Czytaj książkę: «NEONOO, or PARADISE IN THE NOOSPHERE», strona 4


I slyly smile – and Jesus freezes in the tense waiting for another trick: the boy has already studied me a little.

«And biblical paradise is not anarchy either! Not only are angels distributed by rank, so not all souls acquire equal rights: some will still be… well, they must turn out to be „more equal than others“! Remember: those, who suffered for „Christ“, will take the best places in paradise out of turn! Even the „Abraham’s bosom“ is for the elect! What about the control of „fellow souls“? All of them are „covered in participation“: they give and give praise under the watchful eye of the cherubs at the seraphim singing!»

The guy grieved – it shows in his face. He clearly prefers much less of my acquaintance with the Holy Scriptures. And then: even the fool will understand, that these are additional difficulties. And Izzy has already proved that he, with all his ignorance, is far from a fool. So much the worse for him: I vigorously deploy the offensive:

«Summary: orderliness is in everything! And the state is the highest (of known) form of order! So, let’s not „reinvent the wheel“!»


I smile shyly and lay my hands on my chest guiltily.

«Sorry, brother: again I run ahead of the locomotive!.. Ugh, you! I wanted to say… In general… if you return to the theme of the state, then you do not need to invent anything new, because the new is well forgotten old. Well, what: consensus?»


One of my question marks, Jesus increases to three. Once again, without pretending to originality, the failed opponent once again turns out to be an honest guy.

«We will build a state… at the place of stay?»

Jesus silently throws up his hands: «consensus» is understood and achieved.

«Brother Alchemist!» I return to the life of a bored colleague. «Are you standing for the need of the state – or how?»

«I stand for it – and not, anyhow: shoulder to shoulder with you!»

This is how the cinema-like Chapaev and his evasive «I, comrades, for the International!» In the context of this claim I give alchemist a friendly clap on the shoulder.

«Thank you, brother, for a subtle understanding of social issues! And now the question is for both. Tell me, friends: how are we going to vote candidates: individually or by list?»


This time, the jaws of both satellites hang down «in unison»: again I «do not correspond to the era».

«Sorry, guys. I just wanted to ask about how we will „resurrect“ the comrades: one by one or in a crowd?.. I am already reading the question on your faces: „what am I doing?“ Moreover, my friends, that I am not a strong man! Piece „revitalization“ in droves I will not pull! You see that… you see nothing! Nobody is still showing up. And that means – what? And this means, that they can do nothing, and I am elected really! And not because it is so good: because someone has decided so! But there are many of them, but I am alone! Already only a detour will drive me to the grave… well, that is… well, you understand what I wanted to say. Therefore, let’s solve the question of how the respected Jesus expressed it, „in principle“.»

Having been remembered – and not in the already usual critical plan – Jesus immediately «takes the form of God»: he is concerned about his face. It is unlikely because he wants to show, that he is not here «from the side of the bow». The man obviously «pretends something to something».

«And what kind of people are supposed to „revive“?»


Due to the exhaustive, I would even say, comprehensive answer, Jesus «leaves the podium». I direct my eyes – with a question together – on the alchemist. He immediately gives out a face of uncertainty on his face – and modifies the image with the same shoulder movement.

«I trust you completely, Teacher!»

I see Jesus as much as he jerks from this appeal: he is the Rabbi! Teacher, that is! Well, «for the general improvement of the body» it is more than useful.

«But… You did say yourself: the people are different. How would we do not „revive“ those, who are not needed?»

I am immediately filled with a soothing gesture.

«Your doubts are clear, brother alchemist, but absolutely groundless. You have forgotten that the noosphere is not a paradise, which, exist it, would surely be the refuge of any stupid rabble.»

Jesus qualitatively turns green face, but I’m not going to stop the medical procedure. This is not just bitterness. This is the bitterness of the medicine. It makes sense to suffer. In his own interests: «The more tears there are, the more relief: in tears, lies the cure!»

«Noosphere is a sphere of knowledge!»

«A-a-a-a!» The alchemist blurs into a smile. «How did you say: „Not everyone got into our tight circle!“?»

«Actually, it wasn’t me, who said it… But you are right: here, only the chosen ones! I will not lie: the criteria for selectivity are unknown to me. Although, I think that here „not fools are sitting!“ Well, so as not to miss the fools. Of course, the people here are indeed different, as well as the contribution of each individual to the common body of knowledge. But there are no fools here definitely.»

«And the opponents?»

Well, the alchemist: he has bright head really! But at the same time, to once again admire, I painfully frown: he told me this question – like a fist in the gut! At the same time, I notice how Jesus stares alive. It turns out that the «volcano of passions» has not yet died out: «it smokes in places»! Well, well, comrade..

«You’re right, buddy: opponents with brains, too, „manifest“. Of course, this is additional trouble. More than that: additional strength of materials.»


There is the next «unison» of companions – in the presence and on the face. Comrades do not pick and choose: this is again «I do not correspond».

«This is the science of the resistance of various materials. For example: it is harder to move in water than in the air, but…»

«Got it!»

There is hardly any need to clarify, that the author of the replica is an alchemist. Jesus at this time «iron» corresponds to the installation: «we Academies did not finish» I «go back to the microphone».

«Yes, on the one hand it is bad. But, on the other hand… The New always makes its way in the struggle with the old. Truth, as is known, is born in disputes. And nobody has yet canceled the laws of nature: the unity and struggle of opposites, the equality of the force of action to the force of opposition, and the angle of incidence – the angle of reflection. Well, and so on.»

I place the alchemist’s shoulder on a friendly side.

«And then, do not forget the heroic beginning. It is not for nothing that it is said: „And all our life is a struggle!“, and „And an eternal battle – we only dream of peace!“ also.»

«Well said!» Alchemist gets comfortable in my arms. «And by whom?»

«By two different comrades. And two opinions are almost a fact.»

I see that Jesus was already pretty tired with the prelude. It delayed somewhat, in fact. Well, after all, «that’s not by my own desire»! But the word is given to «ex-rabbi».

«This… how is it… Paul, it seems?»

Why so rude, buddy?! Why so disrespectful… no, not to Paul: to others? Interest in the «subject of interest» can be hidden by less awkward way, than imaginary amnesia!

«Paul, friend Jesus, Paul is his name!» «You are understood». So, here: I personally would not «show» this comrade. And not because he will begin to «oppose»: because his energy is directed in the wrong direction. And you can’t redirect: this is the «matrix»! Of course, he is a man not without ability. If only it were possible to direct his abilities to good deeds!»

I see Jesus, already, turns pink with pleasure. Man tries to hide the joy, but it does not work. It is understandable: «the dawn of civilization»! Camouflage is from the Stone Age! But, nevertheless… Here, to you – and Izzy! Here, you – and the «lamb of God»! Yes, apparently, I will have to «expose myself» with another line from Vysotsky: «He buried us too early…"! «He» is me. And «us» is Jesus, son of Josef. Comrade is «smoking» more and more: not the «Ural Mountains», but the hidden «Vesuvius»!

«Only, if «resurrecting» everyone all together, then Paul «will rise again» for company». And my personal opinion is just my personal opinion, which should remain with me. I am here on the same rights as everyone else. Well, except that I am with a small «starting capital», as «the first, who comprehend the essence». But it is like an ignition key in a car: «fuel in tanks» was poured without me…»

I slap my forehead again under the bulging eyes of the companions: all the time I turn to the twenty-first century! I can’t learn to «fit»!

«In general, Izzy, you cannot be upset: Pasha „will rise again“, no matter how much I resist it in the soul… or, whatever, I have.»

Jesus got paled: «I know, that you know, that I know». No, this man is not as simple as Nietzsche painted with Renan at all! Maybe, he did not finish the academies, in fact, but he graduated from the «school of life» «with a gold medal»! Although, «if he had finished the school», he would not have ended on the cross!.. But there is something else that «though»: maybe, he once loved to suffer, in fact – and after all, a lot has happened since then! Having suffered on the cross, the guy obviously got wiser! Now he is not a lamb for the slaughter! And then I bring him to Paul, in which Izzy probably already felt not so much a competitor as an accomplice! Oh, did not Jesus deny the title of «Son of God» only in words? It may well be, that the guy will still show himself – and to the rest he will also show something!

«Ok, „closer to the body!“, as one comrade said! Let’s decide on the merits: who is for the „resurrection of the list“, please vote?»

There is full consensus. I request who is «against», who is «abstained» for order… for protocol, that is. Those, of course, are «absent»: both according to logic, and to common sense. I visit Vernadsky for a moment: we left somewhere close, because Izzy wandered by itself, not alphabetically. I have no problems with the old man: not for beauty, he «discovered» the noosphere!

I return to the satellites.

«Well, well… Let’s begin. „As an honorable saint, as an honorary pope of… our kingdom“…»

The alchemist’s mouth is being opened from such blasphemy against the will of the «rightholder!», I am making the amendment in order to avoid misunderstanding.

«It’s joke! This is from mov…»

This time I compare centuries in time.

«… well, let’s say: from the book. But, if in fact, on the rights of the copyright holder – sorry for the pun! – as the first one, who managed to manifest himself and manifest in all senses, I ask the respected Noosphere…»

For the first time, having «called» my place of residence with a capital letter, I wonder – and my face brightens from an attack of genius.

«Here, really, really: «Doubts – away: I am a genius!» Just now I had a wonderful password, which is re much better than «Open Sesame!»

«Do speak – do not torture us!» the companions put their hands to the chest in unison.

«There is nothing secret, that would not become obvious!».

Companions’ faces are subjected to synchronous charm and delight: that’s both beautiful, and on the theme! Better not say it! Probably, the Noosphere itself is of the same opinion, because the very next moment from the announcement of the password there a lot of souls around… it would be… if not competent device Noosphere with division into floors, sectors and blocks.

«How many people are here!»

First of all, we unanimously pay tribute to the quantitative composition. After that, all together and each separately begin a «quality acceptance».

«Bah, there are all familiar faces!»

I cannot stand the first: affects the superiority in training. I remember, if not all, then many, at least most of those, whom I «personally know» from their portraits in history books. And even if it is not uncommon the similarity is very remote, but it is suitable for identification.

In front of me is a whole gallery of «portraits»: Phidias, Miron, Policlet, Archimedes, Aristotle, Alexander. They are followed by the Romans, from Romulus to Caesar. With philosophical detachment, the Buddha follows. Behind him is Mohammed. An endless stream of famous and quite unknown all sorts of cases the master. People go labor of mental and physical. Although I am not surprised, but I state with pleasure: there is not a single slacker, even from those, whom I do not know, comes the spirit of creativity.

«Our mutual friend» Paul appears from somewhere «from a corner» – and immediately goes to Jesus. Izzy confusedly looks back at me. I nod my head.

«Let me introduce you to each other: Jesus, son of Joseph, who has been „Son of God“ for a short time – and „super-twelfth apostle“ Paul, „in girlhood“ tax collector Saul, one of the most consistent persecutors of followers of „Christ“.»

Izzy and Pasha blush together: «the show was a success». No wonder I tried. But this slight «trampling down» does not prevent them from devouring each other’s eyes. Not from hunger: from interest, which is mutual, to my surprise. It seems, that the men «found» not only themselves, but also each other. Interesting «singing»: something will be next? Okay: «go ahead!»

«Well, while you meet, I will glance at the contingent. For «for business – time, for fun – an hour!» or, as one comrade put it more precisely: «Stop Stop having fun! It’s time to work!»

«I’m with you!» The alchemist immediately props me with his shoulder. Jesus’ shoulder is «out of stock». The comrade is already busy with another comrade: both «absorb each other». Well, okay: what to happen – that cannot be avoided. It is me – not only about myself… even not so much about myself… And, if quite frankly: not at all about myself…

Chapter five

«The people» «resurrect» on the floors – according to the «establishment» of the Noosphere and common sense. By the way – about the Noosphere: the capital letter seems to be affirmed not only in me, but also «in the atmosphere». We with it – me and the «atmosphere» – are already grasping the fact, that our hostess is not a soulless body of knowledge, but something «alive» and supernatural.

But – back to the egg: the process of «resurrection» finally gets until the twentieth century. If the ancient Greeks are «familiar all faces», then the faces of the «newly manifested» are even more so. Lenin, Stalin, Mao – all those, who created something – manifest themselves. Even Adolf Aloizovich is «manifesting»: the «Third Reich» is listed behind him. Not a «millennial», but still! And, here, something other than the representatives of the twentieth century is not visible: neither Gorbachev, nor Yeltsin, nor Putin, nor American presidents, with the exception of Franklin Roosevelt. Not deserved, however. In the Noosphere – if you follow the «letter» – only creators are credited. By itself, a position is not an act of creativity. for Misha and Boris are only the ruins… and eternal oblivion. Ending on Earth, the guys there also ran out. The end of the physical was just the end, point at the end of the sentence. Noosphere clearly did not feel the need for the services of these «fellows». This is classic: «moments are handed out to whom – shame, to whom – dishonor, and to whom – immortality!»

Despite the different «caliber» and different «time of vocation», the «people» are not without a clue, and not without abstract, but quite concrete: everyone looks at me in much the same way as the ceremonial line – on the parade host. That is: «Eyes right!» Honestly: that’s nice. That’s encouraging and even happy – and that’s not the reward itself: prospects.

Now you can talk. No, I could communicate before, but only in a truncated format. Only one past stood experience behind the comrades and gentlemen, experience of earthly life. This, of course, is a necessary and useful thing. But it is time for us to speak for the present and the future. And for this you need to manifest – in all senses. Only visual contact makes it possible to fully communicate. Yes, and the moment of psychology must be considered. Even one friend from the movie once said: «No, I can’t by phone: I need to see your eyes».

«Comrades and gentlemen!»

I take the word – and no one is surprised. On the contrary: everyone pulls up, as in the ranks. It seems that the people have already managed to compare the «life» of the past with the present – and pay tribute to the «Donor-Deliver». I hope that the reward is just beginning: we are at the very beginning of the creative path.

«Congratulations on finding the face of man!»

The ranks fulfills «according to the Charter», even if «a loud, three-time «Hurray!» is carried not from the mouth, but from the eyes. I do not complain: we must take into account both the specifics of the contingent and the specifics of production.

«Now each of you has the legal right to declare: «The meaningless stay «nowhere» has ended!»

I see: the most intelligent are already starting to acquire question marks in views. I not delayed with satisfaction of their curiosity.

«Yes, my friends: I have the honor to invite you to make a choice between meaningless stay and meaningful life! With the return of the human form, we cease to be just a piggy bank of knowledge and past experience. Now we get a chance to apply this knowledge and this experience in practice. And not somewhere there: here, in a new place of residence… I would like to believe in this status of it…»

It is not difficult to track the reaction of the contingent: the original massive enthusiasm begins in places to encounter individual manifestations of skepticism. Well, well: I did not count on universal approval.

«Here everything is – people deserved…»

I see Hitler – and make an amendment:

«… or at least deserved the right to this «here» by entering in history. As for the contribution, it can be different – and not necessarily positive. No one has the right to encroach in any way for the right of every «soul of thoughts» to be here. This is the exclusive prerogative of the Noosphere, in which we, as a follower, are just the atoms or building blocks of this universe. Everyone has the right to remain thoughtless, even being «manifested» in the total mass. After all, the «manifestation» of the individual may not coincide with his desire. Some may not want to be a member of society. If only because it is impossible to live in a society – and be free from it.

The text belongs to Marx, the speech is mine, and it makes an impression. Comrades think: for sure they remember earthly life with not only rights, but also responsibilities. The last a priori are the prevailing number. For a combination of reasons, it becomes quiet so that they probably hear me at the other end of this «world». I continue to «work out my comrades» – the good thing is that everyone has already «penetrated» not necessarily with my ideas, but with the consciousness of the importance of the moment – that’s no doubt.

«Therefore, all that needs to be done to such a… hmm… man for returning to his former appearance… even if absent – is to declare now that there is such a desire. Right now – before the vote. After all, „manifestation“ is not an irreversible process. And since it is possible both individually and in a team, this rule also applies on the phenomenon of reverse order. As they say, everything is in our hands. More precisely: in my.»

With a supposedly apologizing smile, I spread them with the hands mentioned.

«It so happened, that the „manifestation“ entrusted to me. I would venture to take on yourself and the reverse mission. As a result, the comrades will go to their floors, and will exist in parallel with us, nowhere intersecting anywhere.»

I pause – and «come to the question», as a fighter – on target.

«So, who does not want to remain in the human form?»

For the results of the vote, the wording of the question is not the last thing. And this is not a «naked theory»: I can judge the beneficial effect of the formulation by the expression of the faces. The expression is exclusively correct: fear «in the batch» with readiness to vote not only with hands, but also with legs – and not only for oneself, but also «for that guy».

«There is no one! So, let’s go to the agenda from the procedural issue. We have several questions on the agenda, one more important than the other. I think that for the first time the whole agenda will be too – therefore there is a proposal to solve only two… or three… or it turns out… the most important question. Allow me to announce the list?»

The stream of consciousness – in the form of positive emotions – qualitatively replaces friendly cheers of approval. Comrades are not yet accustomed to express themselves on an earthly basis: the lack of practice and perennial quasi-existence affect. Nothing: this is good for a start!!

«So, the first question – and the most important one – is: will we begin to live or will we continue to exist? The question is not philosophical: actual-vital! I hope none of us need to explain the difference between the concepts?»

There are no people willing to ask for clarification – and I give a little reference.

«That’s a little reference. You can exist even in the image of man. Have you any objections? To answer, use the experience of the earthly life of each of you!»

The argument is so «killer», that none of the «dead» do not rush to «come to life». This makes it possible, without further ado, to go directly to voting.

«Who is for to start living?»

I sly with the wording again, but that’s in the interests of the cause again. I am not mistaken in the calculations again: the perception is adequate. The people speak out for life. And Mohammed is not limited to «participation in the choir» – and soloist:

«At all there is the will of Allah. If Allah was pleased to define me here for a residence, it means that I am here not to have fun with the gurias, moreover, there is none in the field of view. I do not know how others, but I will live and work here for the glory of Allah.»

I do not dissuade a colleague, although it is elementary: Allah has only heaven or hell. And if this is not heaven or hell, then there is no Allah. But why «run ahead of a locomotive»: it’s not time to put dots above «i». That would be «black ingratitude»: a colleague extends a hand to me – and I «spit» into it?!

Therefore, I gratefully smile to the prophet – and calmly begin to observe the formalities: «abstain?», «against?» These are really formalities: there are no abstentions, and even more, those who are against it, because there are no fools. Once again, «I am erecting myself on a pedestal». Simply put: I beg for sympathy.

«Some of you probably think: Why do I command here? The question is legitimate and reasonable.»

I see: the eyes of individual specimens begin to clear up. So, I not only guessed, but also pleased, at least, «played a lead» – and not only disarmed the enemy, but also earned his sympathies!

«Yes, comrades and gentlemen: the question is legitimate and justified. Therefore, I immediately hold the answer, including for the initiative. So – about the right. I will say it straightforwardly: the right is one-time use. I am endowed with it as the „discoverer of the law of manifestation“. I do not know, maybe it is suitable for further use, but I refuse to abuse it.»

I see that not only Democritus, but also Caesar and Napoleon approve of me with views from the spot.

«And then: someone always needs to take the initiative. Otherwise, nothing would have happened! Otherwise, we… you… would still be nobody – and not from the «International»!

I come across a question in the eyes of Caesar – and immediately put my hands to the chest:

«Excuse me: there was such a song – and there were such words in it: «Who was nobody, that will be everything!»

«This is a song for our Spartacus!» Caesar grins, causing approving smiles on the faces of Lenin and Stalin. The reaction of all three is in credit to me. Now I can even more energetically the initiative in my hands.

«One intelligent man once said: „In the world, nothing changes until someone starts changing! And another way to change something does not exist!“ Therefore, based on my ideas about the welfare of each person, I ventured to take the initiative! I emphasize: only initiative, not power! The issue of the distribution of powers is the next on the agenda.»

The people come alive and resolutely: not for all, but for many of those present it is a question of questions. In the interests of the cause – due to self-criticism and a sober look at things – «I spill on comrades refreshing shower»:

«Only before it, I would like you to give an assessment of the initiative shown: whether I am abusing or not. This is important, both for me and for the future, not only for the future of our relationship. Believe me: I’m not exaggerating. So, who thinks that I am abusing, please raise your hands.»

Even if I didn’t think of «forming an opinion», I «formed» it due to only one reason: literate statement of a question. Of course, fools «take fire» once again, it is not: here everything is «wise»!

«Thank you for your trust and understanding.»

I squeeze out some more degrees of heat from the eyes of others: it won’t be superfluous, at least, in the future.

– The next question, friends, is: a form of social order. Believe me, the question of form is not at all formal, as it may seem. After all, the way we see our device, how we «organize», directly depends on the question of power and our continued existence.»

Above the plain of heads, one hand timidly sways. Of course, I easily calculate the owner: Napoleon Bonaparte.

«I listen to you, Mr. Bonaparte.»

And rightly so: there is nothing to indulge in the dangerous delusions of individual comrades, even if I myself am mistaken about these delusions. Well, in the sense, that the fallacies of individual comrades can be worn – and even are – purely hypothetical. I must immediately make it clear possible «applicants»: «here you – not there!» And it seems, that Napoleon understands the main thing: no he is not Napoleon, but only Bonaparte, at least, here and now. Anyway, bye it will not be «proven otherwise». More precisely: until I decide his fate: Napoleon or Bonaparte?

«Dear Mr. Chairman!»

Not without pleasure, «I hear myself with a capital letter». Along the way, I repay to my friend: he «complies», as if he was listening to my thoughts.

«If I understand you correctly, the question is now being resolved on the establishment of the state and the form of this state?»

«You understood me correctly, Mr. Bonaparte!»

I re-apply Napoleon with a «face» about the truth of life.

And nothing: «attached»! And he doesn’t mind! And already «from the point of application» the ex-emperor is embarrassed, not at all imperial, coughing.

«Please, excuse my audacity, if it is found by you…»

Well done: keep it up, Napoleon! In the sense: so lying… face in the dust!

«… but I would like more clarity… Once again, generously, please excuse me.»

«Don’t mention of it!» I generously apologize to the ex-emperor, using «all my existing Versailles». «No cheek I do not see your question. Clarity is needed by everyone and always… for greater clarity. Hence there is my answer: republic – or a monarchy. Terciam non datur! I hope the translation is not required: „we all learned a little“?»

«Thank you, dear Mr. Chairman!»

Napoleon «leaves the podium» «in the dress» of the slavish look and bowed back. Nice to deal with adequate comrades!

«Whose choice is this?»

I am seeking through the eyes of a scoundrel. But the insolent and not too hiding: Caesar. It was possible not to look for: just guess. Besides him, of all those present, only Stalin can ask such a straightforward question. Well, well: at least, with a friend, everything is clear… at least, to start.

«This is a collective decision, dear Guy Julius.»

That’s right: it will do without the consul, and without the lifelong dictator, and without a victor – and without «and so forth, and so forth, and so forth». Let him tell me more thanks for the fact, that I do not call him a «citizen» – only in the context of the Code of Criminal Procedure, and not the constitution of the republic. It is necessary to put a comrade in place… if he does not stand on it. There is no other method of education. If he hits me with the question, then I hit him with the answer! For the umpteenth time: «terciam non datur»!

«I don’t know if the staff of the team will satisfy you… or, to be more exact, the initiative group…»

I Insolent smirking, because I know for myself: it works flawlessly.

«… but into it… they enter: Your humble servant…»

Light tilt of the head – so that, God forbid, my words not taken literally. Caesar wisely remains unresponsive: he, who has ears, let him hear! And he already heard me and about me!

«… my companion is one of the greatest practitioners of medieval Europe…»

For the sake of «raising the rank» of the alchemist – and he gratefully appreciates cheeks the color of ripe tomatoes. The mention of «Europe» has a beneficial effect on Caesar. He «did not drive» into an adjective, but «Europe» clearly falls in his liking. And then: man all his life he tried to escape from the provincial Mediterranean to the operating room! It is clear: what kind of empire is of the «Apennine boot» with the surroundings?!

While Caesar «looks good», I go further:

«The third „member“… in the sense of: participant – is the Founding Father of the Noosphere, academician Vernadsky!»

There are no fools – even if they were – and everyone is drawn together in the ranks. Caesar is no exception. A man is not in vain famous for not only a strong hand, but also strong brains.

«Well, the fourth member of the Initiative Group is the well-known – but after you, dear Caesar – the born son of a carpenter, later „Son of God“ Jesus! Please welcome!»

In the manner of a noteworthy entertainer, I step aside – and with an outstretched hand «I call upon the center» pale red Izzy. Man, of course, didn’t miss anything from my presentation, which I carelessly… but why lie: intentionally – turned into a play. That is, they did not pass by him – for they passed by like in the ranks – neither the «born son of a carpenter» nor the quotation marks in the «Son of God». Looking now on Jesus, I have no doubt that he is ready to give me and by faith, and according to his works – and do it right now. Only one thing holds him back: he needs me – and much more than Paul, because «my number is first»!