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The Origins


Copyright © 2018 Carolinadeivid

All rights reserved.

ISBN-13: 978-3-748506-87-4

Touchladybirdlucky Studios [9781916439771]

A David Gomadza Production.

Carolinadeivid have asserted their rights under Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 to be identified as the authors of this work.


“Today's leaders have backtracked taking us back to the medieval times. The whole system has gone bonkers relying on digital-man-made-agents to function properly. We still spend $trillions globally making weapons. Sometimes war is the answer. A new beginning. Destruction of the things we don't need; weapons. Ladies and gentlemen above all, this gives me the President the chance to play God and eliminate all evil once and for all. Uphold the rule of the law. Surely you don’t want to be on my To-do-list or you will feel the full force of Directive 17.”


This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.


A big thanks to Touchladybirdlucky Studios and best wishes to the Carolinadeivid Brand.


One bright afternoon a door of one of the mansions suddenly opened and a tall beautiful lady walked out toward a car parked outside a huge mansion. She stopped outside the mansion next to the car. She instantly opened the car door and stopped and looked at the top bedroom window. Instantly a man flipped open the curtain and looked on talking on the phone.

“I love you.”

“I know darling.”

The woman entered the car leaving the door open.

“I have to go darling see you later.”

“Karolina. I love you very much. I just don’t know what I would do without you my love.”

“I know darling see you soon...”

“I know that’s all you have to say?”

“What do you want me to say?”

“How about I love you too?”

“Words can’t come easy to some of us. It’s obvious I love you too darling.”

“I know but it’s nice to hear the words from you.”

“Can we talk when I get back?”

“Sure. I am just saying that one day you will come back and find me gone.”

The woman stopped and threw a quick glance at the bedroom window.

“Where would you go?”

“I just can’t understand that if I love you this much why you don’t show me the same love.”

“I have to go. Can we talk when I get back. I understand what you are saying darling. I just have been busy of late.”

The man lowered down the hand holding the cellphone and looked through the window.

A huge white Volvo executive class car pulled out of the drive way and into the road and silently disappeared up the highway. The woman looked in the rear-view mirror before the ringing of the car phone startled her.

“Yes. Karo speaking. How can I help you?”

After a while the car turned into a side road before pulling up on the roadside outside a house. She wore her sunglasses and stood just by her car. Momentarily another elegant woman smartly dressed came out of the house.

“Right on time!” she shouted.

“Big day we can’t afford to fuck up. Everything should be as smooth as planned.”

“Nothing to worry about it should be okay. Karo.”

Soon afterward the two women’s car headed out of the suburbs.

“What’s that teenager-smile on your face?”

Karolina smiled even further and threw a quick glance at Californika.


“I don’t know why he is acting like a teenager in love.”

“What happened?”

“He has been very emotional lately.”

There was a moment of silence. All they could hear in the background was the song; Seductive Handsome Man by Carolinadeivid.

It began on a lovely Saturday evening.

He was handsome and the most Seductive Man that night.

He was my lover to be, I knew it then and there. My Seductive handsome man. My Man.

…...That’s how it happened:

Oh yeah! Oh yeah!

I ogled a Seductive Man.

“Feeling insecure?”

“I don’t think so. I think he is feeling unloved lately. Honestly, I can’t blame him. I have been very busy lately. I am pushing very hard to make everything go according to plan. It’s not easy you know.”

“Maybe he needs some TLC’s.”

“He is saying that I am taking him for granted and that one day he might leave me.”

Californika looked at Karolina briefly before looking outside the window.

“Leaving you? I thought you had something going on between you.”

“He doesn’t feel my love nowadays, and he thinks that I am lucky to have him. Just this morning he said that I am taking him for granted.”

“Do men really show that kind of love? Mine can’t be asked every time I raise the subject. He is like, off course I love you that’s why I am still with you.”

“I must confess Jonathan has been showing some real love toward me it’s only that I was too busy to take notice.”

The background song can be heard as silence broke out.

Last summer I kissed a seductive man

Still, he is in my thoughts.........

The car approached the city. A few minutes later it stopped outside one of the main buildings in the city. The women got out and entered the building. A lot of people were in the reception talking.


“Not really. Could have been better if we owned this.”

“You are never satisfied. Are you?”

“It’s not that. If this new shop was mine, then I would be very happy.”

“We are getting paid that’s what matters to me.”

“I am just saying that maybe it’s time we go it alone.”

Californika stopped and looked at Karolina.

“It’s not easy you know. Do you know how many have failed? How many have blown away all their life-savings with no returns at all?”

“I am not all those people. I might strike it big.”

“Or regret it. I think it is still early to start thinking about all that. You will need a strong partner. Someone who understand and knows about these things.”

“I am looking at one right now.”

Californika walked away for a while. She stopped and looked at Karolina. She smiled for a while.

“That’s flattering but you know Tom is after a vacation house in Spain. This business thing is out of the question.”

Instantly the lift doors suddenly opened. A man smartly dressed up in a white suit and a blue tie came out. He smiled before rubbing his hands together.

“Can I have your attention! This is the time you have been waiting for! Are you all excited?”

The people replied but not loud enough.

“Are you hungry or what?” he asked.

A huge buzz sound filled the reception.

“Follow me if you can please!”

The crowd followed him. In the building and across the reception on the other side were two big doors. A ribbon was across the doors. Karolina felt confident inside but looked a bit nervous. As soon as the regional director appeared out of the lifts, she hurried toward the door.

“Ladies and gentlemen. The regional director Mr. Karl and the head of this store Mrs. Karolina!”

A huge applause and jubilation filled the hall.

Months later.

An executive Mercedes Benz rolled out of the mansion's yard and slowly into the road. Karolina looked nervous as she looked everywhere first. The look on her face said it all. Fear. Yes, fear of some kind. The car turned into the main road and disappeared around a corner. She looked in the rear-view mirror and everywhere. She looked at the passenger seat and pulled her bag close to herself quickly looking ahead in the road. She opened the bag while focusing ahead and quickly took out a gun. She stared at the gun for a split second. She placed the gun on the passenger seat. The screeching of the car tires sends her panicking. She looked in the rear-view mirror before she sped off. The chase. She looked at the car behind her. She cursed. Fear and panic sat in. She then abruptly pressed on the brakes and stopped the car beside the road. She grabbed her gun and pushed the door open. Breathing heavily, she stared at the car coming her way. The car driver instantly harsh brakes skidding before coming to a halt just before hers. Inside was an unrecognizable Jonathan. He looked worried and heartbroken of some sort. Karolina didn’t even notice how he got out of his car so fast. She only saw him coming toward her, fast with a face casting a lot of emotional pain and confusion.

“Stop there Jonathan! I have a gun!”

Jonathan walked fast toward her as if he didn’t hear a word she said.

“Jonathan! Stop there! I have a gun.”

She raised the gun and aimed at Jonathan.

“That’s right! It’s loaded,” she cocked up the gun.

That made Jonathan instantly stop for a while.

“What? Shoot me for what? I love you Karolina.”

“No, you don’t. We talked about this remember.”

“I love you Karolina.”

“Jonathan don’t upset me. Don’t start. You don’t walk away from the people you love. Okay?”

Jonathan looked down for a split second. He touched his heart and stretched his hand.

“Come my darling. You know I used to love you.”

“Exactly! Used to. I moved on you do the same. Okay?”

“I mean I love you.”

“Do you really Jonathan? Search your heart do you have love for me? Do you Jonathan!”

She shouted leaning toward Jonathan.

He murmured something with a troubled face and looked at Karolina.

“I loved you with all my heart. I just don’t know why I can’t feel the love I had for you.”

“You are heartbroken. Your heart has no love whatsoever for me. I might start to believe that you never loved me. If you loved me, you could not have walked away from me.”

“I honestly don’t know what happened.”

“I know! Let me help you explain. You lost your love for me. It happens Jonathan no big deal but don’t come and rub it on my face. I have moved on. Move on with your life.”

“Karolina! I love you. I mean I loved you.”

“Oh my God! I know you told me so many times. Move on. For the good times we had please move on. You lost your love for me a long time ago. Even then when we were together. Remember threatening to walk away? Exactly what you ended up doing. No big deal. I only get upset that even now you admit you don’t have love for me yet you keep on nagging me. What do you want from me Jonathan?”

Jonathan looked at Karolina and sauntered toward her. She lowered the gun and dropped it to the ground and started sobbing.

“Oh, Jonathan what is going on with you? You are confusing me now. What do you want?”

Jonathan silently hugged Karolina, and the two stood there for a while before getting into Karolina’s car. The cars parked there for some time before Jonathan jumped into his car and sped off.

Months later one sunny beautiful day a lot of people had gathered outside a huge store in the city. A large crowd had gathered outside to witness the opening of a new shop. The usher appeared as the door opened. He walked toward Karolina and poured some champagne. She took the glass and smiled before looking at the people in the crowd. She raised the glass and smiled further. Californika and Tom appeared from one corner.

“Congratulations Karo you made it. I am proud of you. I never thought you can do this on your own?”

“Thanks Cali. If it wasn’t for you and my new man, there...” She looked on the other side and raised the champagne glass.

“I probably could not have made it.”

“A lot of effort and money had gone into this project.”

“Imagine how things turned out in the end. The separation was somehow a blessing. I ended up with a new store of my own. If I was still with Jonathan, I might not be standing here today celebrating with you my friend.”

“So how is he any news?”

“Last time I saw him he was heartbroken, confused and suicidal. Even now I can’t understand it. You don’t walk away from love and become heartbroken yourself.”

They all laughed.

“Are you sure he was not taking any drugs? That’s not human behavior. What did he say about all this?”

“Stolen heart. Someone stole his love. Speaking of which....”

She looked in the other direction and saw Nick coming toward her. A handsome strong man with short yet volumized hair, dimples, a million-dollar smile and oozing charm.

“Yeah, I can see why after dumping you Jonathan now feels that someone stole his love. Where did you find this guy?”

“Jonathan is very funny. He said that someone literally stole his love for Karolina.”

Quipped Californika looking at her partner before all eyes were on Nick.

“Ooh my darling. You look fabulous. I am lucky to have you. What did I do to deserve such a beautiful and successful lady, my true love?”

Californika and Tom looked at each other and nodded in admiration.

“I am proud of you darling. Not many would go through what you went through. I admire that in you. In fact, that’s one of the hundred reasons why my knees melt at the thought of you. Cali and my best friend-to-be Tom. I am a one lucky guy because of this beautiful woman here.”

He opened his arms and hugged Karolina before the couple started kissing.

Instantly everyone started clapping hands and applauding. He took center stage soon afterward.

“Ladies and gentlemen, I have been to many places and met new people. All kinds of people but I have never met such a loving and ambitious lady like my lady, Karo. That first day I met her, I knew it straight away that we will be a successful couple one day and today is just the beginning. Ladies and gentlemen. Ms. Karolina. The owner of this new shop. Best wishes to us too.”

He started clapping hands and the whole crowd joined in. One strong breath and the stage was hers.

“It took a lot to be here today ladies and gentlemen, but I tell you this, it was worth it. How funny life can be. I lost my love but got an even better man in Nick. A man who shares the same dreams as me. A visionary and successful businessman. My business partner and my love....”

“He stole my love! He is nothing but a thief. A love-thief if you ask me. A heart-thief. That’s my love.” shouted Jonathan within the crowd pointing at Nick first and then at Karolina. Some people in the crowd started laughing, but the others looked at Jonathan surprised.

“Yes, you heard me. He is nothing but a love-thief. He stole my love, my Karolina from me.”

He looked down as if to cry.

“What are you doing here? You are not invited Jonathan.”

Shouted Californika.

Jonathan staggered ahead as the crowd opened the way for him.

“Oh no! You are drunk again! You heard Cali, you were not invited nor are you welcome Jonathan.”

He stopped and looked at Karolina.

“You can’t say that. I.I. I. used to love you. I mean I love you.”

He stopped and wore a frowned face.

“I just can’t understand why I don’t feel all that love I had for you.”

He raised his face and looked at Nick.

“Don’t look at me mate. I can’t help on that. You can’t walk away from love and expect to walk back in and find everything the way things were. She is mine now. My love now. Okay?”

Jonathan kept silent. He threw a quick glance at Nick before walking toward Karolina. Nick looked at Karolina with talking eyes. She raised her arm at the bodyguards who were now walking toward Jonathan. Tyler kept walking toward Jonathan.

“It’s okay.” shouted Karolina at one of the bodyguards.

Tyler a heavily built man stopped briefly and pointed at his waist belt before signaling to Dylan. Karolina squinted her eyes before looking at Jonathan.

“Let me talk to him.” she shouted.

“Sorry I can’t take chances, madam. I got to take him down.”

“No! He will never hurt even a fly.”

Tom whispered something into Cali’s ear.

“He has a gun!” shouted Cali hiding behind Tom.

Jonathan got startled by the noise and shouting. It seemed he had been in a trance of some sort as he appeared disoriented.


He shouted.

“Lie down on the ground now!” shouted Tyler.

Jonathan threw a quick glance at Nick. He pulled his gun from the trouser belt before aiming it at him.

“He is nothing but a love-thief.”

He looked at Karolina.

“He stole my love. I don’t know how.”

“I know. Jonathan put the gun down. I will tell you”

She paused.

“You walked away from me even before I met him. He is a very good man. It happens! Sometimes you just stop loving someone. Nick has nothing to do with your heartbreak. Our love died. Okay.”

Jonathan looked down and then at Nick.

“I am telling you. He stole my heart. He stole my love for you.”

“Listen to yourself. How on earth can I steal your love you, pathetic loser? You forgot already? You walked away from her even before I met her. She is mine now. Get used to it.”

“Shut up! You think I don’t know? She is mine. That’s my love.”

“Used to be your love. Okay! But like I said, she is mine now. Correct me if I am wrong. You walked away from her it’s not the other way around. Get it?”

“I said shut up! I love her!”

Nick smiled and walked toward Jonathan.

“Don’t come near me or else I will shoot you.”

“I am not afraid. Don’t make me laugh. Do you love Karolina?”

“I love her.”

Whispered Jonathan looking down.

“That’s not the reply of a man in love. I ask you again. Do you love her? Do you love Karolina?”

There was a moment of hesitation. Everyone looked at him. Lost in thoughts. He touched his heart and looked at Karolina. He looked agonized.

“I can’t feel the love I had for you my love.”

“Oh no! She is my love now.” shouted Nick.

Jonathan raised his gun up which he had just lowered and aimed at Nick.

“I swear I am going to shoot you if you don’t shut up!” shouted Jonathan.

“Jonathan put the gun down! We can talk about this.”

“He is a dangerous lunatic. What are the bodyguards looking at? Shoot him before he kills someone.” shouted Cali.

“Don’t say that Cali,” advised Tom.

“This new boyfriend of yours does not love you.”

“What? And you do?”

“Shut Up! You think I don’t know what is going on here. You can fool everyone but not me. I know who sent you.”

Karolina as soon as she heard that she covered her face.

“Listen Jonathan! You have suffered a heartbreak. You will be okay. Put the gun down. You need help.”

“I don’t need help. I want my love back. I love you. He can never love you the way I loved you.”

“Yeah right in the past. This is now.”

Jonathan ignored Nick and looked at Karolina.

“I have love for you. I loved you. Somehow, they stole my love. I can’t feel my love for you.”

“It happens love dies you know. Put the gun down we can go and talk okay.”

“Listen to me!” shouted Nick.

“You are crossing the line now. Move on. She is mine. Wake up. This is the reality. You alone. Me with her.”

“You, heart-thief. Maybe I shoot you. I know you stole my love.”

Nick for the first time looked agitated and instantly pulled a gun sending the crowd screaming.

“Stay away from my woman before I put you out of your misery.”

“I am not afraid.”

“You think I am bluffing.”

The bodyguards instantly pulled out their guns too and aimed at Jonathan. Karolina screamed. She ran toward Jonathan.

“Don’t shoot. He is heartbroken. That’s all. He will be okay. He is not dangerous. Don’t shoot!”

“Stay away from my woman or I will shoot you.” shouted Nick walking toward Jonathan at the same time gesturing to the body guards to stand down for a while.

“You walked away! Walk away now! You need help not my love Karolina.”

“She is mine. I still love her!”

“What? Do you still love her? Look in my face. Do you still love her?”

shouted Nick approaching even closer with a raised gun. Jonathan looked down and then at Karolina before touching his heart.

“Yes! So! Do you still love her? Answer me damn it!”

“I loved her?”

“I didn’t hear you. I ask you again. Do... you... still... love... her?”

“No Nick don’t shoot him!” shouted Karolina. Nick looked agitated and the anger patterns were evident in his voice. Jonathan knew that the man was now angry.

“You never understood her. You loved her I understand that. But I know also that that was in the past. You touch her, and I swear I will kill you. You had years with her. But like I said all in the past. Move on or I will kill you myself.”

“I know the love you have is mine. My love which you stole from me?”

“Do you even know what you are talking about?”

“Don’t be a smart ass with me. You can never have what we had.”

Jonathan lowered his gun and looked at Karolina.

“Let’s get back together again? What we had was real. Real love.”

“That love also died last time I checked. You don’t remember walking away? Did you suffer an amnesia or what?” shouted Cali.

“You stay out of this.”

“Leave her alone. She moved on, you are a pathetic lunatic. You think you can walk out of someone and come back and expect everything to be okay? Are you crazy?”

“Karolina. I had love for you. Even though I can’t feel anything right now, I know in my heart that I love you. I have always loved you and I will love you forever.”

Californika laughed.

“Love her with what? Your heart is literally broken. You can never love again. You said it yourself.”

“Who asked for your opinion?”

Jonathan touched Karolina’s hand.

“Be careful or you will find yourself on the ground with a bullet hole in your forehead. Okay.”

“My love I am going to show you that somehow the love he has for you is mine.”

“What? Talk some sense Jonathan.”

“Just know that I love you.”

“Loved you. In the past. You lunatic,” shouted Cali.

“I am tired of your stupid games. I will count to ten. Leave my girlfriend alone. Okay. She is with child.”

Weeks later.

Jonathan entered the house he used to share with Karolina. He paced left and right before drawing a gun to his head.

“Why was he so sure that I don’t love her?”

He whispered to himself.

“Maybe I am losing it. If they met after I walked away surely, he has nothing to do with this. Maybe I just shoot myself.”

He slumped on the couch and cried for a while. He walked to the liquor cabinet and took out the whiskey. He poured some in a glass and downed a half-glass before putting on a squinted bitter face.

Nick arrived home from work and found Karolina slumped on the couch relaxing watching the television. He sat next to her before hugging her and kissing her all over. Nick was a very handsome man and less affectionate than Jonathan but a real man. He was not needy unlike Jonathan. Karolina was a very busy woman and any extra attention would have put a lot of strain on the relationship. Nick understood that, and that made their relationship unbreakable. Apart from having his own business and investments the couple were expecting a baby. Nick saw this as something to strengthen their relationship. They talked for a while before Nick started dosing off. Having slept for most of the day Karolina wasn’t feeling sleepy at all. She enjoyed watching the television before the couple went to sleep and tonight was no different. A shadow of a man crossed past the window and she knew exactly who that was. Jonathan. What was he after this time? Surely now there was a real danger her being pregnant. Nick was not the kind of man who will let anyone mess up with his pregnant girlfriend. She quickly reached for the phone handset but then again thought for a while. She knew she had to tell Jonathan in a language he understands to stay away before things went out of control. Her heart started beating up. She looked at Nick. He was sleeping peacefully. She saw that shadow again before she heard a faint knock at the window. That’s startled her even more.

“What the fuck does he think he is doing?” she thought out loud. She looked around. She knew where Nick kept his pistol. She also knew how Jonathan loved her. She cursed and swiftly got up and stealthily walked to the window and flipped the curtain. She was right. It was Jonathan standing outside the window. The sight of him gave her a turning stomach so bad that she felt sick. She thought out loud; was he out of his mind? Nick was determined to kill him if he is to find out that he was outside. She opened the door and walked outside to meet Jonathan.

“Are fucking crazy? What are you doing here? He will kill you if he sees you here. Do you want me to call the police or what? I told you never to come back here. Jonathan. What is going on?” she whispered.

Jonathan was very happy to see Karolina come outside. That brought some memories of the time they had together. The peak of their love. Karolina felt a warm nice feeling running down her spine. For a while she got lost as well. She felt Jonathan’s love for her the days they were together. That was such a romantic time. Instantly without thought Jonathan carried Karolina into the air and swung around carrying her.

“Put me down. What are you doing? Jonathan. Put me down.” She struggled at first before she started laughing secretly hanging onto him. She remembered the best times they had. She enjoyed that here and there especially now. Something Nick would never do. He was a gentleman not some crazy-in-love lunatic like Jonathan. She looked at Jonathan’s face. For the first time in a long time his face shone with much happiness. She also remembered how excited his face became every time he talked about having kids with her. She also remembered how she has done everything to stop having a family early. She wanted to enjoy a kid-free-life. Nick was just lucky. He came at the right time and took the opportunity.

“I have some good news.”

“What good news Jonathan?”

He looked at her while still lifting her up. She could still see the glittering in his eyes. The excitement and joy expressed on his face. She felt like she had just told him that she was pregnant. Somehow the pair found kissing and snogging each other.

“No! We can’t do this. Put me down now before Nick comes out and shoot you.

“We can be together again.”

She looked shocked and surprised at the same time. She wore a disbelieving face and looked at him.

“What? Are you fucking crazy? Where will Nick be? There can never be us again. The baby is not yours.”

“I know I will look after you and our baby.”

She could see the excitement in Jonathan’s eyes. She remembered the best times they had. This is the man she fell in love with. Jonathan was very passionate and very crazy-in-love. She knew and remembered so many times he had lifted her up high in the air. It was romantic and very wonderful. She got lost in the heat of things too. Soon after the couple found snogging each other.

“I will look after you and our baby. I found a way, so we can be together again.”

“What are you talking about there can never be you and me again? I am with Nick now. Okay?”

“You once loved me. We can be together again Karo my love.”

“Jonathan. I am with Nick.”

“Nick! Nick? You mean that heart-thief.”

Karolina wriggled holding and pushing away Jonathan’s shoulders.

“I said put me down.”

“Okay. Okay. I will put you down gently, there you go.”

“We can be together again Karo my love.”

Jonathan smiled. He held Karolina passionately and tried to kiss her.

“Why are you acting like a crazy fool?”

Jonathan stood there for a while. He looked troubled and afraid for a minute or two. He walked very close to Karolina who was walking away back to the house. He leaped forward holding her before she turns around.

“Listen to me Karo my love. Stay away from Nick. I don’t know yet what he wants from you but whatever it is it’s not good. I am sure he stole my love for you. Until I figure out what is going on can you please stay away from him. Promise me Karo.”

He held Karolina’s shoulder and looked at her straight into her shining blue eyes. Instantly the noise of the door opening sends both into a frightened state. A strong trembling voice cut through the otherwise silent night.

“Stay away from my love before I blow your brains out.”

Karolina leaped in front of Jonathan.

“Nick don’t shoot him! He came to tell me that he is going away. Okay, Jonathan?”

She turned and looked at Jonathan.

Jonathan looked upset and annoyed. He just looked at Karolina with a face that seemed to ask, what?

“I am not going anywhere. He is.”

He looked at Nick with piercing eyes.

“What? And where am I going?” asked Nick a bit surprised and angry at the same time.

“To hell where you belong. You son of a beast! We were happy before you came.”

“Sorry the baby is mine. Start walking away right now.”

“Or else what? You, heart-thief?”

He pulled a gun too and aimed at Nick before a scream frightened both tearing the silent night. The barking of a dog introduced a break between the men’s conversation for a while. The two men stood face-to-face guns in the hands. Karolina hysterically tried to stop the two men shooting each other.

“We were happy before you came. I had love for Karo. Life was great. We were always happy. We had everything we needed.”

Nick laughed sarcastically and that annoyed Jonathan who instantly reacted by stretching his arm and holding the gun firm.

“What’s funny? You think this is a joke? Maybe shoot you first.”

“You just didn’t understand her. Even now you don’t know her that well.”

“What are you talking about?”

“She never wanted all that. She wanted a man who really loves her. A man who can start a family with her. Not some crazy fool who don’t even love her.”

Jonathan’s face creased with rage. He shook with anger as he pointed the gun at Nick. Karolina’s scream pierced the night. Across the road a light in one of the bedrooms came on diverting the focus and attention of the two men.

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