Czytaj książkę: «Thinking and creativity. №1, 2023. International Informational Literary and Popular Magazine»
Authors: Aliyev Ibratjon Xatamovich, Karimov Boxodir Xoshimovich, Vavilova Ekaterina Aleksandrovna, Vern Jule Gabriel, Pushkin Aleksandr Vasilyevich, G'ofurov Oqiljon Axmedovich
Editor-in-Chief Oqiljon Axmedovich G'ofurov
Illustrator Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev
Illustrator Boxodir Xoshimovich Karimov
Illustrator Obbozjon Xokimovich Qo'ldoshev
Cover design Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev
Cover design Boxodir Xoshimovich Karimov
Cover design Ra'nxon Mukaramovna Aliyeva
Scientific supervisor Boxodir Xoshimovich Karimov
Literary Director Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev
Philosophical Director Baxromjon Nomonjonov
Philosophical consultant Islombek Ne'matov
Economic Manager Farruh Murodjonovich Sharofutdinov
Economic consultant Botirali Rustamovich Jalolov
Proofreader Gulnoza Muxtarovna Sobirova
Proofreader Boxodir Xoshimovich Karimov
Proofreader Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Vavilova
Proofreader Munojat Inomovna Karimova
© Ibratjon Xatamovich Aliyev, 2023
© Boxodir Xoshimovich Karimov, 2023
© Ekaterina Aleksandrovna Vavilova, 2023
© Jule Gabriel Vern, 2023
© Aleksandr Vasilyevich Pushkin, 2023
© Oqiljon Axmedovich G'ofurov, 2023
ISBN 978-5-0059-4699-7 (т. 1)
ISBN 978-5-0059-4700-0
Created with Ridero smart publishing system
Our world is entering a new year 2023. We, the organization OOO “Electron Laboratory”, the Scientific School “Electron” and its academic Council, the administration and every member of our team, wholeheartedly congratulate the entire multinational people of the inhabitants of the Earth, all countries of the world, each of their citizens and representatives of states, dear veterans, all men and women, our wonderful youth with this a wonderful holiday. We wish you all health, happiness, peace and prosperity!

In 2022, we created OOO “Electron Laboratory” and the Electron Scientific School was created under it, and the international scientific journal “All Sciences” was organized at the Scientific School, which is published monthly to this day in cooperation with the Ridero publishing system. At the moment, 8 issues of the journal, 182 scientific and popular scientific articles have been published in all areas of human cognition. Also, 44 books have been published by the team of the Scientific School from August 2021 to the present, while each of them has been recognized since the foundation of the Scientific School and the organization OOO “Electron Laboratory” in May 2022.
Of these, one epic novel “The Constructor of Worlds”, in which 9 volumes were published; two one-volume novels; one collection of poems; two collections of essays; ten monographs; eight issues of the international scientific journal “All Sciences” in Russian; the first, sixth, seventh and eighth, in total four issues of the international scientific journal “All Sciences” – “All sciences” in English; one issue of the information magazine “Thinking and Creativity” in Russian; one issue of the information magazine “Tafakkur va izhod” in Uzbek; one textbook and four textbooks.
The number of members of the academic Council has increased from 20 to 37 people over the past six months, including doctors and candidates of sciences, professors and associate professors, and other representatives of the academic community. Close relationships have been established with such organizations as the Malaysian company “Clipper Energy” SND. BHD., the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, the D. V. Efremov Research Institute of Electrophysical Equipment, the A. A. Chechen State University. Kadyrov, Ingush State University, Ridero Publishing System (Publishing Solutions LLC), Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Ministry of Innovative Development of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Khokimiyat of the Fergana Region, Khokimiyat of the city of Ferghana, Joint Stock Company of the Ferghana Enterprise of Territorial Electric Grids of the Ferghana Region and the City of Ferghana, National University of Uzbekistan, Institute of Nuclear Physics at the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan, Scientific Research Institute “Physics of Semiconductors and Microelectronics” at the National University of Uzbekistan, Ferghana State University, Ferghana Polytechnic Institute, Ferghana branch of Tashkent University of Information Technologies, Unitary Enterprise “FarDU-Yashil Energy”, Joint Stock Company “Ferghana TPP”, Private Enterprise “Radioelectronics” and others.
In the new year 2023, it is planned to publish 12 subsequent issues of the international scientific journal “All Sciences” in Russian and English with at least 240 scientific articles; from the second to the fifth issues of the international scientific journal “All Sciences” in English; 6 subsequent issues, every two months, of the information journal “Thinking and Creativity” in Russian and Uzbek; 3 textbooks; 4 textbooks; about 10 monographs; 6 volumes of the epic novel “The Constructor of Worlds”; 6 additional one-volume novels; 1 collection of poems; 1 collection of essays.
It is planned to attract academicians, doctors and candidates of sciences, professors and associate professors, other members of the academic community from scientists of Uzbekistan and foreign scientific associations, academies, general education and research institutes, universities and others to the academic council, increasing the number of members of the academic council to 50 people.
It is also planned to establish contacts with such organizations as partners of the Malaysian company “Clipper Energy” SND. BHD., the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Ministry of Investment and Foreign Trade of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Uzbekistan, other universities and enterprises, reaching a new level in the international arena.
Thereby opening up new opportunities for all members, authors of scientific articles and other publications, our other partners new opportunities.
Dear friends, on this festive day, addressing you from the bottom of our hearts, we wish that in 2023 in every family, in every state there will be peace, happiness and prosperity, let all our good dreams and hopes come true, let science flourish all over the world.
Happy New Year to you, dear peoples of the whole planet!
OOO “Electron Laboratory”, Scientific School “Electron” and its academic Council, administration and every member of our team
Every month is special and individual, and if you look towards history, you can see a lot of amazing holidays, some of which we still celebrate.
Undoubtedly, the most important holiday of the year for all the inhabitants of our planet is one of the most ancient celebrations – the New Year, which has a pleasant inspiring power! And at this wonderful time, when everything in the house is shining, pleasing the eye, and the Christmas tree has already taken its place of honor, as well as beautiful colorful toys of the most bizarre shape on it, and long electric garlands are flashing, giving a sense of celebration, it does not hurt to plunge into the miracle of the holiday for a couple of minutes by making a little trip around the world. That’s why we have created a selection with the most unusual holiday queens – Christmas trees from all over the world!
1. France, Paris
The most glamorous Christmas tree in the world is in Paris. With the approach of Christmas in the famous Parisian department store Galeries Lafayette, decorators are building a real New Year’s miracle, amazing imagination. Christmas tree outfits change from year to year and never repeat.

Christmas tree in France, Paris
2. Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
In Rio de Janeiro, the New Year’s beauty is installed not on land, but on water, on Lake Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas. This majestic beauty got into the Guinness Book of Records as the largest floating Christmas tree in the world. Every year, the Christmas tree is dressed in a new outfit and beautiful light shows are arranged.

Christmas tree in Brazil, Rio de Janeiro
3. Taiwan, Taipei
A stunning sight can be observed by residents and visitors of Taipei city in Taiwan. The Christmas tree here is an LED structure with a height of 36 meters. With the onset of darkness, an incredible light show begins, in which the New Year’s beauty constantly changes her decoration.

Christmas tree in Taiwan, Taipei
4. Lithuania, Vilnius
Lithuania’s main New Year’s beauty lights up her lights on Cathedral Square. Locals and tourists are already used to the fact that every year the authorities of Vilnius surprise with the unusual decoration of the main Christmas tree of the country.

Christmas tree in Lithuania, Vilnius
5. USA, New York
The most famous Christmas tree in the USA is a festive Christmas tree, near the Rockefeller Center skyscraper in New York. For the first time, the New Year’s beauty appeared at this place in 1931. It was a modest Christmas tree decorated with lights. It was put by the builders of the future world-famous Rockefeller Center. This is how the tradition associated with one of the most famous Christmas trees in the world in our time was born.

Christmas tree in the USA, New York
6. USA, Michigan
The most short-lived, but certainly extremely unusual Christmas tree was not only seen, but also heard by residents of Michigan. This Christmas tree is assembled from the members of the choir of the Frauenthal Performing Arts Center. And yes, they sing!

Christmas tree in the USA, Michigan
7. Australia, Melbourne
The New Year tree in Melbourne is made of more than half a million Lego pieces. A festive tree stands on Federation Square in Melbourne.

Christmas tree in Australia, Melbourne
8. Greece, Athens
The main New Year’s attraction of Greece lights up its lights on the central square of Athens.

Christmas tree in Greece, Athens
9. Czech Republic, Prague
The main Christmas tree of Prague appears on the Old Town Square. This year, the Prague beauty took second place in the ranking among the most beautiful Christmas trees in Europe, second only to the Christmas tree from Vilnius.

Christmas tree in the Czech Republic, Prague
10. Italy, Venice
Being the locomotive in the world of glass products production, Italy presents magnificent glass Christmas trees. One of these Christmas trees stood in the central square of Venice. It was in this city that the unique Murano glass appeared. And the Christmas tree, of course, is made of it.

Christmas tree in Italy, Venice
11. Belgium, Brussels
In 2012, in Brussels, the traditional Christmas tree was replaced with an electronic design in a cubic style. The reaction of local residents turned out to be ambiguous, many were outraged by such an attitude to traditions. But now the Brussels Christmas tree is a regular participant in the Christmas ratings.

Christmas tree in Belgium, Brussels
12. Monaco, Monte Carlo
Compositions of glowing lights and a whole park of decorated trees – this is the choice of Monte Carlo.

Christmas tree in Monte, Monte Carlo
We hope that this selection was able to give you at least a little festive mood and in conclusion, we congratulate you on the upcoming New Year!
Bokhodir Khoshimovich Karimov, Scientific Director of the Electron Project
From Einstein to Al-Khorezmi, from da Vinci to Buddha, how many great personalities has this world seen and how many more will it see? It is the fact that there are not a few great ones and great ones are born that makes this category immortal.
The great Kyrgyz writer, a huge figure in world literature of the 20th century, Genghis Aitmatov will be dedicated to his birthday
“If you think how many living creatures there are on Earth and how many more are lost by human hands, then involuntarily Badan will be woken up”
Chingiz Aitmatov
Yes, as the sage adib Aitmatov narrated, the purviqar mountains on Earth, the blue-blue seas, the zilol lakes-it is dark forests, Gardens shrouded in elegance, picturesque landscapes, animals and plants-bari – Barchi were referred to human judgment by the creator. The prosperity or destruction of life on earth depends only on the behavior of a person.
In the work of the great thinker adib Genghis Aitmatov, who managed to refresh the aesthetic thinking of the world with the power of high aesthetic thinking, Continued Conversations with the Japanese philosopher Daysaku Ikeda and the Kazakh poet Mukhtar Shokhonov-the books “ode to the spirit”, which came into the world as a result of the dialogue, as well as the

Chingiz Aitmatov
The book” ohi-zori of the hunter who remained at the peak”, which was born as a product of infinite trust and affection for humanity, consists of a preface and seven sections. One of its sections is called “the scream of stray swans or the secret of jellyfish.”
Our feedback is about this.
It is worth noting that the development of Science and technology is developing at a rapid pace around the world. Humanity is boldly moving towards a high Foundation. In other respects, the development of the world economy seems to gradually alienate a person from nature. The relationship of Man and nature is becoming one of the problems on a global scale. Does not man forget that the Earth, the underworld, the world of water, animals and plants are an invaluable nationwide wealth, that it is necessary to use them wisely? Not realizing that the biological relationship between them will lead to unpleasant consequences if they go out of the way? As long as nature is a holistic system, so a person must always live in harmony with nature. Does a person who is the flower of life among all beings sometimes succumb to selfishness and do not commit violence over nature? Is it not further expanding the scope of hidden dangers that reach the brink of destruction by their inhomogeneous behavior?
The interlocutors-Chingiz Aitmatov and Mukhtar Shakhonov-will observe deeply, at the heart of the pressing universal problems that torment their hearts and cause deep grief. The famous Hunter Boshosh, who told Aitmatov in the beginning of the section, and the ancient Kyrgyz legend about his tragic fate, have a high educational value. It is narrated that in the ancient land of the Kyrgyz, a master sniper hunter named Boshosh brings a vicious massacre to the animals and birds that meet on his step with the intention of reaching his beloved yori visoli. He sang at a clear night and strangled the water rats he was doing; the wild goats in the mountain ranges begin to slaughter wildly. The surviving Gray Goat begs the tolerant Hunter, wishing him compassion. “We have only a pair of goats left of our generation. Allow us to continue our generation, do not scratch us!”– he cries. But the heart of the Master’s Stone is butkul mosuvo from human feelings of compassion: he immediately shoots and kills the Gray Goat. For drying out the seeds of the breed of goats, a cold goat with heart-to-heart blood curses the Master harshly and, using a clever event, zealously throws out a tyrant Hunter who wants to kill himself on a steep rock that has not reached a human foot. The boss is doomed to inevitable destruction. Because he is cruel and ungrateful, he crows himself and cries, punches him in the forehead, and smokes him with an Afghan. Be that as it may, the repentance that was said late was no longer useful.
The yuho Hunter, who brought a beomon massacre to animals and birds, thus received a reward of fate…
Interviewer M. Shakhonov, reacting to the legend, interprets: “the Legend of the Master is a high example of human suffering…”
So if we take a look at the work of a genius writer, the mine is profit.
In the works of Genghis Aitmatov, birds, animals and animals also appear before our eyes as literary characters. However, we cannot imagine the image of Edigey storm in the novel” a day of taste for the century “without camel snow storm, and the image of Tanaboy in the story” Goodbye, Gulsari “without a Saman diaper Rose, and the figure of BOST Orkunchiev in the work"Doomsday” without a fulfilling horse bull. Also, the famous white Raymali Agha in the narration and legends presented in the novel” a day of taste for the century” appears before our eyes in an alposis, where the majestic horse blows a drum on the Sarala and sings a song towards Begimoy; the Great victim Naiman mother is embodied in our imagination in search of her son, a chick who was Haqon Genghis Khan, burning in the dream of the “ruler of the world on four sides”, rode on a white mane, black tail, beloved reticent horse Huba and thought about his state, while the hundred-headed Erdene devoted and indissoluble White qashqa horse appears in a fried state in the fire of agony, hoping to save the salty woman Hauglang from the inevitable murder, who was in the laughter of cruel Haqqa over the White Star. The teran philosophical essence, pathos and plot lines of the novel “The Resurrection” of Chunonchi, olamshumul are described with high skill in the interpretation of dramatic and tragic events-Wolves – The “Great Mother of the living” without Akbara and Tashchayniz-can never be imagined. Inchunin, Aitmatov writes about Wolves: “before writing about Akbara and Tashchaynar, I studied the nature of Wolves, their behavior, their life. I read many different books. In general, the life of Wolves is subordinated to strict discipline. They live an interesting life…”
Yes, the owner of uchkur tahayyul Aitmatov in his works also depicts the personification of animals with sincere feeling, affection and warmth of the soul. Consequently, birds and animals are also an integral part of nature, vitality, a participant in the realities of life, along with Man.
Indeed, at the heart of the myth there is a thoughtful and bitter truth. He nurtures in our hearts feelings of affection, compassion and kindness to the animal world. Consequently, animals and plants are also living elements in their own way, they also have an inner world, feelings. They also have the right to live a quiet, leisurely life…
Aitmatov and Shokhonov, within the framework of the topic, have a heated opinion about the specific laws, traditions of living of the world of animals and plants. Chunonchi, Shokhonov’s stories, in which biologist scientists conducted an experiment on the leaves of plants using ultrasound machines, told among themselves about Aitmatov’s experiment on cloves, involuntarily invite the reader to make a deep observation. However, nature is rich in miracles, even an ordinary leaf is not alien to emotions, as Shokhonov regrets with a melody. And man, after me, does not flood the world, but hums in his grave, cutting down whole-headed forests, and plunges into the swamp of indifference. This, naturally, does not put its own negative impact on the biosphere without it. It is not the slightest sense of guilt that zayl will remain a face of Wormwood in front of future generations for waste beyond the need.
Mother Nature cannot be imagined without living-blind species of plants. Plants are the source of life for a living being, the whole of the Earth. Most importantly, plants enrich the oxygen contained in the air. It is with this oxygen that living organisms breathe. The role of plants in our life is inexorably great. The plant and animal organism is made up of cells, which means that the cells embody the characteristics inherent in vitality. Reflecting on this, savqi-with natural sensations, the ancient Greek philosopher Anaksagor’s scriptures come to mind: “plants are living beings. They also feel, grieve, rejoice. These feelings are apparent in their leaves. Plants also have intelligence and knowledge.”
Indeed, it turns out that Flowers want silence, a peaceful life. Flowers also have the property of hearing, thinking, feeling and feeling. The mood of flowers, the feature of the development of the stroke, confirms the science of medicine for the harmony of the human mood. That is, in the composition of domestic flowers and plants there are flying phytoncides that kill microorganisms in the air. Or, say, plyumeria and lavender flowers exude a pleasant aroma from themselves and purify the room air. The leaves of some flowers exude a aromatic aroma from themselves, giving an excellent mood to the human psyche. If we look at the pages of the life of Vangelia Pandeva-Gushterova, a world-famous Bulgarian master of unique abilities, a blind prophetic woman, we will come across interesting information with a talay highlight.
Vanga was, first of all, an extraordinary phenomenon that could see the past, the present and the future. It is confirmed that he even communicated with the deceased and aliens. In particular, Vanga, like Anaksagor, believed that all herbs in nature have a soul, were able to chat with flowers and trees. He came up with various drugs from herbs and treated patients. The doctor Vanga emphasizes that a person must learn to live in harmony with nature, only then he will be healthy, his soul refreshed. The amazing thing is that the black woman admitted that she was telling herself when she treated which medicinal cocaine was a cure for any pain in the human body. This is a real miracle!
By the way, the clairvoyant Vanga said during a conversation with the visitors to her: “the world begins with herbs and ends with herbs. Everything that people leave on Earth bruises as grass, and the grass of every country is healing only for the people of that country, “he said many times…
Yes, the bitter truth is that sometimes a person, not appreciating the feelings inherent in other living beings, turns into a scourge. The stories about the peculiar life of wild deer, the rules of living, Swan love, whale rage, the all-ridden Bears, told by the interlocutors, are extremely touching and encourage a person to be affectionate with nature, animals and plants, to protect them from negative attacks.
Indeed, a person who is developing the development of Science and technology at an accelerated pace is not used to being fascinated by himself and looking at nature with a violent gaze? Is he not indulging in the true state of nature, pouring calamity?..
Indeed, in a period when the development of Science and technology is developing at a rapid pace, when humanity is moving towards a new civilization at the speed of a cruiser, an unpleasant impression is awakened, as if the thread of the long-standing Sacred Ties between nature and man is broken, as if an aesthetic pleasure that a person can receive from nature, So, in the face of the discoveries of universal science and technology, the intoxicated man, praising his intelligence, has now left him with nature, with animals and animals, without speaking as before; feelings of love for Mother Nature, feelings of awareness of its unique beauty seem to end up fading in the human heart, and our consciousness-consciousness is permeated with the thoughtful folds of the sea of observation. Some categories of people are confused in the face of the complex events that are taking place in the world in a tense, rapid period in the present idea; as the spiritually sick heart is interpreted by all phobias, as the yanaki futurologist Olvin Toffler, “futuroshok”-shaking from the confrontation with the future – as if the poles were constantly chasing, there are cases of The powerful civilization separated the emotional power of man in his gem from nature, leaving man with nature without feeling a single whole…
Aitmatov hundred chandon is right: the inhumanological behavior of a person caused serious problems before humanity. The mutant-mushroom, which appeared under the influence of radioactive light, the barbaric mutant-shrimp, which appeared in the Bermuda Triangle under the influence of radioactive substances, became an extremely dangerous disaster for humanity. Destruction of nature, discord with nature – means the self-destruction of humanity. However, the great scientist from pharangistan Michel de Notrdam Nostradamus (1503—1556), whose predictions about the events of the future, impressing the afkor masses of the world without a stem, predicted several centuries ago: “humanity will forget God and become obsessed with iron toys… people move more and more away from nature, in turn, nature also takes terrible revenge on people…”
Lord, you will catch your collar from admiration! Whereas, what is happening in different regions of the planet:
terrible earthquakes that dry the pillow of many people; tsunami-deadly floods; plague epidemics; brutal fires that claim the lives of innocent people;
the terrible mutant-shrimp invasion that appeared in the depths of that Bermuda Triangle under the influence of radioactive substances, blowing ajal seeds into the surroundings;
sulfur-rich mixtures released into the air by large industrial areas are “salt rains”, which are precipitated as sulfuric acid;
radioactive substances Cesium – 134, cesium-137, distributed from the Japanese destroyed plant “Fukushima-1”, which influenced the reproduction of birds, plants and butterflies;
have you not actually confirmed the predictions of the karomatgu Nostradamus at the time of natural disasters such as a tornado-a deadly flood that is raining a huge calamity on the head of a human being?!.
Involuntarily in front of my eyes is the poet Sirojiddin Sayyid’s book “Fukushima, 2011. 11.03.“the poem is embodied:
“O mankind!,
Chernobyl, Fukushima —
Qattol is your castles,
Pain is your wounds.
There are a thousand oars in your bosom,
Look at his condition, there is:
Black box, black cave,
The reactor is wounded.
No progress,
It’s okay, it’s life —
Is your raw fantasy,
Is it maturation?
Look away, look at dawn,
Sea aro, land aro —
These shakes, these tailors
Could not you lessons”.
“Эй одамзод, ўксима,
Чернобил, Фукусима —
Қаттол қалъаларингдир,
Оғриқ яраларингдир.
Бағрингда минг ўра бор,
Аҳволига қара, бор:
Қора қути, қора ғор,
Реакторинг ярадор.
Наҳотки тараққиёт,
Бу тамаддун, бу ҳаёт —
Сенинг хом хаёлингдир,
Камолинг – заволингдир?
Шом қаро, субҳинг қаро,
Денгиз аро, Ер аро —
Бу ларзалар, бу дарзлар
Сенга бўлмади дарслар”.
At this point, it is permissible to recall such terrible typhoons as “Hugo”, “Andrew”, “George”, “Floyd”, “Katrina”, “Flora”, “Isabel” and “Ivan” rabbits, which in different years claimed the lives of most people in the US territories and the Caribbean.
Before my eyes again involuntarily Nostradamus’s prophecies are embodied: “thanks to the invasion of brainless tentacles, the feeling of worshiping God in the hearts of people is replaced by absurd feelings that the eye sees and does not hear the ear… the human being is crushed worse again in the domain of istibdod…”
In fact, as Nostradamus emphasized, the true spirituality of a person who is a fan of such discoveries as iron toys invented by him, a mirror with a talisman, iron birds, a covered cart with a shitob Messenger along the insides of an Iron Spider that has overgrown the ground, is impoverished, greedy, selfish, envious vices, selfish, violent approaches ultimately do not stop living?!
Hayhot, let him protect himself from such a decline! May he Grant mankind peace, and may He strengthen his faith. May our face not be Shaggy in front of future generations!..
One of the universal problems that worries the world community today is the problem of Ecology. It should not be forgotten that the principles of the counter-ecological development of the world economy can have a destructive effect on the natural environment, leading to a violation of natural proportions in the biosphere, the disregard of the dialectical unity of Man and nature. This thing can be clearly reflected on the example of the Chinese economy, which is being compared to a world factory by the turn of the 21st century.
The Chinese economy is currently the second largest in the world. However, it is also true that the country’s economy is growing at a high pace and growing gurus, causing various problems in the matter of the environment. However, these manifestations of high – pace industrialization, rapid urbanization (urbanization), the dense population settlement in large cities-megacities that came to bunyod, negative aspects of construction creativity are of serious concern to government leaders. After all, seven cities in China are listed in the list of the most polluted cities in the world! On top of that, due to the sharp deterioration of Ecology, 500,000 to 750,000 people in this country taste untimely ajal wine every year. True, in order to solve urgent environmental issues, the root of which is getting deeper and deeper, the Chinese government is developing the necessary measures, but the huge scale of the problem is putting all efforts into a dead end. Solution? There is only one concept in this place: time-the Supreme judge will say, time will tell them all…
Returning to the topic, Shokhonov notes with regret: all sorts of poisonous gases, dust-storms, radiation are causing the Earth’s atmosphere to be polluted at a sharp pace; the protective crust of the Earth-the ozone layer – is being eroded as a result of the growing number of toxic emissions and institutions that countless industrial enterprises spray the air around the world. Consequently, the depletion of the ozone layer, which protects the Earth’s crust from ultraviolet rays, has become one of the most difficult issues today, the solution of which, in the face of human thought and intelligence, stands across like a mountain of copper. The continuous movement of various technical equipment, which is a derivative of the development of science, Freon substances, separating from vehicles and rising into the air, slowly supply damage to the ozone layer. It is becoming clear that the problem of preserving the ozone layer is a global problem facing humanity as time goes by. Oddly enough, ulugnostradamus warned future generations even about the ozone hole five centuries ago and predicted: “at the end of the 20th century, plague and other diseases will be closed to people by walking.“In addition, River and sea waters are drying up. If we take a closer look at the research of industry experts, the phenomenon of soil poisoning and erosion is sharply increasing; million to million tons of oil waste are being poured into the world ocean every year. The animal and botanical world still suffers from Shameless massacres…
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