate and the general patriarchal savagery, also says there is a condition here; there is ground only for socialism. And this wild socialism will necessarily be wild, cruel, and barbaric concerning the means to achieve the goal, as, indeed, all previous attempts to build an allied horde. This will be the same socialism that was established on the planet in the 20th century, and only this practice continues, and there can be no other. Karl Mark was wrong. But all socialists liked his words very much. And all the younger sons in strict patriarchal families liked it. After all, socialism took place precisely in the former empires, where there was strict discipline, a community, and a central tyranny, such power as the continuation of each petty tyranny in a separate family. In addition, all these younger ones broke the order. They were not supposed to inherit positions from the old government. The children of the feudal elite were to inherit the positions of the old government. But that is why technological progress is taking place, to disrupt the production of goods and the order of inheritance. It is flotagia, and flotagia we call the process of the influence of the new world and modernization on the Zerefs (the traditional world after processing by a new practice). As soon as the traditional people learned about the new system, the new socialism, they literally lost shame, forgot their turn in the queue for material goods, and therefore dropped caste. Only in a world of strict morals and defined order could this happen, only in the world of historical-cultural dictatorship. Karl Marx was not liked in a distributional and law-abiding Europe but in a wild and moral Asia, where informal laws, including the laws of a hierarchy, are always in force. “The proletariat has nothing to lose but chains, and it will gain the whole world” – and everyone will forget the old queue for the “inheritance”. After all, it is the inheritance that interests everyone. It is not a literal inheritance; some fathers simply have nothing to give to their sons of any age, but a symbolic inheritance as part of the general national product. You can get nothing at all to get your share in the old scheme. Everyone knew that. People of all ages understood this. The lower castes, the humiliated strata, the proletarians, and the peasants appeared as the younger sons. This, first. Secondly, to turn into a new feudal group, into modern oligarchs, in other words, these “younger” ones will need, as the practice has shown, three generations of feudal socialism. Does it turn out that? It turns out that the rebirth of all the younger sons can occur in an ordinary family. If nothing happens, the order is observed. Natural aging makes everyone law-abiding philistines.

This does not exclude all the older heirs sitting at home and growing old quietly during crises. They can go out on the street, appear as nationalist patriots, and march through the squares with torches. This happened in Germany in 1933. ( Nationalist detachments have been marching in modern Ukraine since 2014. All of them are former residents of Ukrainian villages. Former provincials. All these events point to the similarity of processes for all peoples. In Ukraine, fascism matured with a century’s delay). National socialism is the natural “evolutionary” aging of the nation. The march is a natural aging of the nation. But here, all the socialists are the eldest sons de facto and de jure. They are all state patriots and have nothing to be ashamed of this hatred -so that’s what they think. They were to receive the inheritance by law, but they didn’t get it. So, they became nationalists. They took everything themselves. Then, they did not have to grow old and simultaneously be ashamed of their arrogance. In Soviet Russia, where the eldest sons also came to power in fact (the entire Stalin faction is the eldest sons), they aged artificially when they took power from the Trotskyist intellectuals (Trotskyists are all the younger sons in their intellectual families). They remained carriers of the inferiority complex until the end of the unnatural cycle under the natural conditions of feudal socialism because they didn’t have the proper wealth. Until 1991, the peasant children wore this complex for three generations to overthrow unnatural socialism and become legitimate senior rulers.

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