Czytaj książkę: «Super English Course – Speak like a native»


© Alexander Chumakov, 2024

ISBN 978-5-0055-0891-1

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Meet Alex

Hello everyone! My name is Alexander, but many people call me Alex for short. I am the author of this Super English Course – speak like a native. I am also a good writer and a confident public speaker.

Everything I do:

I believe in helping you speak English better.

I believe that English can be easy and fun.

I believe that English is beautiful and awesome.

The way I do it is:

By teaching you real English.

By using the best methods for learning and speaking English.

By inspiring you and motivating you to stay committed to learning English.

I just happened to make a great English course.

Wanna do one?

I have created this Super English Course – speak like a native, because I have a mission to do. My mission is to service people. My mission is to teach you real English doing my best.

What is Super English Course?

Super English Course is a platform, where I introduce a brand new way of learning English. The platform where I encourage, inspire and help you to be more successful and happier every time when you need to speak English.

I want to help you to become a strong, fantastic and confident English speaker. I want you to succeed at English. I want you to speak excellent English.

Now, I would like to tell you how I can help you speak English easily, confidently, automatically and feel absolutely relaxed at the same time. Now I want you to think of my Super English Course as a key to the door. It is the key to that beautiful door for you to enter the space of real English. I want to help you by giving you the key to that beautiful, fantastic and gorgeous door to the real world of English; the door that leads you to your better understanding, to your better pronunciation and, finally, to your better speaking and of course, to automatic respect from people when you speak English.

I can help you to speak excellent English because I know what it feels to learn English as a foreign language. I do know what it feels and I do know what it takes to speak English where people around you do not speak English or speak English very little. I know that because I was there. I was like you. I was born in Russia and I grew up in Russia. I myself learned English as a second language. That is why I understand perfectly well your anxiety, your worry and your embarrassment every time when you need to speak English.

When I was 10 years old, I already wanted to be of help. I already wanted to be a teacher. I did not know what I was going to teach, but one thing I knew for sure was that I wanted to be a teacher. I wanted to serve others.

And I decided to teach English, one of the most beautiful languages in the world. I went to University. Since that time I became a willing student of English, and I became very much interested in how I could help people to speak excellent English all over the globe.

Many years have passed since then, I have learned from the best, and I’ve found the method that I am going to share with you in this course. This is the story-telling method – one of the best methods in the world for learning languages.

I became a teacher of English many years ago. But still I am committed to serving people. Still I am excited and curious about what I am doing. Still I am devoted to my calling – to teach you to speak English easily, confidently and automatically.

If you let me teach you, and if you let me lead you and guide you through this tough, difficult and meandering process of learning English, together we will certainly take your English to a new level of mastering English. And I promise you will speak English the way you never did before.

With love and respect,
Your English teacher

How to do the course

Hi, this is Alex. In this audio I am going to tell you how to do my Super English Course, how to use the key better in order to open the beautiful door to real English, the door to your success, freedom and confidence of speaking English freely, powerfully and automatically.

So how are we going to do this? How are we going to learn? Well, one of the things we have to do is create a daily English ritual. This is your key to the door of free speaking.

You probably didn’t feel very happy when you were sitting in your English classes. Now you are different and you are going to learn English differently. When you’re learning English with my Super English Course, it’s very important for you to feel happy. It’s important for your body to feel good, for your mind to feel good. It’s crucial for you to emotionally enjoy the process of learning English. Of course, it’s just more fun, you’re going to like it a lot better. But the other benefit is that you actually will learn faster. You’ll improve your grammar faster. You’ll improve your pronunciation faster. You’ll remember vocabulary words better, longer and faster when you feel good. So there’s a very practical reason for doing this, too.

Just right now, let’s talk a little bit about a daily plan. Something you could do immediately, right now, today, to start improving your success with English by changing your psychology. So here’s a little ritual, a little plan you can follow every day to start improving your English.

The first thing you want to listen to is the story. So the first thing is listen to the story. And you can read this as well the first time if you cannot understand easily, you can read the transcript and listen at the same time. Do this perhaps two times per day, starting with the main story and reading. Use a dictionary if you need to – to look up new words.

Next, listen to the vocabulary. So in the vocabulary again I will discuss the meanings of some of the difficult words that I used. I want you to imagine a bridge. This is what the vocabulary actually is. It is like a bridge to your better understanding and to eventually your better speaking. It is something that liberates you from the main talk. It is something that makes you free and helps you finally become a confident English speaker. The vocabulary lesson gives you that freedom of choice we all want to have when we speak. And again, you can read the transcript of that vocabulary lesson. There’s always a transcript you can read if you can’t understand my speaking, if I’m too fast, then read at the same time. It’s okay.

Next, you’ll listen to the mini-story and the mini-story is the most important lesson. The mini-story is designed for deep learning. In the mini-story I am going to ask a lot of very easy questions while I tell a story. In fact, I really ask the story, I don’t tell the story. Why am I doing this? Students ask me “Why are the questions so easy?” Well, the questions are supposed to be easy because I want you to answer fast and automatically. I want you to train your brain, teach your brain to answer very quickly.

I don’t want you to translate from your language to English or from English to your language. It’s a bad habit. It will make you speak very slowly. I want you to just answer quickly, automatically, very fast. So that’s why I ask so many questions, like questions again, again, again, again, again… very easy. Your job… answer the questions quickly.

You can answer with only one or two words, its okay. Short answers are fine. You don’t need to answer with a big, long sentence. In fact, short is better.

So that’s the order that you’re going to follow. You’re going to listen to the story first, one or two times. You can read as well if you need to. Then you’re going to listen to the vocabulary one or two times, each day. And then finally you’re going to listen to the mini-story, one or two times or more. You can also read the transcript for the mini-story in the beginning.

Now another important point, when you’re listening to these lessons do not study them. Don’t struggle to memorize. Just relax and listen. If necessary, you can read as well, as I said if you need to. But relax, you’re not trying to memorize anything. Just let it come in. Let the English come into your ears and into your eyes. Don’t think about it. Don’t analyze it. Do not think about grammar. The mini-stories will help you learn grammar subconsciously, so don’t interrupt that process by trying to analyze it. Don’t think about grammar rules. You want to learn like a native speaker and that means you’re going to learn the patterns of English in these mini-stories. You might not be able to explain them, just like native speakers cannot explain grammar rules. But that’s okay, you want to be able to use them correctly. That’s the important part. So again, you want to relax. Do not study. Do not think about grammar rules. Do not try to translate. Just relax and listen.

Now another important point. You want to move your body while you’re listening to the lessons. This will keep your energy high. So, what do I mean by that? Well, a really easy way to do this is just to walk. You’ve got an iPod, you’ve got your earphones in, listen to the lessons while you go for a walk. You can do two things at one time. You exercise, you improve your body and you listen to English lessons and improve your mind at the same time.

If you’re sitting in a train or on a bus then maybe you just stretch your body a little bit. If you’re in your car, you can move a little bit. You can move around in your seat. If you’re at your house you can go crazy, you can jump around. You can exercise very strongly. You can go to the gym. Do something with your body while you’re listening to the lessons.

It will keep your energy high. It will keep you feeling better. You will actually learn faster by doing that.

And finally, a very, very important point. You need to use our deep learning method. That means you listen to each lesson set for one week or more. So for example, this first unit has got three parts. There is a story or a main talk. Yes, some lessons have a main talk or an article instead of a story. There is a vocabulary section. And there is a mini-story. Well those three, you want to listen to those three every day for seven days. You want that repetition.

Repetition is very important. You want it to go deeply into your brain. Just one time is not enough. Even if it is very easy for you, if you listen you understand everything, it’s simple, still follow the deep learning method. Still listen to the whole set for one week or more. On the other hand, if it seems very difficult, listen longer. Two weeks is okay.

Doesn’t matter, the point is you want it to go very deeply into your brain which means you want it to be almost easy. It’s going to just go into your brain and eventually just come out without you thinking and that requires deep learning. It requires a lot of repetition.

So that’s kind of your basic plan for using these lessons. Again, first you’re going to get into a peak emotional state. You’re going to get excited. You’re going to jump around. You’re going to listen to music. You’re going to feel great. Then you’re going to listen to the story or the main talk one or two times. Then you’re going to listen to the vocabulary, one or two times. Then you’re going to listen to the mini-story, one, two, three, four, five times… every day. And remember, relax, feel good and enjoy the lessons while you listen.

Okay, now you know what to do to learn English faster and to speak English confidently. Next is your first lesson. Go grab it. See you there.

Unit 1
A Dog and a Lion

Hello, my superstar English student. This is Alex. Welcome to our first story “A Dog and a Lion”. But first you’re going to focus on your physiology, on your body. You’re going to focus on mastering your body, using your body to change your emotions. Using your body to change the energy that you feel and therefore using your body to learn English much, much faster. Are you ready? Let’s begin.

Once upon a time there was a dog who went for a walk in a forest in Africa. And a lion saw the dog. And the lion thought: “That dog will make a good dinner.” But the dog was a mind-reader. He read the lion’s mind.

And the dog thought, “How can a dog escape from a lion? It’s very difficult. They are very big, very strong, and very fast.” But that dog was a very smart dog.

So what do you think he did? He managed to find some bones. And he sat in front of the bones with his back towards the lion, totally unafraid. And as the lion was about to pounce, the dog licked his lips and said: “Mm, what a delicious meal! These local lions are very, very, very tasty! I wonder when I can get my next lion to eat.”

And the lion heard that and he said, “Oh, my goodness! That must be a really vicious dog. He’s eaten another lion and I am not going to be his dinner.”

And so the lion turned around and ran away.

But there was a monkey there. And that monkey saw that conversation. And he said, “I am not going that dog to get away with tricking this lion”. And he ran to that lion and said, “You’ve been tricked. You are a fool. This dog can’t eat lions. He has just set it to scare you away!”

And so the lion got very upset and he got wild. The lion was going to eat that dog. And the monkey said: “I can’t wait to come with you to watch.”

So the monkey jumped on the lion’s back and the lion went straight towards the dog.

And the dog saw them coming. So he sat in front of the bones again with his back towards that lion and the monkey on his back. And as they came close, the dog licked his lips again and said: “Where is that damn monkey? He promised to bring me another lion.”

This is the end of our lesson for “A Dog and a Lion”. Alright, and remember, of course, keep your psychology strong. I hope you’re smiling right now. I hope those shoulders are back. Chin up. Lots of energy. Don’t forget that every single lesson you do, you must be smiling. You must be moving. You must have that energy in your body. That’s how you’re going to learn English much, much faster. Okay, I will see you next time.

The Vocabulary Lesson

Hi, this is Alex and this is the vocabulary lesson for “A Dog and a Lion”. This is the lesson where I am going to liberate you from the story. The lesson where I am going to give you confidence and freedom you need in order to become a fantastic, confident and first rate English speaker. Let’s begin!

Let me tell you some words about this story first. This story “A Dog and a Lion” is not my story. I didn’t write it. I mean I am not the person who is the author, the creator of the story. No, no, no, no. This story is not mine. I learned the story from a Buddhist monk. It was when I was travelling in Perth, Australia, because that time I was very much interested in Buddhism. And I visited there a Buddhist Temple, a Buddhist monastery. There was a monk there and his name was Ajman Braham. He told me this story. And I liked the story very much and I asked him, “Ajman Braham, can I use this story while teaching my students English?” And he said, “Yes, sure, Alex, you can do it.” So that is why you have this wonderful, fantastic and extremely instructive story to learn.

So let’s jump into the vocabulary lesson.

Our fist expression for today is to make a good dinner. It comes from the sentence: “That dog will make a good dinner.”

So the lion says to himself, “That dog will make a good dinner”. The lion thinks to himself that the dog is good to eat. This is a healthy dog. Actually, it looks like healthy. The dog doesn’t look sick. And the dog is easy to catch and easy to eat. And that is why the lion thinks if he catches the dog, he can cook the dog and then can eat the dog. So he thought, “That dog will make a good dinner.” So the dinner is going to be nice, fantastic and very tasty.

But from the story we know that the dog is a mind-reader. He reads the lion’s mind. Oops!

You see. So as you already understand the dog can read one’s mind. So a mind-reader is someone who can read one’s mind. The dog can understand the lion. He can understand what the lion is thinking about now. He can read his mind. He can understand his thoughts. Actually, it is not difficult for the dog to see what the lion is thinking about and what he wants to do. The dog is a mind reader.

And then you see the dog questioning himself. He is asking himself “How can a dog escape from a lion? It’s very difficult. They are very big, very strong, and very fast.” the dog thought. But that dog is a very smart dog. I think he is a Buddhist.

Okay, our next word is to manage. You may know this word, but one more time let me talk a little bit about this useful word. To manage. To manage means to succeed in doing something. So the dog succeeds in finding some bones. He gets lucky. He finds some bones. The dog manages to find some bones.

The next word is unafraid. The dog sits in front of the bones with his back towards the lion totally unafraid. Unafraid simply means brave or not afraid. The dog is brave, right? He is not afraid of the lion. The dog is totally unafraid.

He sits with his back towards the lion and that means the dog cannot see the lion, of course. He sits so that he cannot see the lion. He can see the bones, yes, which are in front of him, because he is sitting in front of them, but he cannot see the lion because his back is turned to the lion. The dog sits with his back towards the lion.

Our next word is to pounce. To pounce actually means to be ready to quickly jump on someone from behind. The lion was about to attack, to jump on the dog from behind. The lion was about to pounce on the dog.

In this lesson we also have the word vicious. Vicious means extremely cruel, unkind and violent. So the dog is extremely violent. The dog is extremely cruel and unkind. He is a vicious dog.

Okay. So here we have an expression to get away with something. We use this expression when you managed to do something (usually bad) and you are not caught, you are not punished. In our case, the dog makes the lion believe that he is vicious. The dog manages to make the lion believe that he indeed eats lions. And he does it by tricking this lion. The dog uses a trick. He pretends to be vicious and he cheats the lion. That is why the monkey says, “I am not going that dog to get away with tricking this lion”. So the monkey says: “I am not going to let the dog cheat the lion.” As you understand the monkey wants the dog to be punished. The monkey wants the dog to be caught.

And the monkey runs to that lion and he says, “You’ve been tricked. You are a fool. This dog cannot eat lions. He has just set it to scare you away!”

Let me talk about this sentence “You’ve been tricked”. This means that the dog has cheated you. The monkey says, “You are a fool.”, which means you are not smart. You are silly. And it is easy to cheat you. Or simply to say, it is easy to make you believe that the dog can eat lions. And finally the monkey says, “He has set it to scare you away.”

So now let’s focus on the expression to set something. Here to set something means to organize something so that you believe that it is true, when it is not true.

Let me philosophize a little bit here. So the dog manages to find some bones, and he sits in frond of the bones. Actually, he pretends to be brave. He pretends to be extremely violent and super unkind. Because he wants the lion to believe that the he is really vicious and he really can eat lions.

But the monkey tells the lion that you don’t have to believe that dog. He is a good actor. He has set it to scare you away.

Here we use the expression to scare someone away. To scare someone away means to make you feel so afraid or so worried that you run away. So again the monkey says that the dog is a great actor. He is a great pretender. You should not believe him. He is cheating you. He is trying to make you feel so afraid, so worried that you run away from him.

And so the lion gets upset and he gets wild, right? And he is ready to eat, to kill the dog. And the lion is going to eat that dog, as I said. And the monkey said: “Ah, I can’t wait to come with you to watch.”

Our next sentence is I can’t wait to do something. What’s it mean? What it means is I really really really really want to do it now and I don’t want to wait and I can’t wait. Actually, the monkey says, “I can’t wait to come with you to watch”. In other words, now we have to go now. Let’s go. “I really want to come with you, and I really want to watch you eat the dog”, the money says.

And our last word for our vocabulary lesson is damn. You may know this word from movies or talk shows. Some people use this word a lot. I am talking about the people who are rude, impolite and the people who use bad language. So the dog wants to know where that damn, bad, rude, vicious monkey is. The dog says, “Where is that damn monkey? He promised to bring me another lion.” Oops! By saying that he lets the lion understand that the monkey has brought him here to be eaten. The monkey is extremely bad and cruel. The monkey is vicious, not the dog.

The moral of the story, I mean the lesson what we can learn from the story is mind your own business. Don’t get into other people’s business, because you may get hurt. You may get into troubles or you may pay a high, very high price.

This the end of the vocabulary lesson for “A Dog and a Lion”. The vocabulary gives you a quick little lesson about some of the words and phrases. And it also liberates you from and it liberates from the story. It certainly gives you that freedom you need to express yourself better and to feel more confident when you speak English. Moreover it surely helps you to get automatic respect from people every time when you speak English.

Okay, I will see you in the next lesson.

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Ograniczenie wiekowe:
Data wydania na Litres:
28 lipca 2021
220 str. 1 ilustracja
Format pobierania:
Średnia ocena 4,6 na podstawie 11 ocen
Średnia ocena 4,7 na podstawie 9 ocen
Tekst, format audio dostępny
Średnia ocena 5 na podstawie 4 ocen
Tekst, format audio dostępny
Średnia ocena 5 na podstawie 4 ocen